Each student will be assigned a number. The class will be divided into two groups: Group K 1-54 and Group K 101-154.
Clinical small group teaching in OB/Gyn and Paediatrics will take place in the respective departments at Oslo University Hospital (locations Ullev?l and Rikshospitalet) and Akershus University Hospital. Clinical small group teaching begins in semester week 3 and is organized into two sections:
- a seven week rotation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- a six week rotation in Paediatrics
In addition, each student must participate in a 5 hour "Introductory course" in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and a separate “Practical course on a mannequin” which will take another 15 min for each student. At the end of the rotation each student must participate in a "Summary course" (refer to the tables below for more detailed information). Clinical small group teaching and courses are mandatory.The rules for absence of 20% and 30% also apply here. Compensation for absence over and above the time allowed during the clinical rotation must be decided by the teaching department.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Clinical rotations take place at Oslo University Hospital (locations Ullev?l and Rikshospitalet ) and Akershus University Hospital (AHUS), Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The students are divided into group K 1-54 and Group 101 -154. Group K1-54 has its OB/Gyn clinical rotation during the first half of the semester and then switch to Paediatrics; Group 101-154 rotate the other way. Both groups are divided into 3 teams, the largest at “Ullev?l”, one smaller at “Rikshospitalet”, and the smallest at AHUS. The AHUS group will have all obstetrical and gynaecological rotations at AHUS (and gynaecological oncology rotation to Radiumhospitalet, the same as for the Rikshospitalet/Ullev?l groups)The “Rikshospitalet” and “Ullev?l” groups will have obstetrical rotation at Rikshospitalet and Ullev?l, respectively. All these students will have same gynaecological rotation system at Oslo University Hospital. The “Ullev?l” and “Rikshopsitalet” groups will have the same gynaecological oncology rotation to Radiumhospitalet as the AHUS group.
Note the different times and locations in the schedule. The class is divided in the following way:
- Rikshospitalet and Ullev?l students:K 1-45 and K 101-145
- AHUS students: K 46-53 and K 146-154.
The Introductory Courses, Summary Course, the Out Patient Clinics, Labour Ward and Gynaecology Ward sessions are ALL mandatory. Attendance is checked at the end of the semester using the Log Book. Every student should have a Log Book where the mandatory teaching must be signed.
Introductory Courses I & II. - 2,5 hours each (regular clothing)
Course I: 2,5 hours: Instruction in gynaecological examination and normal delivery.
- K 1-45 and K 101-145 at B2.M013A/B, Rikshospitalet.
- K 46-53 and K 146-154 at S305.012 AH/AHUS.
Course II: 2,5 hours: Introduction to antenatal chart(helsekort for gravide), demonstration of forceps/ventouse ("vacuum") and breech delivery.
- K 1-45 and K 101-145 at B2.M013A/B, Rikshospitalet.
- K 46-53 and K 146-154 at S305.012 AH/AHUS.
Summary Course: - 2,5 hours (regular clothing)
Organised at your rotation hospital:refer separate list.
- Rikshospitalet: Location: Skill centre Gyn/Obst room B2.1009, 1 st floor, Rikshospitalet.
- Ullev?l: Location: Information will be given later at the hospital
- Ahus: Location: Information will be given later at the hospital
Clinical Duty - 7 weeks
There should be maximum four students at each teaching unit.
Week 1. Instruction at the "Gyn.avdeling": gynaecology ward / operating theatres / day surgery
- Instruction location: Small groups OUS (Ullev?l two days, Rikshospitalet one day), AHUS (one week)
- Instruction type: Clinical rounds, case discussions, gynaecological examination, assisting at operations
Week 2-3. Instruction at the "Gyn. Poliklinikk" (gynaecology outpatient clinic)
- Instruction location: Ullev?l (two weeks, of which one day at a outpatient RH), AHUS (two weeks)
- Instruction type: Clinical patient work
Week 4. Instruction at Radiumhospitalet (one day)
- Teaching method: Clinical rounds, case discussions, gynaecological examination in anaesthesia, assisting operations
Week 5-6. Instruction at "Forl?sning/barsel" avd. (labour / maternity ward)(two weeks)
- Location: Rikshospitalet, Ullev?l and Akershus University Hospital
- Time: All students are invited to spend two full weeks (day and night) at the delivery ward. The students should divide the days between them. Three days each week are mandatory; you are required to assist at a minimum of three deliveries and to have observed at least one caesarean section.
