SGO9008 – Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis

Course content

The course concentrates on the process of doing research based on qualitative methods. Topics will cover different types of methods for collecting, analyzing and presenting qualitative data, including textual, visual and ethnographical methods. The course also aims to convey a deeper understanding of qualitative research within the framework of a PhD project. In order to achieve this, participants are asked to present their projects and their methodological reflections, and receive feedback from the course teachers and other members in the course group.

The content of the course will as far as possible reflect the preferences of potential participants. Thus, potential modules will not be constant. The list below is based on wishes communicated to us after an initial invitation in September 2017.

Language is English, unless all students and teachers have a sufficient command of Norwegian.

Potential course modules:

  • Case studies
  • Discourse analyses
  • Ethnography (and multi-sited ethnography)
  • Narrative designs and analysis
  • Historical sociology/geography
  • Analysis of images
  • Studies with linguistic and/or metaphorical emphasis

Admission to the course

The course is available for Ph.D. candidates at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography. In case there are open places, Ph.D. candidates in sociology and geography from other universities and advanced Master’s level students may be admitted. Maximum enrollment is 16 students.

NB! Registration is binding!

Ph.D.-students at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography register for the course in Studentweb.

Participants outside the Department of Sociology and Human Geography and Master-students should fill out this application form.

The application deadline is four weeks prior the course. Since the registration is binding, if you are not entirely sure that you can attend, please mark for waiting list in the application form.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Participants must have a good working knowledge of qualitative methodology and some understanding of the research process.

Two weeks before the course starts, each participant contributes a one-page description of her/his project (aim, research questions and methodological approaches) to

Overlapping courses


Each module is an integral part of the course. A reading list will be communicated some weeks ahead of the date. External teachers will teach some modules. For dates in the spring semester, see the semester page.


The course requires active participation all days, reading, and submission of a paper. 5 ECTS will be awarded when the participant has received a pass grade based on activity and completed the paper.

The paper should focus on methodological issues related to the candidate`s Ph.D. research project. It should be approx. 4000 words, plus references. It is ususally due about two months after the course.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 3, 2024 8:14:25 AM

Facts about this course


The course is last held spring 2022


Examination is last held spring 2022

Teaching language