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@Bailey, C., White, C., & Pain, R. (1999). Evaluating qualitative research: dealing with the tension between science and creativity. Area, 31(2), 169-178 (9p). Available online
Cloke, P. et al. 2004. Practicing Human Geography. Sage, London. Chapters 5,7,9,11 (127 pages).
@ Davis, P. & B. Baulch. 2010. Casting the net wide and deep: lessons learned in a mixed-methods study of poverty dynamics in rural Bangladesh. Working Paper No. 155. Chronic Poverty Research Centre, University of Manchester. 1-44. Available online
*Emerson, R.M., Fretz R.I and Shaw, L.L. (2011). "In the Field: participating, observing and jotting notes". Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Chapter 2 (22p)
Flowerdew R. and Martin, D. (2005). Methods in human geography. Pearson Education, Harlow, Essex. Chapters 3,4,5,7,8 (74 pages)
@Goss, J. D., & Leinbach, T. R. (1996). Focus groups as alternative research practice: experience with transmigrants in Indonesia. Area, 115-123 (8p). Available online
@Grossman, J. (2011): "The researched on research and researchers: Conversations with SADSAWU." South African Review of Sociology 42(2): 122-127 (5p). Available online
*Hammersley, M. & P. Atkinson (2007). Chapter 4: Field relations. Ethnography. Third edition. Routledge, London. 63-96 (33p).
Hay, I. (ed.). 2010. Qualitative research methods in Human Geography. Third edition. Oxford University Press, Canada. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,14, (161p)
J?rgensen, M.J. & L. Phillips. 2002. Discourse analysis as theory and method. Sage, London. 1-96 (96p).
@Markusen, A. (1994). Studying Regions by Studying Firms*. The Professional Geographer, 46(4), 477-490 (13p). Available online
@Pain, R. (2003). Social geography: on action-orientated research. Progress in Human Geography, 27(5), 649-658 (11p). Available online
*Patton, M. Q. 2002. “Qualitative interviewing”. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage, Newbury Park. Chapter 7, 339-426 (87 pages).
*Salda?a, J. 2009. “An introduction to codes and coding”. The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage, London. Chapter 1, p. 1-32 (32 pages)
@ Schoenberger, E. 1991. The corporate interview as a research method in economic geography. Professional Geographer, Vol 43, No. 2. 180-189. Available online
@ Smith, K. E. (2006). Problematising power relations in ‘elite’interviews. Geoforum, 37(4), 643-653. Available online
@Staeheli, L. and D. Mitchell (2005): "The complex politics of relevance in geography." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95(2): 357-372 (15p). Available online
@ S?ther, E. 2006. Fieldwork as coping and learning. Heimer, M & Th?gersen, S. (eds). Doing fieldwork in China. NIAS Press, Copenhagen. 42-57. Available online
@Watson, A. and Till, K. (2010). Ethnography and participant observation. In: D. DeLyser, S. Herbert, S. Aitken, M. Crang, and L. McDowell (eds.) The SAGE handbook of qualitative geography. 121-138. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Available online
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