
  • Pensumbidrag merket med * er samlet i kompendier.
  • Pensumbidrag merket med @ er tilgjengelig i Bibsys databaser for e-tidsskrifter
  • Pensumbidrag uten merke er b?ker som m? anskaffes

Kursforl?p og pensum:

I. Introduksjon

II. Innovasjon

  • *Joseph Schumpeter. 1994 (1932). “Den ekonomiske utvecklingens teori.” Om skapande f?rst?relse och entrepren?rskap. I urval av Richard Svedberg. Ratio. Stockholm. 1-23.

  • *Joseph A. Schumpeter. 1974 (1943). “Preface to the Second Edition”, “Preface” & “The Process of Creative Destruction.” Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Inwin University Books. London. ix-xiv & 81-86.

  • @ Organisation for Economic Development (OECD). 1995. National Innovation Systems. Tilgjengelig p? nett. (49 sider).

  • *Knut H. S?rensen. 2010. “Det norske samfunn – et innovasjonssystem?” I Ivar Fr?nes og Lise Kj?lsr?d Det norske samfunn. 6. Utgave. 67- 90.

III. Vitenskap

  • *Max Weber. 2003 (1919). “Videnskab som levevej.” Udvalgte tekster. Hans Reitzels forlag. K?benhavn. Bind I. 181-211.

  • *Robert K. Merton. 1968 (1942). ”Science and Democratic Social Structure.” Social Theory and Social Structure. 1968 Enlarged Edition. The Free Press. New York and London. XVIII. 604-615.

  • @ Funtowicz and Ravetz "Science for the Post-Normal Age", Futures, 25/7 September 1993, 739-755. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • *Stephen Shapin. 2008. “The Scientific Entrepreneur” The Scientific Life. A moral history of a late modern vocation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 209-267 (& Notes 377-386).

IV. Vitens-organisasjoner

  • Henry Mintzberg. 1989. ?Deriving Configurations”, “The Entrepreneurial Organization”, “The Innovative Organization”. Mintzberg on Management. Inside our Strange World of Organizations. The FreePress. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Singapore. 93-115, 116-130, 196-220.

  • Zygmunt Bauman. 2005 (1989). “Forord.”. “Det enest?ende og det normale ved Holocaust”.” Lydighetens etikk”. Moderniteten og Holocaust. Vidarforlaget. Oslo. 13-22, 127-164, 203-223.

V. Technoscience

  • @ Bruno Latour 1983. ”Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Raise the World”. In K. Knorr and M. Mulkay (edit): Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science. Sage. Los Angeles. 141-170. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • Pierre Bourdieu. 2007. Viten om viten og refleksivitet : forelesninger holdt ved Collège de France 2000-2001. Oversatt av Tore Slaatta. Pax Forlag. Oslo. Kap. 2 og 3.

VI. Videnskap og teknologi i offentlighed og politikk

  • @ Brian Wynne. 1992. “Misunderstood Misunderstanding: Social identities and Public Uptake of Science.” I Public Understanding of Science. 281-304. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • *Martin Bauer. “Resistance to new technologies and its effects on nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology.” In Bauer, Martin W. (ed.) (1995) Resistance to new technology: nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 1-43.

  • *Helga Nowotny. 2005. “The Changing Nature of Public Science”. In Nowothy et. al.(eds.): The Public Nature of Science under Assault. Politics, Markets, Science and the Law. Springer. Berlin. 1-28.

VII. Det “nye” arbeid

  • *Robert K. Merton. 1968 (1947). “The Machine, the Worker and the Engineer”. Social Theory and Social Structure. 1968 Enlarged Edition. The Free Press. New York and London. XIX. 616-627.

  • *Richard Sennett. 2005 (1998). Kap 6. "Arbeidsetikk“. Det fleksible mennesket. Personlige konsekvenser av ? arbeide i den nye kapitalisme. Fagbokforlaget. Oslo. Pp. 121-145.

  • *Ulrich Beck. 2000. ?The Future of Work and its Scenarios“. The Brave New World of Work. Polity Press. Cambridge, UK. 36-66.

VIII. Sustainable development og Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  • *World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). “Formandens forord” & “Fra én jord til én verden.” Our Common Future. Oxford University Press. 7-35.

  • @ Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. 1992. “Declaration”. Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development. United Nations Publications. 9-11. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • @ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2004. 16 Years of Scientific Assessment in Support of the Climate Convention. 15 sider. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • *Shelia Jasanoff (2011). “Cosmopolitan Knowledge: Climate Change and Global Civic Epistemology”. In: Dryzek, N?rgaard & Schlosberg (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society. Oxford University Press. 129-143.

IX. Krig, ny terrorisme og “krigen mod terror”

  • @ Eliot A. Cohen. 1995. “A Revolution in Warfare”. Foreign Affairs. Vol 75, no 2. 37-54. Tilgjengelig p? nett

  • *Kenneth J. Hagan and Ian J. Bickerton. 2007. “The Wars against Iraq, 1991-2007”, “Conclusion”. Unintended Consequences. The United States at War. Reaktion Books. London. 166-193 & Notes: 204-206.

  • *David C. Rapoport. “The Fourth Wave: September 11 in the History of Terrorism”. Current History. Dec 2001. Vol. 100, No. 650. 419-424.

  • @ Zbigniew Brzezinski. 2007. Terrorized by “War on Terror”. The Washington Post. March 25. Tilgjengelig p? nett

X. “Merchants of Doubt”

  • *Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway. 2010. "Introduction“ & “The Denial of Global Warming”. Merchants of Doubt. Bloomsbury Press. New York, Berlin, London, Sydney. 1-9, 169-215 & Notes: 279-280 & 319-329.

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Publisert 28. mars 2012 09:22 - Sist endret 29. mai 2012 12:21