- Teaching methods: Clinical rounds, assisting during labour, delivery and follow up on the maternity ward.
Week 7. Instruction at the "F?de-poliklinikk": antenatal outpatient clinic (one week)*
- Location: Rikshospitalet, Ullev?l and Ahus.
- Time: Two to three days, there is a schedule for clinical duty at each hospital.
- Teaching method: Clinical patient work.
Students have two mandatory days at the obstetric outpatient clinics. You have the possibility to add a day and this can be arranged with the head nurse of that department. The students must coordinate this amongst themselves to avoid overbooking.
Note: It is important to contact the outpatient clinics to make sure they have appointments with patients on the additional day.
Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet
In charge:
- Professor Tore Henriksen (Obs.), Phone: 23 07 26 26, E-mail: tore.henriksen@rikshospitalet.no
- Professor Guttorm Haugen (Ultrasound), Phone: 23072962, E-mail:guttorm.haugen@rikshospitalet.no
- Professor Tom Tanbo (Gyn.), Phone: 23072621, E-mail: tom.tanbo@rikshospitalet.no
- Research fellow Gry Findal, Phone: 23 07 26 48, E-mail: gry.findal@medisin.uio.no
White hospital apparel can be found in the linen boxes next to the student changing room on U-etasjen B-avsnittet.
F?deavdeling/barsel (labour/maternity ward)
- Students have 2 weeks clinical duty in the labour/maternity ward on the 4th floor. 3 days (from 8.00 am-12.00 noon)of both weeks are mandatory. Rikshospitalet has one labour ward on the 4th floor, and one part of the labour ward is the Section for pathological pregnancies (“Observasjons post”). The students meet just after the midwives’ morning hand-over/sign-out at 08:00 am at “vaktrommet” (Room nr. E2 4052) at the labour ward “F?deavdelingen” on the 4th floor. The maternity ward is on the 3 rd floor and students are adviced to attend one day during their rotation on the maternity ward.
- Expect to be in the ward for a 24 hour period; remember that 3 days of each of the 2 weeks are mandatory. You are, of course, welcome to be there the whole week including the weekend. The doctors’ pre- rounds will start in E2.4098 0830 am every day, except for Wednesdays and Fridays at 0900 am. You are invited to join, but if you are busy attending a delivery, please complete that task.During your first week on the labour ward on Monday and Wednesday, and during the second week on Monday, research fellow Gry Findal, will do the rounds with you starting from 0830 am . The emphasis is on the method of abdominal palpation (Leopold’s/Pawlik’ manoeuvres), measurements of the fundal height, and checking of the foetal heart rate with a Pinard wooden stethoscope.
F?de poliklinikk (Antenatal outpatient clinic)
- Students have 1 week clinical duty in the Antenatal outpatient clinic. 3 days (from 8.30/9.00-12.00 am) of the week are mandatory. Meet at the Antenatal outpatient clinic: PK-US(ultrasound), PK0 and PK 4 on the 3rd floor. Starting 09:00 am (PK US) or 08:30 am (PK0 og PK 4), but please note: Tuesdays at 09.00 am.Ask the receptionist for today’s charts/journals in order to read those prior to the patient consultation. You are therefore advised to arrive 10-15-minutes prior to the first appointment.On the days not booked for clinical duty, you may join the antenatal outpatient clinic only by appointment with the midwife in charge (tel.23072616)
Infertility section
- Students have a 1 day mandatory small group tutorial at the infertility section, led by Professor Tom Tanbo. One day (Wednesday) from 8.30-11.15 am. Meet at the meeting room (B2.M013A/BB) on the 3 rd floor. Professor Tom Tanbo is responsible for the half day tuition.
Infertility outpatient clinic
Students will rotate as part of their Gynaecological outpatient clinical rotation and have a half morning each, (from 8.00-12.00 am), mandatory. Meet at 08:30 am at the infertility outpatient clinic : PK1, PK2, IVF on the 3rd floor. Ask the receptionist for today’s charts/journals in order to read those prior to the patient consultations. You are therefore advised to arrive 10-15-minutes prior to the first appointment.
