
* = i kompendium @ = tilgjengelig p? internett

Begreper og teori

Peet, R & E. Hartwick. 2009, Theories of development. Contentions, arguments, alternatives. 2nd Edition, Guildford, New York. Kap. 3,5,6,8. 166s.

* Amin, S. 1984. "Self-reliance and the New International Economic Order". Addo, H. (ed.). Transforming the world economy. Hodder and Stoughton, London. 204-219. 16s.

* Baran, P. A. 1988. "On the political economy of backwardness". Wilber, C.K. (ed.). The political economy of development and underdevelopment. Random House, New York. 96-108. 13s.

* Galtung, J. 1974. "En strukturell teori om imperialisme". Galtung, J. Fred, vold og imperialisme. Dreyer, Oslo. 122-161. 39s.

@ Goulet, D. 1992. "Development: Creator and destroyer of values". World Development, No. 3. 467-475. 7s. Tilgjengelig online

* Lal, D. 1985. "The misconceptions of ’development economics’". Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995. Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 56-63. 8s.

@ Leiva, F.I. 2008. “Toward a critique of Latin American Neostructuralism”. Latin American Politics and Society, Vol. 50, No.4. 1- 23. 24s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Mercer, C., Mohan, G. & Power, M. (2003). “Towards a critical political geography of African development”. Geoforum 34: 419-436. 15s. Tilgjengelig online

* Senghaas, D. 1985. The European experience. A historical critique of development theory. Berg, Leamington. 13-65. 52s. Totalt 340s.

 Fattigdom og levebr?dstrategier

@ De Haan, L. & Zoomers, A. 2003. “Development geography at the crossroads of livelihood and globalisation”. Tijdsschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. 94, No 3. 351-362. 11s. Tilgjengelig online

@Hesselberg, J. 2010. "Becoming poor in Ghana". Notat. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO. 11s. Finnes p? Classfronter

@ Hesselberg, J. 2012. "Fattigdom, utviklingsteori- og strategi." Notat. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO. 42s. Finnes p? Classfronter.

@ Hulme, D. & A. Shepherd. 2003. "Conceptualising chronic poverty". World Development, Vol. 31, No. 3. 403-423. 18s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Morse, S., McNamara, N. & M. Acholo. 2009. “Sustainable livelihood approach: a critical analysis of theory and practice”. Geographical Paper No. 189. The University of Reading. 63s.

* Miller, S.M. 1996. "The great chain of poverty explanations". ?yen, E. et al. (eds). Poverty: A global review. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. 569-586. 18s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Scoones, I. 2009. “Livelihoods perspectives and rural development”. The Journal of Peasant studies, Vol.36, No. 1, 171-196. 25s. Tilgjengelig online

Totalt 188s.

 Klimaendringer og s?rbarhet

@Adger, W.N. 2006. Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 16: 268-281. 14s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Eriksen, S.E. H., Aldunce, P., Bahinipati, C. Martins,R., Molefe, J., Nemachena, C., O'Brien, K. 2011.” When not every response to climate change is a good one: Identifying principles for sustainable adaptation”. Climate and Development. Vol.3. 7- 20.14s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Eriksen, S. & K. O'Brien. 2007. “Vulnerability, poverty and the need for sustainable adaptation measures”. Climate Policy. Vol.7, No. 4. 337- 352. 14s. Tilgjengelig online

* Ireland, P. 2012. "Climate change adaptation: Business-as-usual aid and development or an emerging discourse for change?", International Journal of Development Issues 11(2): pp.92 – 110. 18s

@ O'Brien, K., Eriksen, S. E. H., Schjolden, A. & L.P. Nygaard, Lynn P. 2007. “Why different interpretations of vulnerability matter in climate change discourses”. Climate Policy, Vol.7, No.1. 73- 88. 16s. Tilgjengelig online

* St.Clair, A.L. 2010. “Global poverty and climate change: Towards the responsibility to protect”, O'Brien et al. Climate change, Ethics and Human Security. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 180-198. 18s.

Totalt 94s.

 N?ringsutvikling, internasjonal arbeidsdeling og globalisering

* Alden, C. 2007. “China's new foreign policy towards Africa”. Alden, C. China in Africa. Zed Books, London. 8-36. 25s.

* Soares de Oliveria, F. 2008. “Making sense of Chinese Oil Investment in Africa”, Alden, C. et al. China Returns to Africa. A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace. Hurst & Company, London. 83-110. 27s.

@ Amsden, A. 2004. "Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia!" CEPAL Review, Vol. 82. 75-89. 14s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Endresen, S. & Bergene A.C. 2006. “Labour standards and the question of industrialisation strategy. An African Example”. Jauch , H,. & R. Traub-Merz (Eds). The future of the textile and garment industry in Sub-Saharan Africa. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn. 80-94. 15s. Tilgjengelig online

* Chang, Ha-Joon. 2003. Chapt. 9. "Institutional foundations for effective design and implementation of selective trade and industrial policies in the least developed countries: theory and evidence" in Globalisation, economic development and the state. Zed Books, London. 305-335. 30s.

* Gereffi, G. 1997. "The elusive last lap in the quest for developed-country status". Mittelman, J. (ed.). Globalization. Critical reflections. Lynne Rienner, London. 53-81. 28s.

@ Haugen, H. ?. 2011. “Chinese Exports to Africa: Competition, Complementarity and Cooperation between Micro-Level Actors”. Forum for Development Studies, Vol. 38, No. 2.157-176. 20s. Tilgjengelig online

Kiley, R. 1998. Industrialization and development. Arrowhead Books Press, Reading. Chapter 2, 5, and 8. 69s.

