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Aakvaag, Gunnar (2008): Moderne sosiologisk teori, kapittel 5,6 og 11. Oslo: Abstrakt, s. 127-171, 296-329. (77 sider)


Alexander, Jeffrey (1987): Twenty Lectures. Sociological Theory Since World War II, s. 1-21. New York: Colombia University Press. (21 sider) (tilgjengelig via Fronter)

*Andersen, Heine (1994): Objektivitetsproblemer i samfundsvidenskap, Videnskabsteori & metodel?re, kapittel 12. K?benhavn: Samfundslitteratur. (23 sider)

*Bourdieu, Pierre (1993): Sociology in question, s. 8-19 (A science that makes trouble). London : Sage (11 sider)

*Engelstad, Fredrik (21012): Michel Foucault som galskapens arkeolog, Sidsel Gilbert, Erik St?nicke og Fredrik Engelstad, red., Psyke, kultur og samfunn. Oslo: Abstrakt, s. 229-246. (17 sider)

*Foucault, Michel (1982): The Subject and Power, Hubert L. Dreyfus og Paul Rabinow, red., Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (18 sider)

*Foucault, Michel (1995): Seksualitetens historie. Halden: Eksil, s. 147-159. (14 sider)

*Foucault, Michel (1999): Overv?kning og straff, Kapittel II. Oslo: Gyldendal, s. 155-175. (21 sider)

*Fraser, Nancy (1989): Foucault on Modern Power: Empirical Insights and Normative Confusions. Unruly Practices. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, s. 17-35. (18 sider)

*Fraser, Nancy (2003): Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation, i Redistribution or Recognition?, kapittel 1, 7-88 (81 sider)

*Giddens, Anthony (1984): The Constitution of Society. Cambridge: Polity Press, s. 288-310 (22 sider)

*Giddens, Anthony (1987): Social Theory and Modern Sociology. Oxford: Polity Press, kap. 1 (What do sociologists do) (21 sider)

*Giddens, Anthony (1997): Modernitetens konsekvenser. Oslo: Pax, s. 11-61 (51 sider)

*Grimen, Harald (2000): Metodologisk individualisme og kollektivisme, Samfunnsvitenskapelige tenkem?ter, kapittel 8. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (22 sider)

*Habermas, Jürgen (1996): Between Facts and Norms, Cambridge: Polity Press, utdrag fra kapittel 8 (Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Communicative Power), s. 329-336, 359-387 (41 sider)

*Mutz, Diana C. (2006): Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press, s. 1-18. (18 sider)

*Schwarz, David (1997): Culture & Power, kapittel 6 (Fields of Struggle for Power). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, s. 117-142 (25 sider)

*Sen, Amartya (2006): Identity and Violence, kapittel 1, 1-17 (17 sider)

*Thompson, John B. (1989): The Theory of Structuration, David Held og John B. Thompson red., Social Theory of Modern Societies. Anthony Giddens and his Critics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 56-76 (20 sider).

*Thompson, Kenneth red. (1985): Readings from Emile Durkheim, Reading 3 The Division of Labour in Society (1893). London: Routledge, s. 12-33 (21 sider)

*Young, Iris Marion (1997): Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy, i Intersecting Voices, kap. 3. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (14 sider)


@Bottero, Wendy (2009): Relationality and social interaction, The British Journal of Sociology, 60(2) (22 sider)

@Bourdieu, Pierre (1985): The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups, Theory and Society 14(6), s. 723-744 (21 sider)

@Bourdieu, Pierre (1988): Vive la Crise!: For Heteodoxy in Social Science, Theory and Society, 17(5), 773-787 (15 sider)

@Coleman, James S. (1988): Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, The American Journal of Sociology, 94, Supplement: Organizations and Institutions: Sociological and Economic Approaches to the Analysis of Social Structure, S95-S120, (25 sider)

@Desan, Mathieu Hikaru (2013) : Bourdieu, Marx, and Capital : A Critique of the Extension Model, Sociological Theory, 31(4), 318-342 (25 sider)

@Holmwood, John (2013): Public reasoning without sociology: Amartya Sen’s Theory of Justice, Sociology 47(6), 1171-1186 (15 sider)

@Lovell, Terry (2000): Thinking Feminism With and Against Bourdieu, Feminist Theory 1 (1), 7 (22 sider)

@Marsden, Peter V. (2005): The Sociology of James S. Coleman, Annual Review of Sociology, 31(1), 1-24 ( (24 sider).

@Marx, Karl (1999 [1859]: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Preface,, (3 sider)

@Sen, Amartya (2003): Development as Capability Expansion, i Readings in Human Development. New York: Oxford University Press, s. 41-58 (18 sider)

@Young, Iris Marion (1997): Unruly Categories: A Critique of Nancy Fraser’s Dual Systems Theory, New Left Review 222 March/April, 147-160 (13 sider)

Totalt pensum ca 920 sider

Publisert 16. mai 2017 14:13 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2017 17:53