
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.01.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Introduction? Ch. 1 (Dicken 2003)?
24.01.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 1? Introduction? ?
24.01.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 2? Introduction? ?
26.01.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 3? Introduction? ?
26.01.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 4? Introduction? ?
27.01.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? The changing global economic map? Ch.2&3 (Dicken 2003)?
03.02.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Technology? Ch.4 (Dicken 2003)?
10.02.2006? No Lecture? ? ?
14.02.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 1? Writing the semester paper/choosing topic? ?
14.02.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 2? Writing the semester paper/choosing topic? ?
16.02.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 3? Writing the semester paper/choosing topic? ?
16.02.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 4? Writing the semester paper/choosing topic? ?
17.02.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? The state? Ch. 5&6 (Dicken 2003)?
24.02.2006? No lecture? ? ?
03.03.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Transnational Corporations? Ch.7-9 (Dicken 2003)?
07.03.2005Anders Underthun? Seminar 1? Presentations ? ?
07.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 2? Presentations? ?
09.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 3? Presentations? ?
09.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 4? Presentations? ?
10.03.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture ? The EU? Martin (2001), Kr?tke (2002)?
17.03.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Case study: The textile industry? Ch.10 (Dicken 2003)?
21.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 1? Presentations? ?
21.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 2? Presentations? ?
23.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 3? Presentations? ?
23.03.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 4? Presentations? ?
24.03.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Case study: The shipbuilding industry? Eich-Born & Hassink 2005?
31.03.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Case study: The car industry? Ch.11 (Dicken 2003), Pavlinek (2002)?
04.04.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 1? Presentations? ?
04.04.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 2? Presentations? ?
06.04.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 3? Presentations? ?
06.04.2006Anders Underthun? Seminar 4? Presentations? ?
07.04.2006Robert Hassink? Lecture? Winners and losers? Ch.15,16,17 (Dicken 2003)?
18.04.2006Anders Underthun? Office 308, Harriet Holters Hus? Individual tutorials? The entire week will be used for tutorials. A list will be posted outside office 308, HH about two weeks before the Easter holidays. The tutorials require a draft paper to be handed in before friday the 7th of April. ?
05.05.2006? Deadline? Semester paper? ?
16.05.2006? Final exam? Final exam? ?
Published Nov. 24, 2005 2:16 PM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2005 3:36 PM