SOS4013 - Pensum/l?ringskrav

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Ulikhet og mobilitet: Perspektiver p? samfunnsendring og drivkreftene bak

* Goldthorpe, John H. (2000) "Class analysis and the reorientation of class theory: the case of persisting differentials in educational attainment." Kapittel 8 i On Sociology, Numbers, narratives, and the Integration of Research and Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.161-181.

@ Grusky, David B. and Alair MacLean, The Social Fallout of a High-Inequality Regime. ANNALS, AAPSS, 663, January 2016: 33-51.

@Atkinson, Anthony B., Thomas Piketty, and Emmanuel Saez. 2011. “Top Incomes in the Long Run of History.” Journal of Economic Literature 2011, 49:1, 3–71, no. 1.

* Wright, Erik Olin (2008) "Logics of Class Analysis." Kapittel 11 i Lareau & Conley (eds) Social Class, How does it work?, s. 329-350.


Utdanning og ulikhet: kulturelle perspektiver

* Goldthorpe, John H. (2000) "Class analysis and the reorientation of class theory: the case of persisting differentials in educational attainment." Kapittel 8 i On Sociology, Numbers, narratives, and the Integration of Research and Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s.161-181.

*Khan, Shamus Rahman (2011) Privelege. The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School. Kap 1 & Kap 3. Til sammen ca, 50 sider.

 *Lareau, A. (2003). Unequal childhoods: Class, race and family life. Berkeley, CA: University of California. 2nd edition.  Kap 1Concerted Cultivation and the Accomplishment of Natural Growth Kap 2.Social Structure and Daily Life ( Ca. 30 s.)

@ Lareau, A. and Weininger, E. B. (2003) “Cultural capital in educational research: a critical assessment.” I Theory and Society, 32, issue 5-6, s. 567–606.



* White, S (2007) "Meritocracy". Kapittel 3 i Whites Equality, Cambridge: Polity Press, s.53-77 + noter s. 164-166.

 *Goldthorpe, John (1996) Problems of Meritocracy. I: Erikson, Robert og Janne Jonnson (1996), Can education be equalized? Boulder, Coloradi: Westview Press. S. 255-287.

@Saunders, Peter. "Meritocracy and popular legitimacy." The Political Quarterly 77.s1 (2006): 183-194.

@ Swift, A (2004) ”Would Perfect Mobility be Perfect?” I European Sociological Review, Vol. 20 (1), s.1-11.


Grunnleggende perspektiver  i klasseanalyse

 @Olin Wright, Erik (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Marxist  class analysis”, kap. 1 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (26 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

  @Breen, Richard (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Weberian class analysis”, kap. 2 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (20 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internet

@ Bourdieu, P. Social Space and Symbolic Power. Sociological Theory, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring, 1989), pp. 14-25

  @Weininger, Elliot B. (2005): “Foundations of a Pierre Bourdieu’s class analysis”, kap. 4 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (36 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@Grusky, David B. og Gabriela Galescu 2005 Foundations of a neo-Durkheimian class analysis Kapittel 3 i Erik Olin Wright (ed): Approaches to Class Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 152-179.


Diskusjoner av nyere perspektiver p? klasse

@ Savage, Mike m fl. (2013) “A New Model of Social Class? Findings from the BBC’s Great British Class Survey Experiment Sociology,Vol. 47 (2), s.219-250.

 @Mills, Colin. "The great British class fiasco: A comment on Savage et al." Sociology 48.3 (2014): 437-444.

 @ Jonsson, Jan O., et al. "Microclass Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries 1." American Journal of Sociology 114.4 (2009): 977-1036.

 @ Goldthorpe, John H. "Occupational sociology, yes: Class analysis, no: Comment on Grusky and Weeden's research agenda." Acta Sociologica 45.3 (2002): 211-217.

@Pakulski, Jan (2005) "Foundations of a post-class analysis." Kapittel 6 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s.152-179. 


Kulturell kapital i endring?

 * Bourdieu, P. (1984) “The habitus and the space of life-styles.” Kapittel 3 i Distinction. A social critique of the judgement of taste. Engelsk utgave, oversatt av Richard Nice. London: Routledge, s.169-200.

* Elster, Jon (1981) "Snobs". I London Review of Books, Vol. 3 (20) (3 trykte sider, tilsvarer 10 pensumsider)

 @ Annick Prieur & Mike Savage (2013) EMERGING FORMS OF CULTURAL

CAPITAL, European Societies, 15:2, 246-267, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2012.748930

Obs: Artiklene tom. Lizardo, Omar krever innlogging.


