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1 Globalisering og byutvikling

*Harvey, D. (2000): "Contemporary globalization". Kapittel 4 i Spaces of Hope, s. 53-73. 20 sider.

*Hill, R.C. and Kim, J.W. (2006) Global Cities and developmental States: New York, Tokyo and Seoul i Brenner, N og Keil, R. (red.) The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, New York, s. 170-178. 9 sider.

@Robinson, J. (2005): “Urban geography:world cities or a world of cities?” i Progress in Human geography, 29, 757-765. 9 sider.

@Sassen, S. (2001): “Global Cities and Developmentalist States: How to Deral What Could be an Interesting Debate: A Response to Hill and Kim” i Urban Studies, 38, s. 2537-2540. 4 sider.

@Sassen, S. (2006, opprinnelig 2002): "Locating Cities in Global Circuits" i Environment and Urbanization 2002 14: 13. 17 sider

*Sassen, S. (2001): The Global City i kap. 1 Overview. Princeton University Press, New York, s. 3-15. 13 sider.

*Smith, M.P. (2006, opprinnelig 2011): “ The Global Cities Discourse. A return to the Master Narrative" i Brenner, N og Keil, R. (red.) The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, New York, s. 377-383. 7 sider.

2 Debatten om kreative byer

@Andersen, K. V., Markus M. Bugge, M. M., Hansen, H. K., Isaksen, A. og Raunio, M. (2010): ”One Size Fits All? Applying the Creative Class Thesis onto a Nordic Context” i European Planning Studies. Vol. 18, nr. 10, s. 1591-1609. 18

@Florida, R. (2005): Cities and the Creative Class. Kap. 2: "Cities and The Creative Class". Routledge, New York, s.27-45. 19 sider.

@Peck, J. (2005): “Struggling with the creative class. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29: 740-770. 31 sider.

@Storper, M. og Manville, M. (2006): “ Behaviour, Preferences and Cities: Urban Theory and Urban Resurgence”. Urban Studies 43, s. 1247-1274. 27 sider.

3 Boligmarked og flytting

@Clark, W.A.V., Deurloo M.S. og Dieleman, F.M. (2006): “Residential Mobility and Neighbourhood Outcomes” i Housing Studies 21, s. 323–342. 20 sider.

@Dieleman, F. (2001): “Modelling residential mobility: a review of recent research” i Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 16, s. 249-265. 17 sider.

*Magnusson Turner, L. (2008): “Odé til Markov”. Installasjonsforelesning Uppsala Universitet, 10. November 2008. 10 sider.

@Mazanti, B. (2007): “Choosing residence, community and neighbours” i Geografiska Annaler. Series B. 89, s. 53-68. 16 sider.

*Van Ham, M. (2012) "Housing behaviour" I Clapham, D.F., Clark, W.A.V., og Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies, London, Sage Publications, s. 47-65. 20 sider.

4 Sosio-?konomisk ulikhet og sosio-?konomisk segregasjon

*Fainstain, S. (2001): "Inequality in Global City-Regions" i Scott, A.J. (red.) Global City-Regions. Trend, Theory, Policy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, s. 285-298. 14 sider.

*Hamnett, C. (2011): "Urban Social Polarization" i Derudder, B. et. al. (red.) International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities, s. 361-368. 7 sider.

*Sassen, S. (2006): Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, kapittel 6 (s.151-175),kap. 8 (s.193-199). 30 sider.

@Wessel, T. (2000): "Social polarisation and socio-economic segregation in a welfare state: The case of Oslo" i Urban Studies, vol. 37, s. 1947-1967. 21 sider

*Wessel, T. (2015) Economic segregation in Oslo: polarisation as a contingent outcome, i. Tammaru, T., van Ham, Marcinczak, S. and Musterd, S. (Red.) East Meets West: New Perspectives on Social Segregation in European Capital Cities, s. 132-155. London: Routledge. 24 sider.

5 Etnisk segregasjon

*Alba, R. og Nee, V. (2005): Remaking the American Mainstream, s. 1-16 (“Introducton”). Cambridge, US og London, England: Harvard University Press. 16 sider.

@Br?m?, ?. (2006): "White Flight? The Production and Reproduction of Immigrant Concentration Areas in Swedish Cities, 1990-2000" i Urban Studies, vol. 43, s. 1127-1146. 20 sider.