Oslo University Hospital, Ullev?l
In charge:
- Professor Erik Qvigstad (Gyn) , E-mail: erik.qvigstad@medisin.uio.no
- Professor Annetine Staff (Gyn),Tel.: 22 11 98 00, E-mail: annetine.staff@medisin.uio.no
- Klinisk stipendiat Kjartan Moe, E-mail: kjartan.moe@medisin.uio.no
- Klinisk stipendiat Tina Tellum, E-mail: tina.tellum@medisin.uio.no
Dressing rooms and white hospital apparel are in underetasjen (Basement) at Barnesenteret.
F?de avd. /barsel (Labour/Maternity ward) 2 weeks
- Students have to meet on the 1st Monday at 09:15 am in f?deavdelingen B, 3rd floor where the lecturer or a member of the teaching staff will meet you. You will be allocated to one of the 2 labour wards. The clinical rotation lasts from Monday to Wednesday. The rest of the week including the weekend is optional. Students must organise the scheduling of the week so that no more than 2 students are on each ward at the same time. The ward has no sleeping quarters for students.
F?de poliklinikk (Antenatal Clinic) 1 week
- Meet at 08:45 am Monday through Wednesday. You will be allocated to one of the 3 antenatal clinic rooms. One of these days should be spent with the ultrasound screening midwife and / or the Feto-Maternal Medicine ultrasound doctors. Due to the limited number of clinic rooms and occasionally large student groups it may be necessary for you to attend afternoon clinics or Thursday & Friday clinics.
Gynekologisk avdeling (Gynaecology Ward) 1 week
- Meet at: Gyn. post, 5th floor, Meeting room 2, left corridor at 08:45 am. You will be met by a member of the teaching staff.
Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic (gynekologisk poliklinikk), 2 weeks (5 sessions at Ullev?l, 1 session at Rikshospitalet)
- Meet at the Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic situated on the 1 st floor at Oslo University Hospital Ullev?l Monday through Thursday 08:30 – 11:30 am. You will be met by a member of staff on your first day and given your rotation plan. During your 5 sessions at Ullev?l, you will be allocated to a clinic room, the Obstetric and Gynaecology Emergency Ward (f?de/gyn-mottaket) or the Day Surgery Unit (dagkirurgisk enhet).One of your 5 outpatient sessions at Ullev?l will take place at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Emergency Ward 18:00-21:00 (6-9 pm) (late shift). The rotation for this one compulsory late shift is included in the semester book, in order for you to prepare your time schedule. Any change of evening shift should be arranged between the students and no further students can be acommocated on each shift (if already fully booked with students).
Gynavd I & II and F?deavd. I & II represent 2 weeks at each department (4 weeks total).
- The number of students who attend Gynaecology Outpatients at Ullev?l University Hospital exceeds the number of outpatient rooms available, this necessitates a rearrangement of your clinical group rotations: which will now take place between Mondays and Thursdays. This applies to both weeks in Gynaecology Outpatients. We can take 6 students each day, which means the 2 students last on their group list, should attend on Tuesday, not Monday. Further information will be given when you arrive at the Outpatients.
Extra outpatient learning: You are welcome back at the Gynecology and Antenatal outpatient ward (“Mottaket”)the whole week in the afternoons, including the weekend. The doctor’s pre-rounds will start at 15.00 (3 pm) every day (“vaktskifte”) and at 9 am on Saturday and Sunday. Please meet wearing white hospital apparel in Meeting room #1, 5th floor (Kvinnesenteret), or directly at the “Mottaket”, if you want to follow some gynaecological outpatient assessments (or even start your own patient consultation). Always talk to the junior doctor in charge before you start any patient consultation. The student that is on the scheduled 2 week-rotation in the obstetrical department will have priority to follow the obstetrical outpatients (but there is no equivalent student list for the gynaecological ward, as most patients will be handled as outpatients).
Kvinneklinikken, Akershus universitetssykehus HF (KK Ahus)
In charge:
- Head of the Department Hege Lundring Tlf: 02900, E-mail: hege.lundring@ahus.no
- Professor II Anne Eskild Tlf: 02900 E-mail: anne.eskild@ahus.no
- Professor II Marie Ellstr?m Engh, Tlf: 02900, E-mail: m.e.engh@medisin.uio.no
- Klinisk stipendiat Cathrine Reimers, Kvinneklinikken Tlf: 02900, E-mail: cathrine.reimers@ahus.no
F?deavdeling/barsel (labour/maternity ward)
- Meet Monday at 07:30 am for the midwives’ morning hand-over/sign-out in vaktrommet, f?deavdelingen, B405 where you will be assigned to one of the midwives during the day shift. The clinical duty lasts for 2 weeks from Monday through Wednesday. The rest of the week including the weekend is optional.