@ Goldthorpe, John H. (2007) “Cultural Capital”: Some Critical Observations”. I Sociologica 2007/2, (23 sider) s. 1-23 @

@ Lizardo, Omar (2008), “Comment on John Goldthorpe/ 5. Three Cheers for Unorginality”. I Sociologica 2008/1. (15 sider)

@ Chan, T.W. and Goldthorpe, J.H. (2007) “Social Stratification and Cultural Consumption: Music in England.” I European Sociological Review Vol. 23(1), s.1–19.


Sosial og kulturell grensesetting

 @Lamont, Michele and Virag Molnar  THE STUDY OF BOUNDARIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2002. 28:167–95 doi:  10.1146/annurev.soc.28.110601.141107

@ Skarpenes, O. (2007) "Den legitime kulturens moralske forankring". I Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Vol. 48 (4), s.531-564.

@ Skogen, Ketil, Stefansen, Kari, Krange, Olve & Strandbu, ?se (2008): "En pussig utlegning av middelklassens selvforst?else. En kommentar til Ove Skarpenes." I Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Vol. 49 (2), s.259-264.


Egalit?r kultur i Norge?

@ Ljunggren, J?rn (2015) Elitist Egalitarianism: Negotiating Identity in the Norwegian Cultural Elite. Sociology 2015 (16 s.)

* Danielsen, Arild (1998): "Kulturell kapital i Norge." I Sosiologisk tidsskrift (1-2), 75-106.

@ Skarpenes, O. (2007) "Den legitime kulturens moralske forankring". I Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Vol. 48 (4), s.531-564.

@ Skogen, Ketil, Stefansen, Kari, Krange, Olve & Strandbu, ?se (2008): "En pussig utlegning av middelklassens selvforst?else. En kommentar til Ove Skarpenes." I Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Vol. 49 (2), s.259-264.

@ Prieur, A., Rosenlund, L., Skjott-Larsen, J. (2008) "Cultural capital today. A case study from Denmark." Poetics Vol. 36 (1), s.45-71.


Hvorfor oppst?r boligsegregregering - og hva er konsekvensene?

  @Massey, Douglas S. "Segregation and the Perpetuation of Disadvantage." The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty (2016): 369-388.

 *Wessel, Terje (2017) Det todelte Oslo – etniske minoriteter i ?st og vest . S.79-98 i Ljunggren, J?rn (red.) Oslo – Ulikhetenes by. Oslo: Cappelen Damm

 *Wessel, Terje og Ingar Brattbakk (2017) Nabolagets effekt: Kva er problematisk med boligsegregering?. S.291-308 i Ljunggren, J?rn (red.) Oslo – Ulikhetenes by. Oslo: .

@“A Janus-Faced Institution of Ethnoracial Closure: A Sociological Specification of the Ghetto.” Pp. 1-31 in Ray Hutchison and Bruce Haynes (eds.), The Ghetto: Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies, Boulder, Westview, 2011. PDF p? nett

Finnes det en underklasse?

@“A Janus-Faced Institution of Ethnoracial Closure: A Sociological Specification of the Ghetto.” Pp. 1-31 in Ray Hutchison and Bruce Haynes (eds.), The Ghetto: Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies, Boulder, Westview, 2011. PDF p? nett

@ Wright, E.O. (1994)”The Class Analysis Of Poverty”. Kapittel 2 i Interrogating Inequality, London/New York: Verso.

* Wilson, William Julius  (2006) “Social Theory and the Concept ‘Underclass.’” Kapittel 5 i Grusky & Kanbur (ed) Poverty and inequality, Stanford: Stanford University Press, s.103-117.

@Jessi Streib, Juhi Verma, Whitney E. Welsh, and Linda M. Burton Life, Death, and Resurrections: The Culture and Poverty Perspective. The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty (2016): 247-269.

@Wiborg, ?yvind Nicolay, and Marianne Nordli Hansen. "Change over time in the intergenerational transmission of social disadvantage." European Sociological Review 25.3 (2009): 379-394.


Hva er eliter?

@ Khan, Shamus (2012) The Sociology of Elites. I Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 38, s.361-377.

 @ Ljunggren, J?rn (2015) Elitist Egalitarianism: Negotiating Identity in the Norwegian Cultural Elite. Sociology 2015 (16 s.)

@ Savage, Mike and Karel Williams(2008) “Elites: remembered in capitalism and forgotten by social sciences”. I The Sociological Review Vol. 56 (1, supplement), s.1-24.

@Hansen, Marianne Nordli. 2014. “Self-Made Wealth or Family Wealth? Changes in Intergenerational Wealth Mobility.” Social Forces 93(2):457–81.


Til sammen ca. 970 sider

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Publisert 18. mai 2017 13:26 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2017 08:54