Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium

@ = the article is available online

How to find an article on the reading list

The main book of the course is:

Grusky, D. B. (ed.) (2014). Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press.


1: Introduction

Grusky, D. B. & Wiesshaar, K. R. (2014) "Ch. 1a: The Questions We Ask About Inequality" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 1-16). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [17 pages]

Davis, K. (2014 [1945]) "Ch. 2: Some Principles of Stratification" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 28-30). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. (3 pages]

Tumin, M. M. (2014 [1953]) "Ch. 3: Some Principles of Stratification: A Critical Analysis" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 31-38). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [8 pages]

Pathways, State of the Union 2016-report, Stanford Center for Poverty and Inequality

@Grusky, D. B., Mattingly, M.B., & Varner, E. B. (2016). "Executive Summary" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 3-9. [7 pages]

@Hout, M. (2016). "Labor Markets" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 10-14. [5 pages] @Gornick, J.C. & J?ntti, M. (2013). "Poverty" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 15-24. [10 pages]

@Jusko, K. (2016). "Safety Net" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 25-31. [7 pages]

@Fisher, J. & Smeeding, T. M. (2016). "Income Inequality" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 32-38. [7 pages]

@Zucman, G. (2016). "Wealth Inequality" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 39-45. [7 pages]

@Chiemelewski, A. K. & Reardon, S. F. (2016). "Education" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 45-50. [6 pages]

@Corak, M. (2016). "Economic Mobility" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 51-58. [8 pages]

@Beckfield, J. & Morris, K. (2016). "Health" Pathways, State of the Union 2016: 51-58. (8 pages)

@Lichter, D. T., Parisi, D., & de Valk, H. (2016). "Residential Segregation." Pathways, State of the Union 2016:65-75. [11 pages]

Esping-Andersen, G. & Myles, J. (2014) "Ch. 6: The Welfare State and Redistribution" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 52-58). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [7 pages]


 2-3: Structures of inequality and trends in comparative perspective

    Grusky, D. & Weisshaar, K. R. (2014) "Ch. 5. A Compressed History of Inequality" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 44-51). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [7 pages]

  Bell, D. (2014) "Ch. 123: The Coming of Post-Industrial Society" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 1066-1077). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [11 pages]

Esping-Andersen, G. (2014) "Ch. 124: Social Foundations of Post-Industrial Economies" in David B. Grusky  (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 1078-1090). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [13 pages]

@ McCall, L. & Percheski, C. (2010). “Income Inequality: New Trends and Research Directions” Annual Review of Sociology, 36, 329-347. [22 pages]

@Alderson, A. S. & Nielsen, F. (2002) Globalization and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality Trends in 16 OECD Countries. American Journal of Sociology, 107: 1244-1299. [56 pages]

Atkinson, A. B., Piketty, T., & Saez, E. (2014) "Ch. 7: Top Incomes in the Long Run of History" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 59-72). 4thed. Boulder: Westview Press. [14 pages]

@Autor, D. (2014) "Skills, education, and the rise of earnings inequality among ‘the other 99 percent’" in Science 344(6186): 843–851. [9 pages]

Firebaugh, G. (2014) "Ch. 132: The New Geography of Global Income Inequality" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 1139-1150). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [12 pages]

Treiman, D. J. (2014 [1976]) “Ch. 24. Occupational Prestige in Comparative Perspective” in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 233-236). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [4 pages]

*Goldthorpe, J. H. (2007) “Social Class and the Differentiation of Employment Contracts” in John Goldthorpe: On Sociology. Volume Two—Illustration and Retrospect (Pp. 101-124) 2nd ed. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press. [24 sider]

@Chan, T. W. & J. H. Goldthorpe (2007) "Class and Status: The Conceptual Distinction and its Empirical Relevance" American Sociological Review, 72 (4): 512–532. [21 pages]


4-5: Labor market inequality: Human capital, matching and discrimination 

  *Borjas, G. J. (2013) Labor Economics, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies. Pp: 1-10 (Introduction); 235-240 (Human Capital); 276-279 (The Mincer earnings function) [19 pages]

S?rensen, A. B. & Kalleberg, A. L. "Ch. 71: An Outline of a Theory of the Matching of Persons to Jobs" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 632-639). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press [9 pages]

*Stovel, K. & C. Fountain (2010). "Matching." I: P. Hedstr?m og P. Bearman (red.) Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. Oxford University Press, pp. 365-390. [25 pages]

Granovetter, M. S. (2014) ?Ch. 74. The Strength of Weak Ties" " in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 653-657). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [5 pages]

Lin, N. (2014) "Ch, 75: Social Networks and Status Attainment"" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 657-659). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [3 pages]

*England, P. (1992). Comparable Worth: Theory and Evidence. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Excerpt, 54-68. [15 pages]

Reskin, B. (2014). “Ch. 98: Rethinking Employment Discrimination and Its Remedies” in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 849-858). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [10 pages]

Petersen, T. (2014) ?Ch. 99: Discrimination: Conscious or Nonconscious?? in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 858-864). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [7 pages]

Bertrand, M., & S. Mullainathan (2014) "Ch. 86: Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 747-751). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [5 pages]

@ Birkelund, G.E.; Heggeb?, K. & Rogstad, J. (2017). Additive or Multiplicative Disadvantage? The Scarring Effects of Unemployment for Ethnic Minorities. European Sociological Review, 33(1): 17-29. [13 pages]