Gynekologisk avdeling (gynecological ward)
- Meet Monday at 08:00 am at the morning session in meeting room, B305. After the meeting you will participate in the clinical round and examine patients on the Gynaecological ward S305, or attend the operating theatre (B405). The clinical duty is to be divided between the two students (Monday through Wednesday) according to your preference.
F?de poliklinikk (Antenatal outpatient clinic)
- Meet Monday at 08:30 am at Kvinneklinikkens poliklinikk, S301. The clinical duty at ultrasound screening and f?de pol. is to be divided between the two students (Monday to Wednesday) according to your preference.
Gynekologisk poliklinikk (gynecological outpatient clinic)
- Meet Monday at 08:30 am at Kvinneklinikkens poliklinikk, S301.
DKS (skiftestue) (day surgery)
Meet Monday at 08:30 am DKS (dagkirurgisk senter) B201.
NB: The clinical duty at Gyn.pol and DKS (skiftestua) is to be divided between the two students assigned to Gynecological out patient clinic (Monday to Wednesday) according to your preference.
Det Norske Radiumhospital
Place of study
In charge:
- Assosiate professor Gunnar S Balle Kristensen, E-mail: mailto: g.s.b.kristensen@medisin.uio.no
Obtain white hospital apparel at (“T?ysentralen”/ AU 327, floor U3.) Bring indoor shoes.
Use one of the changing rooms in U3.
- Tuesday 08:30: Meet at Radiumavdelingen 3 rd floor
- Wednesday 08: 30: Meet at R?ngtenavd, R?ntgendemonstrasjon 3 (gyn.), C 193, 1st floor
The students participate in regular rounds and examinations. Assisting and observing in the operation room are possible.
The patients have the right to refuse student participation during examinations. For certain high risk patients the time under anaesthesia during an operation must be as short as possible, because of this students may not have the opportunity to participate.
The department makes an effort to have a designated doctor in charge of the students.
The Paediatric inpatient clinical rotation takes place in the paediatric departments of Oslo University Hospital (locations Rikshospitalet and Ullev?l) and at Akershus University Hospital (AHUS).
The students are divided into K-1/K-53 and K-101/K154. K-101/K-154 take the Paediatric clinical rotation during the first half of the semester and then switch to Gynaecology and Obstetrics; K-1/K-100 rotate the other way around. Both teams are divided into two groups, one larger for Oslo University Hospital, the other smaller group for AHUS. Pay attention to the time and location details in the schedule: they vary! For the Oslo University Hospital student group: From spring 2011 the clinical teaching in Paediatrics at Oslo University Hospital will include teaching for the whole student group at both Ullev?l and Rikshospitalet in the same rotation. This has changed from previous semesters, where one half received the clinical rotation at Rikshospitalet, the other at Ullev?l. This change is due to changes in patient allocation due to the reorganisation of Oslo University Hospital as well as within the health region (Helse S?r-?st). For the first time, the rotation includes clinical teaching at the Paediatric Emergency room at Oslo Kommunale Legevakt (1 day mandatory and 1 day voluntary).
Categories of clinical teaching:
1. Clinical small group teaching on the different paediatric wards.
2. Instruction in the out-patient clinics.
3. Teaching at Health Care centres in Oslo.
4. Teaching at the Emergency room at Section for Paediatrics, Oslo Kommunale legevakt (Legev)
5. Independent self study in the paediatric units
6. Shadowing the doctor on call.
7. Duty in the Paediatric Emergency Room, Ullev?l.
Further details will be given to students on arrival at Ullev?l and Rikshospitalet. All mandatory teaching must be signed for by the instructors in the signature booklet. A minimum of 80 % presence is required to be allowed to take the written and oral examinations.
