Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium @ = the article is available online

Main books

Buckingham, Susan and Mike Turner (editors). 2008. Understanding Environmental Issues. London: Sage Publications. (222 pages) (Chapter 5 (42 pages) is not included)

Dryzek, John. 2005. The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (236 pages)

Leichenko, Robin M. and Karen O’Brien. 2008. Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures. New York: Oxford University Press. (113 pages)

Articles & book chapters:

*Barnett, Jon, Richard Matthew and Karen O’Brien. 2010. Global Environmental Change and Human Security: An Introduction. Pages 3-32 in R. Matthew et al. (eds.), Global Environmental Change and Human Security. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (29 pages)

@ Barbier, E. 2011. The policy challenges for green economy and sustainable economic development. Natural Resources Forum 35: 233-245. (13 pages) Available online

* Lambin, E.F., Turner BL, Geist, H.J., Agbola, S.B., Angelsen, A, Bruce J.W., Coomes, O.T., Dirzo, R., Fischer, G., Folke, C., George P.S., Homewood, K., Imbernon J., Leemans, R., Li X.B., Moran E.F., Mortimore, M., Ramakrishnan, P.S., Richards, J.F., Skanes, H., Steffen, W., Stone, G.D., Svedin, U., Veldkamp, T.A., Vogel, C. & Xu, J.C. (2001): "The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths." Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions 11 (4). 261-269. (9 pages)

*Manning, Martin. 2011. The Climate for Science. Chapter 2 (pp. 32-48) in The Governance of Change: Science, Economics, Politics and Ethics. London: Polity. (17 pages)

@ Meadowcroft, James. 2009. "What About the Politics? Sustainable Development, Transition Management, and Long Term Energy Transitions." Policy Sciences 42(4):323-340. (18 pages) Available online

@ Pereira, H.M., Navarro, L.M., and I.S: Martins. Global Biodiversity Change: The Bad, the Good and the Unknown. Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources 37:16.1-16.26. (27 pages) Available online

*Satterthwaite, D., Hug, S., Reid, H., Pelling, M. and Romero Lankao, P. 2009. Adapting to Climate Change in Urban Areas: The Possibilities And Constraints in Low- and Middle-Income Nations. Pages 3-47 in J. Bicknell, D. Dodman and D. Satterthwaite (eds): Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges. (44 pages)

*Speth, G. 2010. “A new consciousness” Chapter 10 in The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability. (17 pages )

*Steffen, W., Persson, A., Deutsch, L., Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Richardson, K., Carole Crumley, C., Crutzen, P., Folke, C., Gordon, L., Molina, M., Ramanathan, V., Rockstrom, J., Scheffer, M., Schellnhuber, H.J., and U. Svedin, (2011) “The Anthropocene: From Global Change to Planetary Stewardship” Ambio 40: 739–761. (33 pages)

@Tibbs, H. 2011. “Changing Cultural Values and the Transition to Sustainability”. Journal of Futures Studies, March 2011, 15(3): 13 – 32. (20 pages) Available online

@ Zoomers, A. 2010. “Globalisation and the foreignisation of space: seven processes driving the current global land grab”. Journal of Peasant Studies, 37:2, 429-447. (19 pages) Available online

Course curriculum information

All course curriculum is available at the bookstore Akademika. The compendium will be available at Kopiutsalget in the basement of Akademika. Please bring your student card.

Online articles

@ = articles are available online through Bibsys' subscriptions to e-journal databases for employees and students. To access the articles it is necessary to use a computer in the UiO network. This is because the UiO subscription access is controlled by IP-address. To download the articles from computers outside the UiO network it is necessary to connect to the UiO network by VPN client.

Published Oct. 3, 2012 3:33 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2013 1:24 PM