Case Meeting: Oral presentation


Oral presentation patient record

Case Meeting: During your independent self study at the Department of paediatrics you are expected to do a full history taking and physical examination of a patient.


You are expected to make contact with patients and parents on the wards to take medical histories and examine patients at your own initiative. Always ask the nurse in charge on the ward which patients/parents are suitable.


Mandatory: To make an oral presentation of one patient's history and clinical findings at the Case meeting.


Rikshospitalet: Meeting room D1.2043 A/B, 13:00-15:00. At the case meeting you should make an oral presentation of one patient, with history, clinical findings and tentative diagnosis. The presentation should also include an overview of one clinical issue this patient present. This could be, for instance, general information of the disease, relevant differential diagnosis, treatment or longterm prognosis. Make a presentation that is interesting and relevant for the other students. The whole presentation should be no longer than 10-15 min if you do it alone or 20 min if you do it together with another student. If you like you can make it as a power point presentation but that is not necessary.


Ullev?l University Hospital: Meeting room, Infection ward, 8:15-900, the Wednesday in the Independent Self Study Week (ISS). Each ISS-group of 2 students (assigned independently) are to present a case history from the ward/unit that you have met in the ISS. The presentation can be no more than 20 minutes, and it should also include general information about the relevant disease (maximum 10 min.). The presentation should be in PowerPoint format, saved on a memory stick. A computer and projector will be available".


Akershus University Hospital: Case meeting is mandatory at Ahus and is preferently arranged for all students in the grou together. Date and time will as in the in the overall rotation plan.


The student should present a 10-15 minute (inkluding questions) power pont lecture on 1) a paediatric topic he/she was introduced to when examining a patient in the ward or 2) a case report, presented in depth with evaluation of examination methods and tentative diagnoses. Examples of a paediatric topics are diabetes, nephrotic syndrome og structural congental heart disease (What is it? How to examine, find tentative and likely diagnoses and treatment?)Mandatory oral presentation Find a patient admitted to the ward (not surgical diagnosis). Do the anamneses, including acute (detailed) and previous disease, growth and well-being, social relationships as well as a thoroughly clinical examination and describe what you find in the record. The oral presentation must be shown to and signed by the teacher or professor. A detailed describtion om examination of a child and adolescent, how to meet an acutely ill child, neurological examination, and growth charts are included in the booklet you will be given at our department.

Published Sep. 10, 2013 10:38 AM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2013 9:54 AM