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Seminar 1: Organisasjoner: handlingsbetingelser, ledelse og strategi

Teorifordypning i organisasjons- og arbeidssosiologi

Kursleder: Trygve Gulbrandsen

Generell bok

Ahrne, G?ran (1994) Social organizations. Interactions inside, outside, and between organizations, kap 1-5 (113 sider)

Hva er organisasjonssosiologi?

@ Scott, W. Richard (2004), ”Reflections on a Half-Century of Organizational Sociology” in Annual Review of Sociology, 30:1-21. (21 sider) Tilgjengelig online

Ahrne, kap 1-3.

Grunnelementer i organisasjonsteori

Ahrne, kap 5

* Williamson, Oliver (1975), “Peer Groups and Simple Hierarchies.” Kap. 3 i Markets and Hierarchies. New York: The Free Press, s. 41-56. (16 sider)

* March, James og Johan P. Olsen, red. (1976), “People, Problems, Solutions and the Ambiguity of Relevance.” Kap. 2 i Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 24-37. (14 sider)

* Petersen, Trond (1993), ”Recent developments in the economics of organization: principal-agent relationships.” Acta Sociologica, 36:277-293. (17 sider) Tilgjengelig online

Frivillige organisasjoner

* Anheier, Helmut (2005), ”Theoretical Approaches”. I Non-profit Organizations. Theory, Management, Policy. London: Routledge, s. 113-138 (25 sider)

@ Gulbrandsen, Trygve og Guro ?deg?rd (2011), Frivillige organisasjoner i en ny tid. Utfordringer og endringsprosesser, kap. 2-4. Oslo: Institutt for samfunnsforskning, rapport 2011:1. (45 sider) Tilgjengelig online

Sosiale bevegelser

* Seippel, ?rnulf (2003), “Sosiale bevegelser: Innf?ring, oversikt, utfordringer”. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 11:181-202 (22 sider) Tilgjengelig online

* Tarrow, Sidney (1988) ”Framing Contention” I Power in movement, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 106-122 (17 sider)

* Messel, Jan (2010), “Hvordan gj?re forskjell p? folk?” I Idar Helle, Knut Kjeldstadli og Jardar S?rvoll, red., Historier om motstand. Kollektive bevegelser i det 20. ?rhundret. Oslo: Abstrakt, s. 245-266 (22 sider).

* Smith, Jackie (2005), ”Globalization and Transnational Social Movement Organizations”. I G. Davis, Doug McAdam, Richard Scott, Mayer Zald, red., Social Movements and Organization Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 226-248 (23 sider)

S?rtrekk ved offentlig sektor

* Christensen, T. M. Egeberg, H.O. Larsen, P. L?greid, P.G. Roness (2007), ”Forvaltningspolitkk og New Public Management”. I Forvaltning og politikk. Kapittel 6. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (22 sider)

* March, James og Johan P. Olsen (1989) “Rules and the Institutionalization of Action” og “Interpretation and the Institutionalization of Meaning.” Kap. 2 og 3 i Rediscovering Institutions. The Organizational Basis of Politics. New York: The Free Press., s. 21- 52. (32 sider)

* Lipsky, Michael (1980), Street Level Bureaucracy. New York: Russel Sage, kap. 1 og 2, s. 3 - 25 (23 sider)

Organisasjoner i sine omgivelser

Arhe, kap 4

* Davis, Gerald F. (2005), “Firms and environments”. I Smelser, N.J. og R. Swedberg, red., The Handbook of Economic Sociology. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, s. 478-502. (25 sider)

* DiMaggio, W.W. og P.J. Powell (1983), "The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizations". American Sociological Review. 48:147-160. (14 sider) Tilgjengelig online

@ Meyer, John W. og Brian Rowan, “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony.” American Journal of Sociology, 83:340-363. (24 sider) Tilgjengelig online

Organisasjoner i politiske kontekster - komparative perspektiver

* Dobbin, Frank (1994), ”Why the Economy Reflects the Polity: Early Rail Policy in Britain, France, and the United States”. I Mark Granovetter og Richard Swedberg, red., The Sociology of Economic Life. Boulder: Westview, s. 401-424. (24 sider)

* Sejersted, Francis (2001), “Capitalism and Democracy: A Comparison between Norway and Sweden”. I Haldor Byrkjeflot, Sissel Myklebust, Christine Myrvang og Francis Sejersted, red. The Democratic Challenge to Capitalism. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, s. 87-119. (32 sider)

* Hall, P. & Soskice, D. (2001), “An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism.” I P. Hall & D. Soskice, (red.), Varieties of Capitalism. s. 1-68. (68 sider).

