
*= i kompendium

Begreper og teori

*Amin, S. 1984. "Self-reliance and the New International Economic Order". Addo, H. (ed.). Transforming the world economy. Hodder and Stoughton, London. 204-219. 16s.

*Baran, P. A. 1988. "On the political economy of backwardness". Wilber, C.K. (ed.). The political economy of development and underdevelopment. Random House, New York. 96-108. 13s.

*Burkett, P. & M. Hart-Landsberg. 1998. "East Asia and the crisis of development theory". Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 28, No. 4. 435-53. 19s.

* Chow Ngan-ling, E. & D.M. Lyter. 2002. "Studying development with gender perspectives". In Chow Ngan-ling, E. (ed): Transforming gender and development in East Asia. Routledge, London. Chapt. 2. 25-57 30s

*Frank, A.G. 1966. "The development of underdevelopment". Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995: Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 27-37. 11s.

*Galtung, J. 1974. "En strukturell teori om imperialisme". Galtung, J: Fred, vold og imperialisme. Dreyer, Oslo. 122-161. 39s.

*Goulet, D. 1992. "Development: Creator and destroyer of values". World Development, No. 3. 467-475. 7s.

Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay. 2004. "Latin America transformed: Globalization and neoliberalism". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 3-21. 18s.

*Kay, C. 1989. Latin American theories of development and underdevelopment. Routledge, London. 197-227. 30s.

*Lal, D. 1985. "The misconceptions of "development economics". Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995: Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 56-63. 8s.

Murray, W.E. & E. Silva. 2004. "The political economy of sustainable development". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity . 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 117-138. 21s.

* Peet, R. & E.R. Hartwick. 1999. Theories of development. The Guildford Press, London. Chapt. 2: "Economic theories of growth and development" p. 17-64, 48s og Chapt.7: "Critical modernism, radical democracy, development" p. 195-210, 15s. I alt 63.

*Schuurman, F. J. 1993. Kap. 1. "Introduction: development theory in the 1990s". In Schuurman, F. J. (ed). Beyond the impasse. New Directions in development theory. Zed Books, London. 1-48. 48s.

*Senghaas, D. 1985. The European experience. A historical critique of development theory. Berg, Leamington. 13-65. 78s.

*Sutcliffe, B. 1995. "Development after ecology". In Roberts, J.T & A. Hite (eds). 2000. From modernisation to globalisation. Blackwell, Oxford. 328-339. 12s.

Totalt 375 s.

Urbanisering og fattigdom

*Hesselberg, J. 1996. Fattigdom og utviklingsstrategier. Occasional Paper No. 22. Samfunns-geografi, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunsgeografi, UiO. Kap. 4, 5, 6. 19-32. 14s.

*Hesselberg, J. 1996. "Shelter strategies and the urban poor". Forum for Development Studies, No. 2. 405-415. 11s.

*Hesselberg, J. 2005. "The urban and the rural in the development debate: an overview". Forum for Development Studies. Vol. 32, No. 2 493-507. 14s.

*Hill, E. 2001. "Women in the Indian informal economy: collective strategies for work life improvement and development". Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 15, No. 3. 443-464. 20s.

*Hulme, D. & A. Shepherd. 2003. "Conceptualising chronic poverty". World Development, Vol. 31, No. 3. 403-423. 18s.

*Miller, S.M. 1996. "The great chain of poverty explanations". ?yen, E. et al. (eds). Poverty: A global review. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. 569-586. 18s.

*Rakodi, C. & T. Lloyd- Jones (eds). 2002. Urban livelihoods. Earthscan, London. Chapt. 1,2,4,5. 76s. Tilleggshefte

Totalt 171 s.

Rural utvikling

*De Almeida, L.F. & F.R. Sànchez. 2000. "The landless workers’s movement and social struggle against neoliberalism". Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 27, Issue 114. 11-32. 21s.

Ellis, F. 2000. Rural livelihoods and diversity in developing countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Kap. 1, 2, 11. 80s.

*Jackobs, S. 2002. "Land reform: still a goal worth pursuing for women?" Journal of International Development. Vol. 14. 887-898. 10s.

Kay, C. 2004. "Rural livelihoods and peasant futures". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 232-250. 18s.

*Knight, J. & L. Song. 2003. "Chinese peasant choices: Migration, rural industry or farming". Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No.2. 124-147. 23s

*Toner, A. 2003. "Exploring sustainable livelihoods approaches in relation to two interventions in Tanzania". Journal of International Development, Vol. 15. 771-781. 10s.

Totalt 162 s.

Industrialisering, internasjonal arbeidsdeling og globalisering

*Amsden, A. 2004. "Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia!" CEPAL Review 82. 75-89. 14s

*Bello, W. & S. Rosenfeld. 1990. "Dragons in distress". Asia's miracle economies in crisis. Institute for Food and Development Policy, San Francisco. 1-16. 17s.

*Chang, Ha-Joon. 2003. Globalisation, economic development and the state. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 9: "Institutional foundations for effective design and implementation of selective trade and industrial policies in the least developed countries: theory and evidence". 305-335. 30s.

*Gereffi, G. 1996. "The elusive last lap in the quest for developed-country status". Mittelman, J. (ed.). Globalization. Critical reflections. Lynne Rienner, London. 53-81. 28s.

