@ = available online
Cloke, P. et al. 2004. Practicing Human Geography. Sage, London. 123-205, less 132-148.
@ Davis, P. & B. Baulch. 2010. Casting the net wide and deep: lessons learned in a mixed-methods study of poverty dynamics in rural Bangladesh. Working Paper No. 155. Chronic Poverty Research Centre, University of Manchester. 1-44. Available online
Hammersley, M. & P. Atkinson. 2007. Ethnography. Third edition. Routledge, London. 1-120, 209-236.
@ Hesselberg, J. 2012. Fieldwork in developing countries. A short student guide. ISS, UiO. Available on Fronter. 64 pages.
@ Iversen, A.B. 2011. Kvalitative og kvantitative metoder – et kontinuum? Kommentar. Sosiologisk tidsskrift, ?rgang 19. 175-183. Available online
J?rgensen, M.J. & L. Phillips. 2002. Discourse analysis as theory and method. Sage, London. 1-95, 175-212.
Hay, I. (ed.). 2010. Qualitative research methods in Human Geography. Third edition. Oxford University Press, Canada. Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17.
@ Schoenberger, E. 1991. The corporate interview as a research method in economic geography. Professional Geographer, Vol 43, No. 2. 180-189. Available online
@ S?ther, E. 2006. Fieldwork as coping and learning. Heimer, M & Th?gersen, S. (eds). Doing fieldwork in China. NIAS Press, Copenhagen. 42-57. Available online
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