Markeder og organisasjoner

* Swedberg, Richard (2005), ”Markets in Society”. I Smelser, N.J. og R. Swedberg, red., The Handbook of Economic Sociology. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, s. 233-253. (21 sider)

* Fligstein, Neil (2001), The Architecture of Markets. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. Kapittel 2 og 3, s. 27-66. (40 sider)


* Byrkjeflot, Haldor (2003), “Nordic Management: From Functional Socialism to Shareholder Value?” I Barbara Czarniawska og Guje Sévon, red. The Northern Lights. Organization Theory in Scandinavia. Malm?: Liber, s. 17-40 (23 sider)

* Mintzberg, Henry (1980), “Some Distinguishing Characteristics of Managerial Work”. Kap. 3 i The nature of managerial work. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, s. 28-53 (25 sider).

* Kanter, Rosabeth Moss (1977), ”Managers”. I Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books, s. 47-68 (22 sider)

* S?rhaug, Tian (1996), Det personliges sosiologi: organisering, makt og magi. Kap. 2 i Om ledelse. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 45-69. (25 sider)

* Alvesson, Mats og Yvonne Due Billing (2009) ”Women in management I”. In Mats Alvesson og Yvonne Billing, Understanding Gender and Organization, s. 143-163. (20 sider)

Organisasjonseliter og sosial struktur

@ Engelstad, Fredrik (2010), "Democratic Elitism – Conflict and Consensus”. I H. Best og J. Higley, red., Democratic Elitism: New Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. S. 61-78 (17 sider) Tilgjengelig online

@ Gulbrandsen, Trygve og Fredrik Engelstad (2005), ”Elite consensus on the Norwegian welfare state model.” West European Politics. 28:899-919. (20 sider) Tilgjengelig online

* Gulbrandsen, Trygve og Ursula Hoffmann-Lange (2007), "Consensus or Polarization? Business and labor Elites in Germany and Norway" Comparative Social Research, 23:103-135 (32 sider).

Seminar 2: Teoretiske perspektiver i kulturstudier


Spillman, Lyn. 2002. Cultural Sociology. London: Blackwell. (Spillman)

Griswold, Wendy. 2008. Cultures and Societies in a Changing World, third edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. (CSCW)


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Hva er kultur? Mening, spontanitet, hensikt

Spillman, Lyn, “Introduction: Culture and Cultural Sociology”, pp. 1-16 i Spillman.

@ Griswold, Wendy. 1987. “A Methodological Framework for the Sociology of Culture”. Sociological Methodology 1987, pp. 1-35 Tilgjengelig online

* Hobsbawm, Eric. 1983. “Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe 1870-1914”. I Eric Hobsbawm & Terence Ranger", red., The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 263-308.

Williams, Raymond, “Base and Superstructure”, pp. 56-62 i Spillman.


Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 1, pp. 1-20.

En fersk debatt om grunnlagsproblemer i kulturforskningen

@ Habermas, J: “The Language Game of Responsible Agency and the Problem of Free Will: How can epistemic dualism be reconciled with ontological monism?” i Philosophical Explorations, 10(1),s. 13-50. tilgjengelig online

@ Skarpenes, O. 2007. ”Den ‘legitime kulturens’ moralske forankring.” Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 48(4): 531-563. 32 s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Skarpenes, O. & R. Sakslind. 2008. ”Kulturforskning og empirisk analyse. Svar til Skogen m.fl.” Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49(2): 265-273. 9 s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Skogen, K., K. Stefansen, O. Krange & ?. Strandbu. 2008. ”En pussig utlegning av middelklassens selvforst?else.” Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49(2): 259-264. 6 s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Skogen, K., K. Stefansen, O. Krange & ?. Strandbu. 2008. "Sluttreplikk til Skarpenes og Sakslind". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49(3): 435-439. 5 s. Tilgjengelig online

Individuelle produksjoner

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 2, pp. 21 – 48.

@: Beer, D. & R. Burrows. 2007. "Sociology and, of and in Web 2.0: Some Initial Considerations." i Sociological Research Online 12(5)17.Tilgjengelig online

* Daloz, Jean-Pascal. 2003. Ostentation in comparative perspective: Culture and elite legitimation. Comparative Social Research, 21, pp. 29-62.