6-7: Social origin, education and intergenerational mobility

Breen, R., Luuijkx, R. Müller, W. & Pollak R. (2014). "Ch. 62: Nonpersistent Inequality in Educational Attainment" " in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 551-561). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [12 pages]

Jonsson, J. O., Grusky, D. B., Di Carlo, M., & Pollak, R. (2014). "Ch 55: It’s a Decent Bet Our Children Will Be Professors Too" " in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 480-495). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [16 pages]

@Mastekaasa, A. (2011) "Social Origins and Labour Market Success – Stability and Change over Norwegian Birth Cohorts 1950–1969." European Sociological Review 27(1):1-15. [15 pages]

Lareau, A. (2014) ?Ch. 116. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life? in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 1013-1022). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [11 pages]

@Nielsen, F, & Roos, J. M. "Genetics of Educational Attainment and the Persistence of Privilege at the Turn of the 21st Century." Social Forces 94 (2): 535-561. [27 pages]

  *Erikson, R. & Jonsson, J. O. (1996) “Explaining Class Inequality in Education: The Swedish Test Case,” in Erikson, J. & Jonsson, J. O. (eds.) Can Education Be Equalized? (Pp. 1-64) Boulder: Westview Press. [64 pages]

@Torche, Florencia. 2015. “Intergenerational Mobility and Equality of Opportunity,” European Journal of Sociology 56(3): 343–371. [28 pages]

  Heckman, J. (2014) "Ch. 48: Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 412-416). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [5 pages]

  Jackson, Michelle (2014) "Ch. 63. Determined to Succeed" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 562-569). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [8 pages]

@Bihagen, E., Nermo, M., Stern, C. and ?berg, Y. (2017) “Elite mobility among college graduated men in Sweden: Skills, personality and family ties,” Acta Sociologica, First published date: January-06-2017 doi: 10.1177/0001699316684004 [18 pages]

8-9: Immigrant integration/Assimilation and ethnic straification

Alba, R., and Nee, V. (2014) "Ch. 83: Assimilation Theory for an Era of Unprecedented Diversity" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 721-728). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [8 pages]

Portes, A. & Zhou, M. (2014) "Ch. 84: The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants" in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 729-740). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [11 pages]

@Heath, A. F., Rothon, C. & Kilpi, E. (2008). “The Second Generation in Western Europe: Education, Unemployment, and Occupational Attainment.” Annual Review of Sociology, 34: 211–35. [25 pages]

@Ichou, M. (2014). "Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment." European Sociological Review 30:750-765. [16 pages]

@Hermansen, A. S., & Birkelund, G.E. (2015). "The Impact of Immigrant Classmates on Educational Outcomes." Social Forces 94(2):615-642. [32 pages]

@Hermansen, A. S. (2016). "Moving Up or Falling Behind? Intergenerational Socioeconomic Transmission among Children of Immigrants in Norway." European Sociological Review 32(5): 675-689. [15 pages]

  @Kogan, I. (2006). Labor Markets and Economic Incorporation among Recent Immigrants in Europe. Social Forces, 85(2), 697-721. [24 pages]

@Alba, R. & Foner, N. (2016). “Integration’s challenges and opportunities in the Wealthy West,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(1), 3-22. [20 pages]

  Jiménez, T. (2014). “Ch. 85: Why Replenishment Strengthens Racial and Ethnic Boundaries,” " in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 740-746). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [7 pages]

@Massey, D. S. (2016) “Segregation and the Perpetuation of Disadvantage” in David Brady & Linda M. Burton (eds.) Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty. (Pp. 369-393) Oxford: Oxford University Press. [24 pages]


10-11: Gender Equality: Education, work, and family

@Buchmann, C. & DiPrete, T. A. (2006) "The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion: The Role of Family Background and Academic Achievement," American Sociological Review, 71: 515-541. [26 pages]

*Charles, M. and Grusky, D. B. (2004) "The Four Puzzles of Sex Segregation." I: Charles & Grusky (red.) Occupational Ghettos (ch. 1). Stanford: Stanford University Press. [35 pages]

@Petersen, T., A. M. Penner, and G. H?gsnes (2014) From Motherhood Penalties to Husband Premia: The New Challenge for Gender Equality and Family Policy, Lessons from Norway, American Journal of Sociology, 119: 1434-1472. [39 pages]

@Charles, M. (2011). A world of difference: international trends in women's economic status. Annual Review of Sociology, 37, 355-371. [17 pages]

*Polachek, S. (2012) "A Human Capital Account of the Gender Pay Gap", in Grusky, Davis & Tamar Kricheli- Katz (eds.) The New Gilded Age. Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time. Stanford University Press, pp. 161-188 [27 pages]

*Blau, F. D. (2012) "The Sources of the Gender Pay Gap", in Grusky, Davis & Tamar Kricheli-Katz (eds.) The New Gilded Age. Critical Inequality Debates of Our Time. Stanford University Press, pp 189-208 [19 pages]

*Harkness, S. (2013) "Women’s Employment and Household Income Inequality", in Gornick & J?ntti (eds): Income Inequality, Stanford University Press, pp 207-230 [23 pages]

Hochschild, A. R. (2014). “Ch. 92: The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work” " in David B. Grusky (ed.) Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (Pp. 803-807). 4th ed. Boulder: Westview Press. [5 pages]


Total: 992 pages

Published May 18, 2017 1:33 PM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2017 7:50 AM