
Reading List:

*Adger, W.N. (2006). Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 16: 268-281. (14 pages)

*Adger, W. Neil, Tor A. Benjaminsen, Katrina Brown, and Hanne Svarstad. (2001). Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change 32: 681-715. (35 pages)

*Barnett, Jon. (2003). Security and Climate Change, Global Environmental Change 13: 7-17. (11 pages)

*Davis, Mike. (2006). Planet of Slums. London: Verso. Chapter 1: The Urban Climacteric (pages 1-19) and Chapter 6: Slum Ecology (pages 121-150) (49 pages)

*De Groot, Judith I.M. and Linda Steg. (2008). Value Orientations to Explain Beliefs Related to Environmental Significant Behavior: How to Measure Egoistic, Altruistic, and Biospheric Value Orientations. Environment and Behavior 40: 330-354. (25 pages)

Eriksen, S.E.H. and K.L.O'Brien (2007). Vulnerability, Poverty and the Need for Sustainable Adaptation Measures. Climate Policy 7: 337-352 (16 pages) Nettadresse kommer

*Folke, Carl. (2006). Resilience: The Emergence of a Perspective for Social–ecological Systems Analyses. Global Environmental Change 16: 253-267. (15 pages)

*Gasper, Des. (2005). Securing Humanity: Situating ‘Human Security as Concept and Discourse” Journal of Human Development 7(2): 221-245 (34 pages)

*Godschalk, D.R. (2003) Urban Hazard Mitigation: Creating Resilient Cities. Natural Hazards Review 4(3):136-143. (8 pages)

*Grothmann, T. & Patt, A. (2005) Adaptive capacity and human cognition: The process of individual adaptation to climate change. Global Environmental Change 15, 199-213. (15 pages)

*Heyd, T. (2005) Sustainability, Culture and Ethics: Models from Latin America. Ethics, Place and Environment 8:223-234 (12 pages)

Hochachka, G. (2007) An Introduction to Integral International Development. AQAL Journal of Integral Theory and Practice 2:1-22 (22 pages - to be distributed in class)

*Hulme, Mike. (2008). The conquering of climate: discourses of fear and their dissolution. The Geographical Journal 174 (1): 5–16. (17 pages)

*Hurrell, Andrew. (2006) "The State." in A. Dobson and R. Eckersley (eds.) , Political Theory and the Ecological Challenge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pages 165-182(18 pages)

*IPCC. (2007) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Summary for Policymakers (pages 3-17) (15 pages)

*Kjellén, Bo. (2008). "The New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development." in B. Kjellén, A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change. London: Routledge. Pages 29-49(21 pages)

Leichenko, Robin M. and Karen L. O’Brien. (2008). Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures. New York: Oxford University Press. (121 pages)

*Linklater, Andrew. (2006) "Cosmopolitanism" in A. Dobson and R. Eckersley (eds.), Political Theory and the Ecological Challenge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pages 109-127 (19 pages)

*Lynch, Amanda H., Lee Tryhorn, and Rebecca Abramson. (2008). Working at the Boundary: Facilitating Interdisciplinarity in Climate Change Adaptation Research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) Feb 2008: 169-179. (11 pages)

*Maniates, Michael. (2002). Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World? in T. Princen et al. (eds). Confronting Consumption. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Pages 43-66 (24 pages)

*Newell, Peter. (2005). Race, Class and the Global Politics of Environmental Inequality. Global Environmental Politics 5: 70-94. (25 pages).

O’Brien, Karen L. (2006). Are we Missing the Point? Global Environmental Change as an Issue of Human Security. Global Environmental Change 16:1-3. (3 pages) Nettadresse kommer

O'Brien, K.L., Eriksen, S., Nygaard, L. and Schjolden, A (2007) Why Different Interpretations of Vulnerability Matter in Climate Change Discourses. Climate Policy 7:73-88 (14 pages) nettadresse kommer.

*Robinson, John. (2004). Squaring the Circle? Some Thoughts on the Idea of Sustainable Development. Ecological Economics 48: 369-384. (16 pages)

*Roncoli, Carla. (2006). Ethnographic and Participatory Approaches to Research on Farmers’ Responses to Climate Predictions. Climate Research 33: 81-99. (19 pages)

*Schipper, Lisa and Mark Pelling. (2006). Disaster Risk, Climate Change and International Development: Scope for, and Challenges to, Integration. Disasters 30:19-38. (20 pages)

*Smit, B. and J. Wandel. (2006). Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 16: 282-292. (11 pages)

*Solecki, W.D. and R. M. Leichenko. (2006). Urbanization and the Metropolitan Environment: Lessons from New York and Shanghai. Environment 48 (4): 8-23. (16 pages)

*Steffen, W. et al. (2004). Global Change and the Earth System. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Chapter 3: The Anthropocene Era: How Humans are Changing the Earth System (pages 81-141) (61 pages)

*Weber, Elke U. (2006). Experience-Based and Description-Based Perceptions of Long-Term Risk: Why Global Warming does not Scare us (Yet). Climatic Change 77:103-120. (18 pages)

*Young, Abby. (2007). Forming Networks, Enabling Leaders, Financing Action: The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. In Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change, ed. Susanne C. Moser and Lisa Dilling, 383–398. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (16 pages)

*Young, O. et al. (2006). The Globalization of Socio-Ecological Systems: An Agenda for Scientific Research. Global Environmental Change 16: 304-316. (13 pages)

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Published Apr. 22, 2008 7:21 PM - Last modified May 26, 2008 3:22 PM