* Kj?lsr?d, L. 2004. ”Om kalde dukker, noble sverd og erobrende sprang–metaforisk kommunikasjon i spesialisert lek”, i I. Fr?nes & T. Schou Wetlesen (eds.) Dialog, selv og samfunn. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag, pp. 87-112.

@ Swidler, Ann. 1986. “Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies.” American Sociological Review 51: 273-86. Tilgjengelig online

* Weber, Max. “The Social Psychology of World Religions.” From Max Weber, pp. 280–301.

Kollektive produksjoner

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 3, pp. 49 – 72.

Becker, Howard S., “Art Worlds,” pp. 178 – 188 in Spillman.

* Collins, Randall. 2004. “The Program of Interaction Ritual Theory.” In Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 3-46.

@ Kj?lsr?d, L. 2009. “How Innocent is our Scientific Vocabulary? Rethinking Recent Sociological Conceptualisations of Complex Leisure”, Sociology 43 (2), pp. 371-387. Tilgjengelig online

Wuthnow, Robert. “Communities of Discourse”, pp. 329-340 in Spillman

Kulturindustri og offentlighet

* Gramsci, Antonio. 1971. ”The Study of Philosophy: Some Preliminary Points of Reference”. I Selections from the Prison Notebooks. London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 323-343.

* Habermas, Jürgen. 1971 [1962]. ”Offentlighetens soosiale strukturforvandling. I Borgerlig offentlighet. Oslo: Gyldendal, pp. 131-168.

Horkheimer, Max og T.W. Adorno, ”The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception”, pp. 39-46 i Spillman.

Schudson, Michael, ”How Culture Works: Perspectives from Media Studies on the Efficacy of Symbols”, pp. 141-148 i Spillman.

Kultur og subkultur. Kulturell motstand og konflikt

* Clarke, J., S. Hall, T. Jefferson & B. Roberts. 2005 [1975]. “Subcultures, Cultures and Class.” I K. Gelder (Ed.), The Subcultures Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 94-104. 11 s.

* Hebdige, D. 2005 [1979]. “Subculture. The Meaning of Style.” I K. Gelder, red., The Subcultures Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 121-131. 11s.

* Skogen, K., I. Mauz & O. Krange. 2008. “Cry Wolf! Narratives of Wolf Recovery in France and Norway”. Rural Sociology, 73(1), 105-133. 29 s.

Identiteter og bevegelser

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 5, pp. 99 – 118.

Eliasoph, Nina. “Close to Home: The Work of Avoiding Politics,” pp. 130-140 in Spillman.

* Polletta, Francesca. 2006. "It Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics." Ch. 2, pp. 32 – 52.

* della Porta, Donatella, Massimiliano Andretta, Lorenzo Mosca, and Herbert Reiter. “Master Frame, Activists’ Ideas, and Collective Identity”, in Globalization from Below. Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press. Ch. 3, pp. 61-91.

Kultur og integrasjon

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 7, pp. 143 – 164.

@ Lizardo, Omar. 2006. “How Cultural Tastes Shape Personal Networks.” American Sociological Review 71: 778–807. Tilgjengelig online

Simmel, Georg. “The Metropolis and Mental Life,” pp. 28 – 38 in Spillman.

Kultur og makt

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 8, pp. 165-180.

Bourdieu, Pierre, “Cultural Power”, pp. 69-76 i Spillman.

* Geertz, Clifford. 1983. ”Centers, Kings, and Charisma: Reflections on the Symbolics of Power.” In Local Knowledge. Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. New York: Basic Books, pp. 121-146.

* Engelstad, Fredrik. 2009. “Culture and Power”. I Stewart Clegg og Mark Haugaard, red., The SAGE Handbook of Power. London: Sage, pp. 210-239. 29 s.

* Krogstad, A. & Aa. Storvik. 2007. “Seductive heroes and ordinary human beings. Charismatic political leadership in France and Norway.” Comparative Social Research 23, 213?245. 33s.

Smak og symbolske grenser

Griswold, Wendy. CSCW, Chapter 4, pp. 73 – 98.

@ Peterson, Richard A. & Roger M. Kern. 1996. "Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore." American Sociological Review 61: 900-907. Tilgjengelig online

* Lamont, Michèle. 2000. “Racism Compared,” In The Dignity of Working Men: Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class, and Immigration. New York: Russell Sage, pp. 169 – 214.

