SGO1910 - Pensum/l?ringskrav

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Jensen, John R. and Ryan R. Jensen. 2013. Introductory Geographic Information Systems. Pearson: London. Chapters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10

Electronic articles:

@ Anselin, Luc and Arthur Getis. 1992. Spatial statistical analysis and geographic information systems. The Annals of Regional Science. 26(1): 19-33. Available online

@ Crampton, Jeremey W., Mark Graham, Ate Poorthuis, Taylor Shelton, Monica Stephens, Matthew w. Wilson, and Matthew Zook. Beyond the geotag: Situating ‘big data’ and leveraging the potential of the geoweb. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 40(2): 130-139.  Available online 

@ Crampton, Jeremy W. 2001. Maps as social constructions: Power, communication, and visualization. Progress in Human Geography. 25(2): 235-252. Available online

@ Downs, Roger M. 1997. The geographic eye: Seeing through GIS? Transactions in GIS, 2(2): 111-121. Available online

@ Elwood, Sarah and Agnieszka Leszczynski. 2011. Privacy, reconsidered: New representations, data practices, and the geoweb. Geoforum. 42: 6-15. Available online 

@ Elwood, Sarah. 2010. Geographic information science: Visualization, visual methods, and the geoweb. Progress in Human Geography. 35(3): 401-408. Available online

@ Goodchild, Michael F. 2015. Two decades on: Critical GIScience since 1993. The Canadian Geographer. 59(1): 3-11. Available online

@ Goodchild, Michael. 2004.The Validity and Usefulness of Laws in GIS and Geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(2): 300-303. Available online

@ Goodchild, Michael F. 1992. Geographical information science. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 6(1): 31-45. Available online

@ Jung, Jin-Kyu. and Sarah Elwood. 2010. Extending the qualitative capabilities of GIS: Computer-aided qualitative GIS. Transactions in GIS. 14(1): 63-87. Available online

@ Kent, Robert B. and Richard E. Klosterman. 2000. GIS and Mapping. Journal of the American Planning Association, 66(2):189-198. Available online

@ Kwan, M. P. 2012. How GIS can help address the uncertain geographic context problem in social science research. Annals of GIS18(4): 245-255. Available online

@ Leszczynski, Agnieszka and Sarah Elwood. 2015. Feminist geographies of new spatial media. The Canadian Geographer. 59(1): 12-28. Available online 

@ Lin, Wen. 2015. Revealing the making of OpenStreetMap: A limited account. The Canadian Geographer. 59(1): 69-81. Available online

@ Nightingale, A. J. 2003. A feminist in the forest: Situated knowledges and mixing methods in natural resource management. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 2 (1)?: 77-90. Available online

@ Pavlovskaya, Marianna. 2009. Non-quantitative GIS.  In. Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods Approach. Ed. M. Cope and S. Elwood. SAGE: London. 13-37. Available online

@ Schuurman, Nadine. 2000. Trouble in the heartland: GIS and its critics in the 1990s. Progress in Human Geography, 24:569-590.  Available online

@ Steinberg, Stephen J. and Sheila L. Steinberg. 2006. GIS: Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences: Investigating Space and Place: London: Sage. Kap. 3. s. 35-50. 16p. Available online

@ Stephens, Monica. 2013. Gender and the GeoWeb: Divisions in the production of user-generated cartographic information. GeoJournal. 78: 981-996. Available online 

@ Sui, Daniel Z. 2004. Tobler’s First Law of Geography: A Big Idea for a Small World? Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(2):269–277 Available online

@ Unwin, David J. 1995. Geographical information systems and the problem of 'error and uncertainty'. Progress in Human Geography, 19(4): 549-558. Available online

@ Wilson, Matthew W. 2012. Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future.  Geoforum. 43: 1266-1275.  Available online 


Total number of pages: 572

Published May 27, 2019 12:53 PM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2019 1:01 PM