SOS4001 - Pensum/l?ringskrav

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Benhabib, Seyla et al (1995): Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons

Lukes, Steven (2004): Power: A radical view. 2nd edition

1. Talcott Parsons som utgangspunkt for sosiologisk teoridannelse    

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “The classical attempt at synthesis: Talcott Parsons”, kap. II i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (22 sider)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Parsons on the road to normative functionalism”, kap III i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (24 sider)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Parsons and the elaboration of normative functionalism”, kap. IV i  Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (25 sider)

2. Sosiologisk forst?else og forklaring I

@Mj?set, Lars  (2007): “ Om teori p? h?yt og lavere niv?”, s. 333-375  i Johs. Hjellbrekke, Ole J. Olsen & Rune Sakslind (red.), Arbeid, kunnskap og sosial ulikhet. Festskrift til Olav Korsnes. (25 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

*Pawson, Ray (2000)  “Middle-range realism”, i Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, vol. 41 (2)  (42 sider)

@Hacking, Ian (2002): “ Inaugural lecture: Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific concepts at the Collège de France, 16 January 2001”, i  Economy and Society, vol 31 (1) (13 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

3 Sosiologisk forst?else og forklaring II

*Elster, Jon (1989), “Unintended consequences”, kap. X i  Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences.”  (10 sider)

*Elster, Jon (1989), “Collective Action”, kap. XIII i  Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences.”  (10 sider)

*Hedstr?m, Peter og Peter Bearman (2011): “What is analytical sociology all about? An introductiory Essay”.  I Handbook of Analytical Sociology, side 3-24.  (21 sider).

Coleman, James (1990): Metatheory: Explanation in Social Science. Kap. 1, s.1-23 I Coleman: Foundations of Social Theory. (23 s) (legges ut i Fronter)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009), “Neo-utilitarianism”,  kap. V i  Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (28 sider)

4. Situasjoner og relasjoner

*Goffman, Erving (1981): “Footing”, i Forms of Talk. (36 sider)

@Davies, Bronwyn & Rom Harré (1990): “Positioning. The Discursive Production of Selves”, i  Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 20 (1), s. 43–63 (16 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Interpretive approaches (1): symbolic interactionism”, kap. VI i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (27 sider)

5. Sosiologisk handlingsteori

@Boudon, Raymond (2003), “Beyond Rational Choice Theory”, Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 29, s. 1- 21.  (20 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internet

*Boudon, Raymond (2006) Are we doomed to see the homo sociologicus as a rational or as an irrational idiot? I Elster et al. (red): Understanding Choice, Explaining Behaviour. kap 2, side 25-40 (15 sider)

@ Gross, N. (2009) A pragmatist theory of social mechanisms. American Sociological Review, 74, 358–379 ( 21 sider).

@ Peter Hedstr?m and Petri Ylikoski (2014): Analytical Sociology and Rational-Choice Theory, I G. Manzo (red.): Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networkspp, s. 57- 73 (16 sider).

6. Kultur, konstruksjon og symboler

*Searle, John (1995): “Creating institutional facts”, Kap. 2 i  The Construction of Social Reality.  (20 sider)

@Hacking, Ian (1997): “Searle, reality and the social”, s. 83-92 i History of the Human Sciences, vol. 10 No. 4.  (9 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@Searle, John R. (1997): “Replies To Critics of the Construction of Social Reality”, s.103-110 i History of the Human Sciences, vol. 10 No. 4.  (7 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

*Engelstad, Fredrik (2003): “Hegemoni – makt, dominans og kultur”, s. 307-23  i G. Liest?l, B. Skov, O. Solum (red.), Mellom mediene.  (23 sider)

7. Makt – handling, forst?else, nettverk

Lukes, Steven (2004): Power: A radical view. 2nd edition. S. 14–59 (45 sider).