Oslo University Hospital, location Rikshospitalet
- Clinical small group teaching at Barneklinikken, Rikshospitalet
Bring: stethoscope, indoor shoes, white coat and white clothing, ID card and instruction material. - Paediatric Clinical Examination. Presentation of the Children’s Department (Barneklinikken), and an explanation of the clinical teaching in Barneklinikken followed by a demonstration of history taking and examination of a child. When and where: Meet in the entrance hall of Barneklinikken, see instructions in the schedule. Mandatory. Bring: White coat and indoor shoes!
- Small group teaching on the wards (CW) (Lektorundervisning). Clinical teaching with an instructor in the paediatric department, four students to each group. The focus will be on history taking and examination of children of different ages.1 week in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) either at Ullev?l or Rikshospitalet, 1 week on the wards and 1 week in the outpatient clinic. Where and when: Meet in Room E1.2034 (Kollokvierom) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 08:30 am. Mandatory.
- Outpatient clinics (OC) - Mandatory. Meet an instructor at the outpatient clinic for a 30 min morning session. The students should present patients from the previous day during this morning session. Thereafter the students will sit in with a doctor during consultations. Where and when: Meet on the first floor in the Outpatient clinic. Meet outside room E1 1019, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 08:30 am.
- Voksentoppen Center for asthma og allergy (VT). Mandatory. The activties at Voksentoppen have from August 17th 2009 been moved to the Paediatric Clinic of Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet. This is still marked as VT in the Semester book. The students will be introduced to working with asthmatic and allergic children in a specialist national center. NB Please do not wear perfume. Where and when: Please meet in Room E1.1016 (Kai-H?kon Carlsen) at 8.30 am, Ground floor in the Dept. of Paediatrics.
- Emergency room at the Paediatric Section, Oslo Kommunale Legevakt (LEGEV), Storgaten 40 (Allmenn legevakten). For the mandatory day, meet at 17.30 (5.30 p.m.) The voluntary day will be assigned during the mandatory day. Bring: White coat and indoor shoes! Mandatory, and is not included in the general rule of 20% permitted absence (one evening).
- Health Centre (HC) - Mandatory. Check the different times and locations in the Helsestasjon information booklet. You may practice examination of children in the Skills lab at Rikshospitalet, prior to HC visit. Sign-up on the bulletin board. Not mandatory
- Independent self study (ISS). This learning method is based on participation in the normal work of the department. Where and when: Meet at the doctors’ morning meeting at 07:45 am in room D1.2043 (Dept of Paediatric Research). Thereafter you move on to the respective wards for the pre-ward round meeting, ward round (visitt) and also to take part in the daily work on the wards.
During your ISS at the department you are expected to contact patients and parents for medical history taking and also to physically examine patients on your own initiative. Always ask the nurse in charge on the ward which patients/parents are suitable. Mandatory: To present one patient’s written medical history at the Case meeting. Half of the students present the written record at Rikshospitalet (Meeting room D1.2043 A/B, 13:00-15:00 (1-3pm)), and the other half of the students present this at Ullev?l. Please bring a copy of the history for assessment by the tutor. Presentation of a written patient record is not included in the general rule of 20% permitted absence.
Shadow a doctor on call. Voluntary duty that offers authentic learning situations in the department. One evening during the semester. Important: In order for you to be more accessible during this duty you can collect the student pager at the reception desk by the main entrance to Rikshospitalet. You must sign for the pager when you pick it up and return it to the same place after your duty. Where and when: Meet the doctor on call at the hand-over/sign-out: Ward 2, by the front desk at 15:00 (3 pm). Sign-up on the bulletin board in the university secretary’s office. Not mandatory.
Ullev?l University Hospital
- Introduction day: Presentation of the Children’s Centre (Barnesenteret) and orientation about the clinical teaching. White coats and booklets for the paediatric rotation at Ullev?l hospital will be distributed.Where: Meet in the entrance hall of Barnesenteret as shown in the schedule. Mandatory.
- Clinical small group teaching: Bring: stethoscope, indoor shoes, ID card and instruction material. Change to white hospital apparel before meeting.Teaching with an instructor in groups of 3-4 students.1 week in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) either at Ullev?l or Rikshospitalet, 2 days on the wards and 1 week in the outpatient clinic (either at Ullev?l or Rikshospitalet). Where: The infection unit meeting room on the ground floor (1.etasje), wear white hospital apparel. Mondays and Tuesdays at 08:30 am. We start the day with a meeting (30 minutes) where different paediatric topics will be discussed; you can ask questions and present some of your paediatric experiences from the day before. On Wednesdays we start at 8:15 am with case presentations from students in the Independent Self Study week. There are no plenary sessions on Thursdays, which means that you meet at 9:00 am.At 9:00 am the teachers will meet you in the meeting room and take you to the wards in small groups. Mandatory.
