
Kritisk geopolitikk:

*Hyndman, J. (2004) : "Mind the gap: bridging feminist and political geography through geopolitics". Political Geography, vol 23, s. 307-322 (15 sider)

Slater, D. (2004): Geopolitics and the post-colonial. Blackwell, Malden, MA. Kapittel 1,2,6,8,9 (148 sider)

Diskurs og politikk

*Fairclough, N. (2000): New labour, new language. Routledge, London. Kapittel 1 (29 sider)

*Said, E. W.(1995): Orientalism: Western conceptions of the orient. Penguin, London. s.1-28 (29 sider)

@ Kothari, U. (2006): "Spatial practices and imaginaries: Experiences of colonial officers and development professionals". Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Vol 27, 3, s 235-253 (18 s). Tilgjengelig p? internett

Identitet og grenser

*Hooks, B. (2001): "Eating the other: desire and resistance". I: Media and cultural studies. Blackwell, Malden, MA. (14 sider)

*Paasi, A. (1999): "Boundaries as social practice and discourse: the Finnish-Russian border". Regional Studies. Vol 33, 7, s. 669-680 (12 sider)

Menneskerettigheter: Universalisme vs kulturrelativisme

*Bell, D. (2006) Introduction, pp. 1-22; Chapter 3, Human Rights and "values in Asia" pp. 52-83 I Beyond Liberal Democracy:Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press (52 sider)

*Donnelly, J. (1999) "A defence of "Western" Universalism" s. 60-87 i Bauer, J. and Bell, D. (1999) The Asian Challenge for Human Rights. Cambridge university Press (27 sider)

Menneskerettigheter vs nasjonal suverenitet

@ Joona, T. (2005) "The Political Recognition and Ratification of ILO Convention No. 169 in Finland, with Some Comparison to Sweden and Norway", Nordic Journal of Human rights, 23, 3. (14 s) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Anbefalt lesning:

Se ogs? hele konvensjonen her

Nasjonal identitet

Calhoun, C.: Nationalism. Open University Press, Buckingham. Kapittel 1,2,3,4,5 (95 sider)

Makt og motstand

Lukes, S. (2005): Power: a radical view. Palgrave, Hampshire. Kapittel 1og 3 (88 sider)

Scott, J. (1990): Domination and the arts of resistance. Yale University Press, New Haven. Kapittel 2,3,4 (90 sider)

Totalt ca. 700 sider

*= text in compendium.

The compendium will be available at Kopiutsalget at the bookstore Gnist Akademika at Blindern. Please bring your student card.

Publisert 9. apr. 2010 10:10 - Sist endret 12. mai 2010 11:16