
Pensumbidrag market med * finnes i eget kompendium.

* Bourdieu, Pierre (2000), Den maskuline dominans. Kap III (s.90-120).

* Brown, Philip (1997): "Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion: Some Observations on Recent Trends in Education, Employment, and the Labour Market." Kap. 48 fra Halsey mfl. (red.) Education. Culture, Economy, Society, s. 736-750. (15 sider)

* Coleman, James S. (1988): "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital." American Journal of Sociology, 94, Supplement, S95-S120. (26 sider)

* Crompton, Rosemary (2000), "The gendered restructuring of the middle classes: Employment and caring". I: Crompton, Rosemary m.fl (red).Cromption, R. Renewing class analysis. Blackwell Publishers/The Sociological Review (s. 165-183)

* Danielsen, Arild (1998): "Kulturell kapital i Norge." Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 1-2, 75-106. (32 sider)

* Devine, Fiona (2004), Class Practices: How Parents Help their Children Get Good Jobs. Kap 1 & 6.( s. 1-17, 120-145)

* Erikson, Robert og Jan O. Jonsson (1996): "Introduction: Explaining Class Inequality in Education: The Swedish Test Case." I Erikson, R. og J.O. Jonsson (eds.) Can education be equalized?, s. 1-65. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (65 sider)

* Farkas, George (2003): "Cognitive Skills and Noncognitive Traits and Behaviors in Stratifaction Processes." Annual Review of Sociology, 29, 541-562. (22 sider)

* Goldthorpe, John (1996): "Problems of Meritocracy." I Erikson, R. og J.O. Jonsson (eds.) Can education be equalized?, s. 255-287. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (32 sider)

Goldthorpe, J. H (2002). "Occupational sociology, yes: Class analysis, no: Comment on Grusky and Weeden's research agenda". Acta Sociologica 45: 211–217.

* Lamont, Michele (1992): Money, Morals, and Manners. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Kap 1 & 7, s. 1-23 & 174-192. (43 sider)

* Lauglo, Jon (2000): "Social Capital Trumping Class and Cultural Capital? Engagement with school among immigrant youth." I Baron (eds.) Social Capital: Critical Perspectives, s. 142-167. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (25 sider)

* Marshall, Gordon m.fl. (1996), "Social Class and Underclass in Britain and the USA". British Journal of Sociology 47: 22-44.

* Mehan, Hugh (1992): "Understanding Inequality in School. The Contribution of Interpretive Studies."Sociology of Education, 65, 1-20. (21 sider)

* Portes, Alejandro & Rubén Rumbaut (2001): "Segmented Assimilation and its Determinants" Kap.3 fra Portes, A. & R. Rumbaut, Legacies, s 44-69. (26 sider)

* Ringdal, Kristen (2004), "Social Mobility in Norway 1973-95". Kap 10 i Breen, Richard (red.) (2004), Social Mobility in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (s. 251-267).

* Silva, Elixabeth B. (2005), "Gender, home and family in cultural capital theory". British Journal of Sociology 56: 83-102.

Wilson, William Julius (1987), The Truly Disadvantaged. The Inner City, The Underclass and Public Policy. Kap. 1 (s.3-19). NB: leveres ut siden til studenter

* Wright, E. O. (1997) Class counts. Kap 10, "Individuals, families and class analysis" (28 s.)

Wright, E. O. red. (2005) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (206 s.)

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Published Apr. 25, 2006 12:58 AM - Last modified June 6, 2006 1:42 PM