Lamont, Michéle. “Symbolic Boundaries and Status,” pp 98-107 in Spillman.

Til sammen ca. 830 sider

Seminar 3: Bourdieu, Foucault, Habermas og kj?nn

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Bourdieu, Foucault, Habermas

* Bourdieu, P (1977): Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge University Press. Kap. 2, s.72-95. (23s.)

Bourdieu, P (2000): Pascalian Meditations. Polity Press. Kap 4-6, s. 128-245. (117s.)

* Habermas, Jürgen (1987): "The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society" (utdrag), The Theory of Communicative Action. Volume Two. Lifeworld and System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason, s. 391-403. Boston: Beacon Press. (13 sider)

* Giddens, A (1987): “Reason without revolution? Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action” in Social Theory and Modern Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp 225-253 (28s.)

Beck U, A Giddens and S Lash (1994): Reflexive Modernization. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp 56-216. (160s.)

* Eriksen, Erik Oddvar & Jarle Weig?rd (2003): "Understanding Habermas. Communicative Action and Deliberative Democracy", s. 86-108. New York: Continuum. (22 sider)

Foucault, M (1995) Seksualitetens historie 1. Viljen til viten. s 13- 176 (163 s)

Tilegnelse og kritikk. Feministiske perspektiver

* Cohen, J.L. (1995) "Critical social theory and feminist critiques: the debate with Jürgen Habermas". I: Meehan, J. (1995) :Feminists Read Habermas. London: Routledge, pp. 57-90 (34s.)

* Fraser, N. (1989) "What’s Critical about Critical Theory? The Case of Habermas and Gender". I: Unruly Practices, pp. 113-143 (31 s.).

* Fraser, N. (1989) "Foucault on Modern Power: Empirical Insights and Normative Confusions". I: Unruly Practices, pp. 17-34 (18 s.)

* Sawicki, J (1991) Disciplining Foucault. London: Routledge. Chapter 4 &5, pp 67- 109 (42 s).

* Moi, T. (1991) "Appropriating Bourdieu: Feminist theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s Sociology of Culture". New Literary History 22:1017-1049 (33 s.)

@ McLeod, J (2005): Feminists re-reading Bourdieu: Old debates and new questions about gender habitus and gender change. Theory in Research and Education 3(1):11-30. (19 s.) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Sentrale teoretiske diskusjoner

Benhabib, S, J. Butler, D Cornell and Nancy Fraser (eds): Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. London: Routledge. S. 1-144 og s.157-173 (155s). Tilgjengelig p? fronter

Benhabib, S. (1999): Sexual Difference and Collectie Identities: The New Global Constellation. Signs, Vol 24 (2):335-361. Tilgjengelig p? fronter

@ McNay, L (2003): Having it both ways: The Incompatibility of Narrative Identity and Communicative Ethics in Feminist Thought. Theory, Culture & Society 20 (6):1-20 (20s). Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Lovell, T (2003): Resisting with Authority: Historical Specificity, Agency and the Performative Self. Theory, Culture & Society 20 (1):1-17. (17 s.) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ McNay, L. (2004): Agency and experience: gender as a lived relation. The Sociological Review Vol 52:173-190 (36 s.) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Adkins, L (2004) Reflexivity: Freedom or habit of gender? The Sociological Review Vol 52:191-210. (19s.) Tilgjengelig p? internett ogs? tilgjengelig p? Fronter

@ McNay, L (1999): Gender, Habitus and the Field. Pierre Bourdieu and the Limits of Reflexivity. Theory, Culture and Society Vol 16(1): 95-117. (22 s.) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Totalt 995 sider

Seminar 4: Klasse og ulikhet – sentrale debatter

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Samfunnstype og samfunnsklasser

* Scott, John (1997) "Managerialist and Marxist Perspectives" , Kapittel 2 i Corporate business and capitalist classes, Oxford University Press: 21-34

* Scott, John (1997) "The corporation and capitalist classes", Kapittel 9 i Corporate business and capitalist classes, Oxford University Press: 274-282

@ Wright, E.O. (1994): ”The Class Analysis Of Poverty”. Chap. 2 in Interrogating Inequality., Verso. Tilgjengelig online

@ Marshall, Gordon, Roberts, Stephen & Burgoyne, Carole (1996), "Social Class and Underclass in Britain and the USA". British Journal of Sociology 47: 22-44. Tilgjengelig online

@Morris, L. & Scott, J. (1996) "The attenuation of class analysis". British Journal of Sociology 47: 45-55 Tilgjengelig online

* Brochmann, G. & Rogstad, J. (1996) Bok-essay. Integrasjon, underklasse og marginalisering – noen refleksjoner om dagens innvandringsdebatt. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 37(4): 554-576.