*Jonassen, C. (1949) "Cultural values in the ecology of an ethnic group" i American Sociological Review, s. 32-41. 10 sider.

@Magnusson Turner, L. and Wessel, T. (2013): “Upwards, outwards and westwards: relocation of ethnic minorities in the Oslo region”. Geografiska Annaler Series B 95: 1-16. 16 sider.

*Musterd, S. (2012) “Ethnic Residential Segregation – Reflections on Concepts, Levels and Effects”, i Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies, s. 419- 438. 20 sider

*Peach, C. (2005) “The Ghetto and the Ethnic Enclave”, I Varady, D. P. (red.) Desegregating the City, s. 31-48. Albany: State University of New York Press. 18 sider.

6 Gentrification

@Butler, T. & Robson, G. (2001) "Social capital, gentrification and neighbourhood change in London: A comparison of three South London Neighbourhoods" i Urban Studies, vol. 38, s. 2145-2162. 18 sider.

@Hamnett, C. (2003): "Gentrification and the Middle-Class remaikng of Inner London, 1991-2001" i Urban Studies 40, s. 2401-2426. 26 sider.

*Lees, L., Slater og T. Wyly, E. (2008): Gentrification, kap. 5: “The Birth of Gentrification”. Routledge, New York, s. 3-36. 33 sider

*Atkinson, R. og Bridge, G. (2005). Gentrification in a Global Context. The new urban colonialism, kap. 1: "Introduction". Routledge, New York, s. 1-17. 17 sider.

7 Den moderne byplanleggingens historie

Hall, P (2014): Cities of tomorrow. Blackwell, Oxford. Side: 12-48, 90-201, 237-290, 325-384 (259 sider).

8 Neoliberal bypolitikk og postmoderne byplanlegging

@Bayliss, D. (2007): “The rise of the creative city: Culture and creativity in Copenhagen”. European planning studies, vol. 15, nr. 7, s. 889-903. 15 sider.

*Huchzermeyer, M. (2011) "Chapter Two: Urban competitiveness or improving poor people's lives: why 'Cities Without Slums'?", in M. Huchzermeyer, Cities with ‘Slums. UCT Press, s. 47-68. 22 sider.

@Hutton, T. (2011): “Thinking Metropolis: From the ‘Livable Region’ to the ‘Sustainable Metropolis’ in Vancouver” i International Planning Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, s. 237-255. 19 sider.

*Leitner, H. og Sheppard, E (1998): "Economic uncertainty, inter-urban competition, and the efficacy of entrepeurialism" i T. Hall og P. Hubbard (red.) The entrepeneurial city. Geographies of Politics, Regime and representation. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York m.fl., s. 294-307. 14 sider.

@Peck, J,Theodore, N. og Brenner, N. (2009): Neoliberal Urbanism: Models, Moments, Mutations. SAIS Review, vol. XXIX, no. 1. 19 sider.

*R?e, P. G. (2013) "Analysing place and place-making: Urbanization in Suburban Oslo. Under publisering i International Journal of Urban and Regional Studies. 17 sider.

@Smith, A. og Strand, I. K. (2011): "Oslo's new Opera House: Cultural flagship, regeneration tool or destination icon?" I European Urban and Regional Studies vol. 18, s. 93-110. 18 sider.

@Watson, V. (2009): "Seeing from the South: Refocusing Urban Planning on the Globe’s Sentral Issues" I Urban Studies vol. 46, nr. 11, s. 2259-2275. 26 sider.

9 B?rekraftig byutvikling

*Flint, J. (2012): “Neighbourhood sustainability: resident’s perceptions and perspectives” i Flint, J. og Raco, M. (red.) The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical reflections. Bristol, Policy Press, 23 sider.

@Newman, P. (2006): “The Environmental Impact of Cities” i Environment and Urbanization 18, s. 275-295. 21 sider. Tilgjengelig p? internett

*N?ss, P. (2012): “Urban form and travel behavior: experience from a Nordic context”. Journal of Transport and Land Use vol. 5. 34 sider.

@Schwanen, T. (2015): “The Bumpy Road toward Low-Energy Urban Mobility: Case Studies from Two UK Cities”. Sustainability, vol. 7, nr. 6, s. 7086-7111. 26 sider.


Publisert 28. okt. 2015 08:45 - Sist endret 28. okt. 2015 08:45