* Knutsen, H.M. 2012. Endringer i arbeidsmarkedet og industriell oppgradering i Kina. Bekkevold J.I. & H. Kristoffersen (red.) Kinas ?konomi. Kapittel 6. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. 117-137 (20 sider).

@ Henderson, J & K. Nadvi. 2011. “Greater China. The challenges of global production networks and the dynamics of transformation”. Global Networks, Vol. 11, No. 3. 285-297. 11s. Tilgjengelig online

Totalt 259s.

 Fredsbygging og utviklingspolitikk

@ Duffield, M. 2002. Governing the Borderlands: Decoding the Power of Aid. Disasters, Vol.25, No. 4. 308-320. 11s. Tilgjengelig online

* Jarstad, A.K. & Sisk, T.D. (red.) 2008. Kap 1: "Dilemmas of war-to-democracy transitions: theories and concepts" in From War to Democracy. Dilemmas of Peacebuilding. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (20 sider)

* Paris, R. 2004. At War’s End. Building Peace After Civil Conflict. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kap. 2: "The Liberal Peace Thesis". 12s.

Totalt 63s.

 Transformativt politikk for reelt demokrati

* Sandbrook, R., Edelman, M., Heller, P. & Teichman, J. 2007. Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins, Challenges, Prospects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Kap. 1, s. 3-34). 31s.

* Heller, P. (kommer 2013). "Participation and democratic transformation: Building effective citizenship in Brazil, India and South Africa". I: K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (red.). Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill. ca 15s

* Bull, B. (kommer 2013). "Social movements and the "pink tide" governmentsin Latin America: Transformation, inclusion and rejection". I: K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (red.). Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill. ca 15s

* Harriss, J. (kommer 2013). "Transformative democratic politics in liberalising India?" I: K. Stokke & O. T?rnquist (red.). Democratization in the Global South: The Importance of Transformative Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmill. ca 15s.

Totalt 76s.

 Styresett, deltagelse, politikk

* Parnell, S. 2008. “Urban governance in the South: The politics of rights and development”. Cox, K.R, M. Low and J. Robinson (red): The Sage Handbook of Political Geography. Sage, London. 14s.

* Cornwall, A. & Coelho, V.S. 2007. Spaces for change? The Politics of Participation in New Democratic Arenas. A. Cornwall & V.S. Coelho (red.). Spaces for change? The Politics of Participation in New Democratic Arenas. Zed, London. 25s.

@ Hickey, S. 2009. “The politics of protecting the poorest: Moving beyond the ‘anti-politics machine’?” Political Geography 28: 473-483. 9s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Bebbingtion, A.J, D. Mitlin, J. Mogaladi, M.Scurrah, C. Bielich 2010. “Decentring poverty, reworking government: social movements and states in the government of poverty”. Journal of Development Studies Vol. 46, No.7. 1304-1326. 22s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Millstein, M. & D. Jordhus-Lier. “Making communities work? Casual labour practices and local civil society dynamics in Delft, Cape Town” ca 30s. Journal of Southern African Studies 2012. Tilgjengelig online

@ Mitlin, D. 2008. “With and beyond the state – co-production as a route to political influence, power and transformation for grassroots organizations”. Environment and Urbanization 20(2): 339-360. 23s. Tilgjengelig online

Totalt 111s.

 Etisk produksjon og handel, arbeidsforhold

@ Barrientos, S. & Smith, S. 2007. “Do workers benefit from ethical trade? Assessing codes of labour practice in global production systems”. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 4. 713-729. 17s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Bhagwathi, J, 1995. "Trade liberalisation and fair trade demands: addressing the environmental and labour standards issues". World Economy, Vol. 18, No. 6. 745-759. 14s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Bowles, P. 2010. Globalization’s problematic for labour: three paradigms. Global Labour Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1. 12-28. 17s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Ferus-Comelo, A. 2008. “Mission impossible? Raising labor standards in the ICT sector”. Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 141-158. 17s. Tilgjengelig online

Jenkins, R., Pearson, R., & Seyfang, G. 2002. Corporate responsibility and labour rights. Earthscan, London. Chapt. 2,10,11,16. 51s.

@ Ngai, P. Chan, C.K.C. & J. Chan. 2010. "The role of the state, labour policy and migrant workers’ struggle in globalized China". Global Labour Journal, Vol.1, No. 1. 132- 146. 15s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Pietro-Carron, M., Lund-Thomsen, P., Chan, A., Muro, A. & Bhushan, C. 2006. "Critical perspectives on CSR and development: what we know, don’t know and what we need to know". International Affairs, Vol. 82, No. 5. 977-987. 10s. Tilgjengelig online

@ Selwyn, B. 2012. Beyond firm-centrism: reintegrating labour and capitalism into global commodity chain analysis. Journal of Economic Geography 12: 205-26. 21s. Tilgjengelig online

Totalt 162s.


Degnbol-Martinussen, J. & P. Engeberg-Pedersen. 2003. Aid. Understanding international development cooperation. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 3, 4, 13,14. 30-55 and 267-315 75s.

* Riddell, R.C. 2007. Does foreign aid really work?. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chapter 20: Why aid isn’t working 357-380. 23s.

Totalt 98s.

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Publisert 3. okt. 2012 15:34 - Sist endret 31. okt. 2013 09:42