SOS 2202 - Pensum/l?ringskrav

* = i kompendium

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Vitenskap og teknologi:


* Merton, Robert K. 1968 (1942). "Science and Democratic Social Structure", in Social Theory and Social Structure. 1968 Enlarged Edition. The Free Press. New York and London.  XVIII. S. 604-615.


Beck, Ulrick 1997 (1986).  "Videnskab hinsides sandhed og oplysning?" Kapittel 7 i Risikosamfundet – på vej mod en nu modernitet. København. Hans Reitzels Forlag. S. 251-299.


@ Funtowicz and Ravetz, "Science for the Post-Normal Age", in Futures, 25/7 September 1993. S. 739-755. Tilgjengelig på internett 





@ Fagerberg, Jan (2009). "A guide to Schumpeter." Centre for Advanced Study Oslo, Oslo. S. 20-22. Tilgjengelig på internett  


* Schumpeter, Joseph A. 1968 (1934). "The fundamental phenomenon of economic development", in The theory of economic development. Harvard University Press. S. 65 – 94.


* Sørensen, Knut H. (2010). "Det norske samfunn – et innovasjonssystem?", i Ivar Frønes og Lise Kjølsrød Det norske samfunn. 6. Utgave. S. 67- 90.


@ Fagerberg, Jan, Mowery, David C. and Verspagen, Bart (2009). "The evolution of Norway's national innovation system", in Science and Public Policy 36(6): 431-444. Tilgjengelig på internett





@ Latour, Bruno (1983). "Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Raise the World", in K. Knorr and M. Mulkay (edit): Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science. Sage. Los Angeles. S. 141-170. Tilgjengelig på internett 


Bourdieu, Pierre 2007 (2001). "Den pågående diskusjon" og "En verden for sig", i Viten om viten og refleksivitet. Pax Forlag. Oslo. S. 32-138.




Atomer, bites og gener. Tre nye teknologier:


* Bauer, Martin (1995). "Resistance to new technologies and its effects on nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology", in Bauer, Martin W. (red.) Resistance to new technology: nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. S. 1-43.


* Shapin, Stephen (2008).  "The Scientific Entrepreneur", in The Scientific Life. A moral history of a late modern vocation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. S. 209-267 (& Notes 377-386).






Mintzberg, Henry (1989). "Deriving Configurations", "The Entrepreneurial Organization", "The Innovative Organization", in Mintzberg on Management. Inside our Strange World of Organizations. The FreePress. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore. S. 93-115, 116-130, 196-220.


 @ Arundel, Anthony, Lorenz, Edward, Lundvall, Bengt-Åke and Valeyre, Antoine (2007). "How Europe's economies learn: a comparison of work organization and innovation mode for the EU-15", in Industrial and Corporate Change 16(6): 1175-1210. Tilgjengelig på internett



Det “nye” arbeid:


* Ulrich Beck (2000). "The Future of Work and its Scenarios", in The Brave New World of Work. Polity Press. Cambridge, UK. S. 36-66.


@ Alvesson, Mats and Willmott, Hugh (2002). "Identity regulation as organizational control: Producing the appropriate individual", in Journal of management studies 39(5): 619-644. Tilgjengelig på internett 



Videnskap og teknologi i offentlighed og politikk:


@ Brian Wynne (1992). "Misunderstood Misunderstanding: Social identities and Public Uptake of Science", in Public Understanding of Science. S. 281-304. Tilgjengelig på nett


* Nowotny, Helga (2005). "The Changing Nature of Public Science", in Nowotny et. al.(eds.): The Public Nature of Science under Assault. Politics, Markets, Science and the Law. Springer. Berlin. S. 1-28.


* Jasanoff, Shelia (2011). "Cosmopolitan Knowledge: Climate Change and Global Civic Epistemology", in Dryzek, Nørgaard & Schlosberg (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford University Press. S.129-143.



Holocast, teknologien og "den banala ondskap":


Bauman, Zygmunt 2005 (1989). "Forord", "Det enesående og det normale ved Holocaust" og "Lydighetens etikk", i Moderniteten og Holocaust. Vidarforlaget. Oslo. S. 13-22, 127-164, 203-223.



"Merchants of Doubt":


* Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway (2010). "Introduction" og  "The Denial of Global Warming", in Merchants of Doubt. Bloomsbury Press. New York, Berlin, London, Sydney. S. 1-9, 169-215 & Notes: 279-280 & 319-329.






Samlet pensum ca. 880 sider.



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Publisert 24. mai 2013 09:39