@ Wiborg, ?.N. & Hansen, M.N. (2009) Change over time in the intergenerational transmission of social disadvantage. European Sociological Review 25 (3): 379-394. Tilgjengelig p? internett

Marxistisk og Bourdieusk klassebegrep

@ Elstad, Jon Ivar (2005): "Klasseanalyse i dag – marxistiske og sosiologiske tiln?rminger." i R?dt! Nr. 4/2005, s.48-59.Tilgjengelig online

* Edwards, Paul (2000): "Late twentieth century workplace relations: class struggle without classes." I R. Crompton, F. Devine, M. Savage & J. Scott (eds): Renewing class analysis. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, s. 141-164

@ Bourdieu, P. 1987. “What Makes a Social Class?” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 22, s. 1-18.Tilgjengelig online

@ Bourdieu, P. (1985) The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups. Theory and Society, Vol. 14, No. 6 (Nov., 1985), s. 723-744.Tilgjengelig online

* Crossley, N (2008) Social class. I: Grenfell, M. (ed): Pierre Bourdieu. Key concepts. Durham (UK): Acumen:87-99.

'Klassene er d?de'-debatten

@ Pakulski, Jan (2005): "Foundations of a post-class analysis." Kapittel 6 i Erik Olin Wright (ed): Approaches to Class Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 152-179. NB! Boka er p? pensum SOS4001 Tilgjengelig online

@ Clark, T. N. & Lipset, S.M. (1991) "Are social classes dying?" International Sociology 6 (4):397-410 (17 s.) Tilgjengelig online

@ Hout, M., Brooks, C., & Manza, J. (1993) "The persistence of classes in postindustrial societies" International Sociology 8 (3): 259-277. Tilgjengelig online

Klasser og livsstil

* Bourdieu, P (1984) The habitus and the space of life-styles. Chapter 3, in Distinction. A social critique of the judgement of taste. Engelsk utgave, oversatt av Richard Nice. London: Routledge: 169-225.

@ Bourdieu, P (1991) "First Lecture. Social Space and Symbolic Space: Introduction to a Japanese Reading of Distinction", i Poetics Today, Vol. 12, No. 4, 627-638 Tilgjengelig online

* Bourdieu. Pierre (1990), ”Ch. 7: A reply to some objections”, i In Other Words, Cambridge: Polity Press: 106-119

* Elster, Jon (1981) "Snobs". London Review of Books, vol. 3 nr. 20. (3 trykte sider, tilsvarer 10 pensumsider)

@ Chan, T.W. and Goldthorpe, J.H. (2007) ‘Social Stratification and Cultural Consumption: Music in England’, European Sociological Review 23(1) 1–19. (18 sider) Tilgjengelig online

@ Prieur, A., Rosenlund, L., Skjott-Larsen, J. (2008) "Cultural capital today. A case study from Denmark.". Poetics 36 (1): 45-71. Tilgjengelig online

Stat, politikk og elite

* Hay, C. (1999) “Marxism and The State”, i Gamble, Marsh og Tent (red) Marxism and Social Science, London: Macmillan: 152-174

@ Wright, E.O (1994): “Class and Politics”, Chap 5 in Interrogating Inequality, Verso. (19 sider) Tilgjengelig online

@ Korpi, Walter (2006) Power resources and employer-centered approaches in explanations of welfare states and varieties of capitalism. World Politics 58 (2): 167-206 Tilgjengelig p? internett

* Bottomore, T.B. (1985 [1964]) "The elite: concept and ideology", Chapter 1 in Elites and society. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books: 7-23

* Engelstad, F. (2002) "Demokratiets eliter eller elitenes demokrati?" Kapittel 2 i Trygve Gulbrandsen m.fl.: Norske makteliter. Oslo: Gyldendal: 24-44


* White, S (2007) "Meritocracy", Kapittel 3 i White, S. Equality, Polity Press: 53-77 + noter s. 164-166.

* Goldthorpe, John & Jackson, Michelle (2008) Education-based meritocracy: The barriers to its realization. I: Annette Lareau & Dalton Conley (eds) Social Class. How does it work? New York: Russel Sage: 93-117.

