
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2009Kristian Stokke? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Political Geography at UiO: The Politics and Spatiality of Representation? Cox & Low (2003), Agnew (2003), Cox (2003), England (2003), Flint (2003), H?kli (2003), Kofman (2003), Low (2003), Marston (2003), Painter (2003), Robbins (2003), Robinson (2003), Toal (2003), Mamadouh (2003)?
28.08.2009Kristian Stokke? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Transitions to Democracy and Peace ? Barnett & Low (2004), Luckham, Goetz & Kaldor (2003), Carothers (2002), Stokke (2009), Stokke (2009), T?rnquist (2009)?
04.09.2009Marianne Millstein? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Spaces of governance, participation and citizenship? Lindell (2008), Melo & Baiocchi (2006), Miraftab & Willis (2005), Robins, Cornwall & von Lieres (2008), Swyngedouw (2005)?
11.09.2009Kristian Stokke? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Civil society and social movements ? Garmany (2008), McIlwaine (2007), Nicholls (2007), Routledge (2003), Stokke (2009)?
18.09.2009David Christoffer Lier? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? New geographies of work? Johns & Vural (2000), Lier & Stokke (2006), Sadler (2003), Tufts (1998)?
25.09.2009Elin Selboe? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Material and symbolic practices in political networks ? Erdman & Engel (2007), Knox, Savage & Harvey (2006), Lindell (2001), Stokke & Selboe (2009)?
09.10.2009Peris Sean Jones? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Human rights and politics of scale ? Carmalt (2007), Herod (2003), Mitchell (2003), Uvin (2004)?
16.10.2009Jemima Garcia-Godos? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Transitional justice after conflict and authoritarianism ? Barahona de Brito, González-Enríquez, et al. (2001), García-Godos (2008), Wilson (2001)?
23.10.2009Kristian Stokke? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Identity politics and nationalism ? Daley (2006), Korf (2006), Penrose (2002), Yiftachel & Ghanem (2004)?
30.10.2009Marta Bivand Erdal? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Transnational identities and practices ? Gielis (2009), Kivisto (2003), Orjuela (2008), Vertovec (2001)?
06.11.2009Marielle Stigum? Auditorium 3 Eilert Sundts hus? Mediated representations? Chouliaraki (2006), H?ijer (2004), S?ther (2008)?
Published June 22, 2009 8:08 PM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2009 2:27 PM