@Dowding, Keith (2006): “Three-Dimensional Power: A Discussion of Steven Lukes’ Power: A Radical View”. S. 136-145 i Political Studies Review, vol. 4. (10 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

*Foucault, Michel (1982): “The Subject and Power”. S. 208–226 i Hubert L. Dreyfus og Paul Rabinow, Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. (18 sider)

@Dahl, Robert A. (1957): “The Concept of Power”, s. 201-15 i Behavorial Science, 2:3 (1957:July)  (14 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Anthony Giddens? theory of structuration and the new British sociology of power”, kap. XII (+ s. 355-64)  i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (36 sider)

8. Feminisme i sosiologien

Benhabib, Seyla (1995): “Feminism and Postmodernism ”, s. 17-34 i Seyla Benhabib et al Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. (17 sider)

Butler, Judith (1995): “Contingent Foundations”, s. 35-58 i Seyla Benhabib et al Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. (23 sider)

Fraser, Nancy (1995): “False Antitheses”, s. 59-74 i Seyla Benhabib et al Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange. (15 sider)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): Feminist Social Theories", kap. XVII i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (30 sider)

9. Ulike perspektiver p? klasse

@Olin Wright, Erik (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Marxist  class analysis”, kap. 1 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (26 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@Breen, Richard (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Weberian class analysis”, kap. 2 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (20 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@Weininger, Elliot B. (2005): “Foundations of a Pierre Bourdieu’s class analysis”, kap. 4 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (36 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@Olin Wright, Erik (2005): “Conclusion: If ‘class’ is the answer, what is the question?”, s. 180–192 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis (12 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

* Wright, Erik Olin (2008) "Logics of Class Analysis." Kapittel 11 i Lareau & Conley (eds) Social Class, How does it work?, s. 329-350.

* Goldthorpe, John .H. (2000) "Outline of a theory of social mobility". Kapittel 11 i On Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 230-258.

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Between structuralism and theory of practice: The cultural sociology of Pierre Bourdieu ”, kap. XV  i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (30 sider)

10. Habermas: System- og livsverden

*Habermas, Jürgen: “Det sivile samfunn og rettsstaten”, s. 65-78 i Kraften i de bedre argumenter (13 sider)

* Habermas. Jürgen (1984): “Author’s Preface”, s. xxxix-xlii og “Introduction to the Problem of Rationality”, s. 1-7,  i Jürgen Habermas The Theory of Communicative Action.Volume I. (10 sider)

* Habermas. Jürgen, (1984): “VI. Intermediate Reflection: System and Lifeworld”, s. 113-118 og “VI.2. The uncoupling of System and Lifeworld”, s.153-197, i Jürgen Habermas The Theory of Communicative Action.Volume II. (48 sider)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “Habermas? `theory of communicative action”, kap. X  i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (27 sider)

9. Sosiologiske samtidsdiagnoser:

Individualitet og identitet. Giddens, Beck og Bauman.

*Giddens, Anthony (1991): “The Emergence of Life Politics”. S. 209-231 og noter s. 240-241, i Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. (24 sider)

*Beck, Ulrich og Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim (2009): “A Life of Ones's Own in a Runaway World”, S. 22-29 i Individualization. (8 sider)

*Beck, Ulrich og Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim (2009): “Beyond Status and Class?” S. 30-41 i Individualization. (11 sider)

*Bauman, Zygmunt (2000),  “Foreword: On Being Light and Liquid”.  S. 1–15  i Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. (15 sider)

*Bauman, Zygmunt (1997): “Tourists and Vagabonds: the Heroes and Victims of Postmodernity”. S. 83-94 in Postmodernity and its Discontents. (9 sider)

Joas, Hans og Wolfgang Kn?bl (2009): “A crisis of modernity? New diagnoses (Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman, Robert Bellah, and the debate betwen liberals and communitarians”, kap. XVIII  i Social Theory. Twenty Introductory Lessons (37 sider)

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Publisert 18. apr. 2016 13:09 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2016 16:09