- Health Centre (HC) - Mandatory: Find the different times and locations in the Health Centre booklet.
- Independent self study (ISS):During the last 2 weeks in the department of paediatrics you are welcome to participate in the routine work of the department starting in the morning - see the table. You will do in-depth investigation of one patient. You will present this patient and his/her case history in a case meeting (usually the following Wednesday). This is mandatory and is not included in the rule of 20% permitted abscence.
- Duty in the Paediatric Emergency Room: Voluntary rotation one afternoon, evening and night during the semester. 1 student follows the doctor on call. Here you have the opportunity to meet patients and parents, take a history and examine the children (H&P). Where: Report to the Emergency Room at Barnesenteret (Mottaket), ground floor at 16:00 (4 pm) (earlier if you can). You need to sign up on a list in the student section at Ferdighetssenteret, Rikshospitalet. This rotation is strongly recommended.
Akershus University Hospital
- Rotation Paediatrics Ahus (pdf)
- Clinical small group teaching in the Department of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine.You should bring your stethoscope, oto-ophthalmocope, indoor shoes and if you have them, ID card and instruction material. Change to white hospital apparel before meeting.
- Paediatric clinical examination and introduction - Mandatory.Presentation of the Department of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine (Barne- og Ungdomsklinikken, BUK) and introduction to the clinical programme and training in clinical skills. Demonstration of history taking and examination of a child. The Research Fellows (kliniske stipendiater) at BUK & Faculty Division at AHUS are responsible for this session. When and where: February 4 th, thime 13.30-15.30 for students K146-154 and April 17th, time: 13h-15h for students K46-53. Meet at the UiO area at BUK 1st floor. Mandatory.
- Small group instruction on the wards(CW)Teaching by the Professor or Research Fellows given in groups of 2 students in the Department of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine. The focus will be on history taking and examination of children at various ages.Where and when: See clinical rotation table (next page). Meet in the UiO area on the 1st floor of BUK, preferably when the doctors’ morning meeting starts at 8.00 am, however Mandatory from 9.00 am.
- Outpatient clinic (OC). Meet a physician in the outpatient clinic. You will then accompany this physician during his/her consultations.Where and when: Meet in the outpatient clinic (Barnepoliklinikken) at 8.30 am. Before this you may follow the doctors’ morning meeting which starts at 8.00 am and lasts until 9.00 am. Mandatory at the outpatient clinic from 8.30 am.
- Demonstration by nurses (SN) of equipment and medication devices for treatment of obstructive lung disease and diabetes. Where and when: Outpatient Clinic – ground floor. Time to be announced later. Voluntary.
- Health center (HC) - Mandatory: Look up the different times and locations in the Health Center (Helsestasjon) information booklet.
- Independent self study (ISS). This learning method is based on the student’s participation in the regular work of the department. You will be expected to attend the morning meeting at 8.00 am in the meeting room of the UiO area on the 1st floor of BUK a. Following this, you will participate in the ward activities including the pre-rounds and rounds (visitt) as well as the daily work on the wards. Under guidance by the professor you are expected to contact patients and parents to obtain medical histories and also to physically examine patients. You will be discussing the individual patients afterwards. Always check with the nurse in charge of the ward, and/or if possible your resident tutor, before approaching patients/parents. Not mandatory.
- Case Meeting (CM): To give a presentation on a medical subject or to present a written record of one patient. Please bring a copy of the record for assessment. When and where: TO BE DECIDED LATER by students and professor Nakstad (93404858/ britt.nakstad@medisin.uio.no) Mandatory. Presentation of a written patient record is mandatory and is not included in the general rule of 20% permitted absence
Follow a doctor on call.' Voluntary duty that offers authentic learning situations in the department. Where and when: Meet the doctor on call for the shift hand-over/sign-out at BUK 1st floor at 15:00 (3 pm).Sign-up on the bulletin board in the UiO area on the 1st floor of BUK. Voluntary.*