@ Saunders, P (1995) "Might Britain be a meritocracy?" Sociology, 29 (1):23-41. Tilgjengelig online

* Wathne, Kyrre (2010) Genetikk og skjebne. Minerva, nr. 4/2010: 28-32.

@ Elstad, Jon Ivar (2011) "Genene betyr mer"-tesen i empirisk lys. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 19 (1):54-64. Tilgjengelig online

forklaringer p? utdanningsforskjeller

* Esmark, Kim (2006), "Bourdieus uddannelsessociologi." I: Prieur, A. & Sestoft C. (red.) Pierre Bourdieu: en introduktion, K?benhavn: Reitzel: 71-113.

* Gr?gaard, J.B. "Gutters utdanningsvalg: Hvorfor har sosial bakgrunn s? stor betydning? Et forsvar for verdiforklaringen." Samfunnsspeilet nr. 1, 1993 (7 sider)

* Goldthorpe, J.H. (2000) "Class analysis and the reorientation of class theory: the case of persisting differntials in educational attainment." Kapittel 8 i On Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 161-181

@ Fekj?r, Silje Bringsrud (2009) Utdanning: Et rasjonelt valg? Sosiologisk tidsskrift 17 (4): 291-309. Tilgjengelig p? internett

sosial mobilitet- teorier, begreper, vurdering

* Johs. Hjellbrekke & Olav Korsnes (2006) "Sentrale omgrep og analyseverkty i mobilitetsforskninga". Kapittel 3 i Hjellbrekke og Korsnes: Sosial mobilitet. Oslo: Det norske samlaget: 51-74

* Goldthorpe, J.H. (2000) "Outline of a theory of social mobility", Kapittel 11 i On Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 230-258.

@ Swift, A (2004) ”Would Perfect Mobility be Perfect?”, i European Sociological Review. 20 (1): 1-11.Tilgjengelig online

Rettferdighet, likhet, moralfilosofi

* Brighouse, H (2004) ”Ch. 3: John Rawls’s theory of justice as fairness.”, i Brighouse, H. Justice, London: Polity Press: 30-66

* Marshall, Gordon, Adam Swift & Stephen Roberts (1997) “Ch. 2: Social Justice”, i Marshall, G., Roberts, S. & Swift, A. Against the Odds? Social class and social justice in industrial societies. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 7-24.

Egalit?r kultutr i Norge?

* Danielsen, Arild (1998): "Kulturell kapital i Norge." Sosiologisk tidsskrift (1-2), 75-106.

@ Skarpenes, O. (2007) "Den legitime kulturens moralske forankring". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 48: 531-564. Tilgjengelig online

@ Skogen, Ketil, Stefansen, Kari, Krange, Olve & Strandbu, ?se (2008): "En pussig utlegning av middelklassens selvforst?else. En kommentar til Ove Skarpenes." Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49: 259-264 Tilgjengelig online

@ Skarpenes, O. & Sakslind, R. (2008) "Kulturforskning og empirisk analyse. Svar til Skogen mfl.". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49 (2): 265-274 Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Stefansen, Kari & Farstad, Gunhild R. (2008) Sm?barnsforeldres omsorgsprosjekter. Betydningen av klasse. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49 (3): 343-374 Tilgjengelig p? internett

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For ? f? tilgang til artiklene som er tilgjengelig p? internett er det n?dvendig ? bruke en datamaskin i UiO’s nettverk. Dette fordi Universitetsbiblioteket har betalt for abonnement for sine studenter og ansatte, og denne tilgangen kontrolleres gjennom maskinens IP-adresse. Dersom man ?nsker ? laste ned tekstene fra sin maskin hjemme, m? man v?re koblet opp til UiO’s nettverk via VPN-klient.

I noen databaser for e-tidsskrifter er det ikke mulig ? lenke direkte til pdf-filen. I disse tilfeller er det lenket til innholdsfortegnelsen eller til tidsskriftet hvor man s? kan finne riktig artikkel og laste ned den aktuelle teksten.

Tilgjengeliggj?ring via internett er en fordel da det gir tilgang til deler av pensum p? et tidligere tidspunkt enn ved trykking av kompendier, samt at studenter kan velge ? lese p? skjerm. Ved utskrift betaler studenter for dette utover utskriftskvoten, men dette er ogs? rimeligere pr side enn kj?p av kompendier pr trykt side.

Publisert 28. mars 2012 09:22 - Sist endret 10. okt. 2012 15:55