For the sake of clarity, the following terms were left Norwegian in the semester handbook:
Assistentlege = Resident
Avdelingsleder = Head of the Department
Avdelingsoverlege = Chairman of the Department
Dr. med = PhD
Forsker = Investigator
Klinisk stipendiat = Research fellow/ Lecturer
Overlege = Consultant
Oversykepleier = Head nurse
Hospitals and departments:
Barneklinikken/-avdelingen = Dept. of Paediatrics
Ferdighetssenteret = Clinical skills training centre
Gyn. avdeling = Dept. of Gynaecology
Barselavdeling = Maternity/Post-natal ward F?de-/forl?sningsavdeling = Delivery/Labour ward
Gyn. poliklinikk = Gynaecology out-patient clinic
Laboratoriebygget = Medical Laboratories
R?ntgenavdelingen = Dept. of Radiology
Biblioteket for medisin og helse = Medical library
Garderober = Changing rooms/Locker rooms Kantine = Cafeteria
Kollokvierom = Conference room
Stellerom = Baby changing room/rest room
Senteret = The Centre
Sentralblokken = The Central Building
Tekstilrom = Laundry
Barnevernet = Children’s Social Welfare Dept.
Helsekort for gravide = Handheld Antenatal record
Helsestasjonen = Primary Health Care Unit
Rapport = Shift report / hand over report
Studenthelsetjenesten = Student Health Services
Studentovernattingsrom = Student sleeping quarters
SF-m?l = The distance between the symphysis pubis and uterine fundus in a pregnant woman (symphysis-fundal height)
NB: Note that "floor" is used equal to the Norwegian "etasje" (4th floor = 4. etasje) "Ground floor" is equivalent to Norwegian first floor