Gwynne, R.N. 2004. "Structural reform in South America and Mexico: economic and regional perspectives". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ec. Arnold, London. 39-66. 27s

*Kaplinsky, R. 1993. "Export processing zones in the Dominican Republic: Transforming manu-fac-tures into commodities". World Development, No. 11. 1851-1865. 15s.

*Kaplinsky, R. 1995. "A reply to Willmore". World Development. No. 3. 537-540. 4s.

Kiley, R. 1998. Industrialization and development. Arrowhead Books Press, Reading. Chapter 2, 5, and 8. 69s.

*Knutsen, H.M. 2003. "Black entrepreneurs, local embeddedness and regional economic development in Northern Namibia." Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 41, No.4. 555-586. 31s.

*Willmore, L. 1995. "Export processing zones in the Dominican Republic: A comment on Kaplinsky". World Development, No. 3. 529-535. 7s.

Totalt 242 s.

Politikk og utvikling

*Abrahamsen, R. 2000. Disciplining Democracy: Development Discourse and Good Governance in Africa . Zed books, London. Chapt. 1 and 5. 46 s.

*Bierschenk, T. & Sardan, J.-P. O. 2003. "Powers in the Village: Rural Benin between Democratisation and Decentralisation". Africa, Vol. 2, No. 1, 145-173. 27s.

*Habib, A. & Kotzé, H. 2003. "Civil Society, Governance and Development in an Era of Globalisation: The South African Case". Mhone, G. & Edigheji, O. (eds.). Governance in the New South Africa. University of Cape Town Press, Cape Town. 46-270. 24s.

*Mercer, C. 2002. "NGOs, Civil Society and Democratization: A Critical Review of the Litterature". Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, 5-22. 15s.

*Millstein, M., Oldfield, S. & Stokke, K. 2003. "uTshani BuyaKhuluma- The Grass Speaks: the political space and capacity of the South African Homeless People’s Federation". Geoforum 34, 457-468. 11s.

*Lamounier, B. 2002. "Introduction: Globalisation, Social Inequality and Democracy". Tulchin, J.S. 2002 (ed.). Democratic Governance and Social Inequality. Lynne Rienner, Boulder. Chapt. 1: 1-10. 10s.

*Friedman, S. 2002. "Democracy, Inequality and the Reconstitution of Politics". Tulchin, J.S.2002 (ed.). Democratic Governance and Social Inequality. Lynne Rienner Publ., Boulder. Chapt. 2: 13-39. 26 s.

Totalt 159 s.

Etisk produksjon og handel, arbeidsforhold

*Chan, A. 2001. Chinese workers under assault. Chapt. 9: "In pursuit of labour rights". M.E. Sharpe, Armonk. 223-235. 14s.

*Bhagwathi, J, 1995. "Trade liberalisation and fair trade demands: addressing the environmental and labour standards issues". World Economy, Vol. 18, No. 6. 745-759. 14s.

*Bergene, A. C. 2006. Trade unions walking the tghtrope in defending workers’ interests: Wielding a weapon too strong? Paper presented in the Global Union Conference in New York, February. Submitted to Labour Studies Journal. 22s.

*Hensman, R. 2001. "World trade and workers’ rights: in search of an internationalist position". Antipode, Vol. 33, No3. 427-450. 21s

*Hepple, B. 1999. "Labour regulation in internationalised markets". In Picciotto, S. & R. Mayne. (eds) Regulating international business. Beyond liberalization. Macmillan, Houndsmills. 183-202. 20s.

Jenkins, R., Pearson, R., & Seyfang, G. 2002. Corporate responsibility and labour rights. Earthscan, London. Chapt. 2, 8, 10,11,13,16. 72s.

*Singh, A. & Zammit, A. 2003. "Globalisation, labour standards and economic development". Michie, J. (ed.). The Handbook of Globalisation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 191-215. 24s.

Totalt 187 s.


Degnbol-Martinussen, J. & P. Engeberg-Pedersen. 2003. Aid. Understanding international development cooperation. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 3, 4, 13,14. 30-55 and 267-315 75s.

*Linné Eriksen, T. 1997. "Afrika i markedsfundamentalismens tid". Fellesr?dets Afrika ?rbok 1996/1997. Gazettebok, Oslo. 19-30. 11s.

*Liland, F. & K.A. Kjerland. 2003. Norsk utviklingshjelps historie. Bind 3. 1989-2002. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen. Kap.1: Norge, utviklingsland og internasjonalt 澳门葡京手机版app下载. 17-30. 13s.

Totalt 99 s.

All pensumlitteratur er p? tilsammen 1400 sider.

Anbefalt litteratur, ikke pensum


Chambers, R. 1997. Whose reality counts? Putting the first last. Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Hesselberg, J. 1998. Sp?rreunders?kelse i utviklingsland. En guide for hovedfagsstudenter. Occasional Paper No. 25. Samfunnsgeografi, UiO.


Desai, V. & R.B. Potter. (eds) 2002. The companion to development studies. Arnold, London.

Sachs, W. (ed.). 1992. Development dictionary. A guide to knowledge as power. Zed, London.

UNDP. Human Development Report. Oxford University Press. ?rlig publikasjon.

World Bank. 2000/2001. World Development Report. Attacking poverty. Oxford University Press. Ogs? ?rlig publikasjon.

World Bank. World Development Indicators. Washington DC. ?rlig publikasjon.

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Publisert 22. okt. 2007 19:06 - Sist endret 25. jan. 2008 12:47