Teaching facilities:
The course takes place at the University of Oslo, at the buildings Domus Medica (DM) and Domus Odontologica (DO)Teachers:Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB (Responsible for the course)Postdoc Jon Michael Gran, Department of Biostatistics, IMBPostdoc Kjetil R?ysland, Department of Biostatistics, IMBSenior researcher Hein Stigum, Norwegian Institute of Public HealthMonday 29. August08.30-09.00: Registration. (Outside Lille Auditorium in Domus Medica)Location: GA01 1128 seminarrom, DM09.00-11.00: What is causality? Philosophical background. Counterfactual and mechanistic causality. Speaker: Aalen.11.15-12.15: Group discussion. (Aalen). - Rooms GA01 2139, GA01 2141, GA01 2176, GA01 2134 12.15-13.00: Lunch breakLocation: GA01 2031 Lille auditorium; DM13.00-14.00: Counterfactual causality. Speaker: Aalen. 14.15-16.00: Introduction to causal graphs (DAGs).Speaker: StigumTuesday 30. August:Location: GA01 2015 Nye auditorium 13, DM08.30-12.00: Analyzing DAGs with examples and exercises. Speaker: Stigum. 12.00-12.45: Lunch break12.45-14.00: Analyzing DAGs with examples and exercises cont. Speaker: Stigum 14.15-16.00: Direct and indirect effects, mediation. Speaker : AalenWednesday 31. August:Location: GA02 A1.1004 Seminarrom, DO08.30-10.30: Propensity score, matching and weighting. Speaker: R?ysland. 10.45-12.00: Exercises, including discussion. (R?ysland)12.00-12.45: Lunch break12.45-14.30: Time-dependent confounding and Marginal Structural Models. Speaker: Gran. 14.30-15.30: Group discussion. Rooms GA01 2227A, GA01 2227B, GA01 2228B, GA01 2228C Location: Nye auditorium 13, DM15.40-15.55: Plenary discussion of exercise. (Gran) 15.55-16.00: Closure. (Aalen)Course exam:A take home exam will be handed out at the end of the course. This should be solved at home and then returned within a specified deadline.Teaching plan
Published June 28, 2011 3:25 PM
- Last modified Aug. 25, 2011 3:39 PM