* Abramovitz, M. 1998. "Catching up, forging ahead and falling behind." (1986). Selgison, M.A. & J.T. Passé-Smith (Eds). Development and Underdevelopment. The political economy of global inequality, Second edition. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder. 95-114. 20p.
* Amin, S. 1976. Unequal development. An essay on the social formations of peripheral capitalism. Harvester Press, Hassocks. 183-197. 14p.
* Arrighi, G. & J.S. Saul. 1973. "Class formation and economic development in Tropical Africa." (1968). Bernstein, H. (Ed.). Underdevelopment and development. Penguin, Harmondsworth. 14p.
* Baran, P. 1973. The Political Economy of Growth. (1957). Penguin, Harmondsworth. 132-157. 26p.
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* Brookfield, H. 1973. On one geography and a Third World. Inst.Br.Geogr.Trans, No. 58. 1-21. 22p.
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* Friedman, M. 2002. Capitalism and freedom. (1962). University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 7-36. 28p.
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* Galeano, E. 1997. "Open veins of Latin America. 25th Anniversary Edition." (1973). Monthly Review Press, New York. 173-262. 56p.
* Gould, P. 1970. "Tanzania 1920-63: the spatial impress of the modernisation process." World Politics, Vol. 22, No. 2. 149-170. 22p.
* Hayek, F.A. 1994. The road to serfdom. (1944). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 112-131.19p.
* Hirschman, A.O. 1958. The strategy of economic development. Yale University Press, London.120-132, 183-201. 30p.
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* Laclau, E. 1971. Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America. New Left Review, No. 67. 20p.
* Lenin, V.I. 1916. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. www.marxists.org 9p.
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Mao Tse-tung. 1959. Speech at Cheng-chow. Selected Works. Maoist Documentation Project. www.marxists.org 5p.
* Mundle, S. 1985. "The agrarian barrier to industrial growth." The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1. 49-80. 31p.
* Myint, H. 1974. The economics of the developing countries. Fourth edition. (1964). Hutchinson University Library, London. 138-149. 11p.
* Myrdal, G. 1975. The Economic Impact of Colonialism. (1956). Mountjoy, A.B. (Ed.). Developing the underdeveloped countries. Macmillan, London. 6p.
* Nurkse, R. 1975. "The theory of development and the idea of balanced growth." (1957). in A.B. Mountjoy (Ed.). Developing the underdeveloped countries. Macmillan, London. 14p.
* Prebish, R. 1976. A critique of peripheral capitalism. Cepal Review, First half of 1976.
* Prebish, R. 1994. "The Latin American Periphery in the Global System of Capitalism." (1981)i Kanth, R. (Ed.). Paradigms in Economic Development. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk. 165-175. 10p.
* Riddell, J.B. 1981. The geography of modernization in Africa: A re-examination. Canadian Geographer, Vol. XXV, No. 3. 290-298. 9p.
* Rodney, W. 1989. "How Europe underdeveloped Africa." (1973) English Press, Nairobi. 9-37, 103-123, 223-260. 89p.
Rostow, W.W. 2000. "The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto." (1960)in Timmons Robert, J. & A. Hite (Eds): From Modernization to Globalization. Perspectives on Development and Social Change. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 9p.
* Schultz, T.W. 1980. "Nobel Lecture: The Economics of Being Poor." Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 88, No. 4. 639-651. 12p.
* Slater, D. 1974. "Contribution to a critique of development geography." Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 8. 325-354. 30p.
* Smith, A. 1991. The wealth of nations. (1776). David Campbell Publishers, London. 493-526. 33p.
* Tschudi, A. B. 1973. "People’s communes in China." Norsk Geogr. Tidsskr. 27. 5-37. 24p.
* Wallerstein, I. 1974. The modern world-system I. Academic Press, New York. 3-11, 347-357. 15p.
* Warren, B. 1980. Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism. Verso, London. 110-121, 158-185. 38p.
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