
Published Aug. 16, 2024 8:25 AM

Sensuren for skriftlig digital konteeksamen p? modul 6 avholdt 14.08.24, er n? tilgjengelig i Studentweb.
Fristen for ? klage er 06.09.24.

Ved behov for faglig veiledning/begrunnelse etter innsyn, ta kontakt med leder av eksamenskommisjonen Henrik Holmstr?m. Husk ? oppgi kandidatnummer.

For andre (ikke faglige) sp?rsm?l om eksamen, ta kontakt med studiekonsulent Nina Lind

Innsyn i egen besvarelse og sensorveiledningen

Hvis du ?nsker innsyn i din egen besvarelse og sensorveiledningen, er dette mulig tirsdag 3. september

Sted: Domus Medica, Seminarrom 1151

Mellom kl. 09.00 – 11.30 eller kl.12.30 – 15.00.

Published June 24, 2024 6:10 PM

The result for the OSCE MED5600 (modul 6) held 18.06.24 is now available in Studentweb.

Attention, Incoming Exchange Students: please do not register for a new semester - you can see your results by clicking the menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Thanks!
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m. Please make sure to write your candidate number.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.
Incoming Exchange Students can contact Anne Westheim, Section for Student Affairs.

The resit OSCE is on 15.08.24.

Published June 24, 2024 5:42 PM

The result for the digital exam MED5600 (module 6) held 20.06.24 is now available in Studentweb. You will receive an e-mail with your score within the next few days.
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m. Please make sure to write your candidate number.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs. Incoming Exchange Students can contact Anne Westheim, Section for Student Affairs.
The resit exam will be on 14.08.24.
The deadline for appealing the grade is 15.07.24, see /english/studies/examinations/explanation-appeal/



Published June 21, 2024 7:37 PM


Da har vi avviklet Praksisvalget. Tusen takk for godt 澳门葡京手机版app下载. Praksisplasslisten med studentnavn er lagt ut som leksjonsressurs p? Praksisvalgtimen 21.06.2024. 

Hilsen, Tanzila Gagieva

Modulkoordinator, modul 7

Published June 20, 2024 2:03 PM


  • Valgnummerliste har blitt én student kortere, ellers er det ingen store endringer.
  • Praksisplassliste se endring - praksisplass 32.

Nye listene er lagt ut som leksjonsressurs p? Praksisvalgtimen fredag 21. juni, markert "REVIDERT #2".

Husk at den som ikke har anledning til ? v?re til stede selv - velger ved stedfortreder. 

Det kan v?re lurt ? logge dere inn 15 minutter f?r m?testart, s?nn at dere er sikre p? ? v?re klare.

Med vennlig hilsen

Tanzila Gagieva

Modulkoordinator, modul 7

Published June 19, 2024 2:19 PM


  • Valgnummerliste har blitt én student kortere, ellers er det ingen store endringer.
  • Praksisplassliste se endring s 27.

Nye listene er lagt ut som leksjonsressurs p? Praksisvalgtimen fredag 21. juni, markert "REVIDERT".

Husk at den som ikke har anledning til ? v?re til stede selv - velger ved stedfortreder. 

Det kan v?re lurt ? logge dere inn 15 minutter f?r m?testart, s?nn at dere er sikre p? ? v?re klare.

Med vennlig hilsen

Tanzila Gagieva

Modulkoordinator, modul 7

Published June 14, 2024 2:51 PM

Kj?re studenter,

Modul 7 har lagt ut Valgnummerliste og Praksisplassliste for h?sten 2024 som ressurser under Praksisvalg i Mine 澳门葡京手机版app下载 21.06.24. 

Valget foreg?r p? Zoom fra. kl. 15 - 17.


Modulkoordinator for modul 7

Tanzila Gagieva

Published June 14, 2024 9:59 AM

Dear students,

Due to acute illness the session is cancelled. A recorded lecture has been posted

Published June 11, 2024 8:43 AM

A registration-desk will be set up in front of the entrance to the seminar rooms. You need to bring a picture ID (student card, passport, bank card with photo, driver license). Line up to register and have your ID ready. You will then receive a white coat and a candidate number to pin on your coat.


All candidates will leave their personal belongings (including your wristwatch) behind in the seminar rooms. You may bring food, beverages and something to read. Transparent bags to carry this in are available at the registration-desk. After a short information session, you will be guided into the closed area where the examination takes place.


Group 1 will have to wait 1h 15min after the examination before you can leave.

Group 3 will have to wait 30 min after the examination before you...

Published June 7, 2024 7:27 AM

Dear students,

Please make sure to empty your lockers and remove locks and name tags no later than 21. June. 

Any remaining locks and content will be removed in week 26.

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published June 4, 2024 9:07 AM

Dear students in groups 11-28,

Message from your teachers:

All paediatric admissions at Ullev?l have been approved. Please remember to pick up your approved admissions from the Emergency unit asap. This is required before you to get the final approval to sit your exams.

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published June 3, 2024 9:50 AM

Dear students,

Please return your signature books no later than Friday 14. June to Room B1.3099 - Rikshospitalet (CS students return their booklets to Julie). 

Sufficient attendance must be approved before you can sit your exams.

If you have problems handing in your book on time, please make contact asap.

Please note that your teachers will appreciate it if you can make the time to fill inn the gyn/obst. check lists in the booklet. 


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published May 23, 2024 12:19 PM

Dear students,

To make the CPR teaching as efficient as possible your teachers urge you to go through the two tutorials (My Studies, in resources for the activity) beforehand. They are approx. 1 hr and 15 minutes in total. For the course, 3 groups will be divided into 2 sessions. Please find the schedule in My Studies. 

CPR schedule

The aim is fewer students and more time for the teachers to help you individually. If you need to change groups, please swap with another student.

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published May 15, 2024 8:08 AM

NB!: Det viser seg at Helsedirektoratet har endret praksis: Gebyret for midlertidig lisens faller bort, se Studentlisens ( – EU/E?S - Helsedirektoratet

Beklager feil informasjon i tidligere beskjed, men l?restedene ble ikke informert om endringen.

Published May 13, 2024 2:10 PM

Det er Helsedirektoratet som tildeler student-/midlertidig lisens etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6:
Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen n?r gebyret er betalt. Dere/arbeidsgiver vil da kunne s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR).
Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet etter skriftlig eksamen. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen blir den midlertidige lisensen tilbakekalt inntil eksamen er best?tt.
Merk at saksbehandlingstiden vil ta lenger tid dersom studenter ikke betaler gebyret og s?ker p? egenh?nd. Merk ogs? at praksis p? modul 7 kun kan avlegges med noen begrensninger dersom man ikke skulle ha studentlisens.
Ved sp?rsm?l ta kontakt med:

Published May 3, 2024 11:38 AM

Kj?re studenter i modul 6,

Praksisvalget for modul 7 avvikles rett i etterkant av v?rens eksamener.

Tidspunkt for valget er 21.juni kl. 15-17 p? Zoom: Lenke vil legges ut i timeplanen.

Den som ikke har anledning til ? v?re tilstede selv - velger ved stedfortreder.        

Sp?rsm?l om praksisvalget kan rettes til modulkoordinator for modul 7, Tanzila Gagieva:    

Published Apr. 24, 2024 7:25 AM

Please follow link for message from Henrik Holmstr?m with Menti-links


Published Apr. 23, 2024 12:59 PM

N?rmere informasjon om kriteriene for ? s?ke finner dere her: 



S?knad sendes via nettskjema p? denne siden: ...

Published Mar. 7, 2024 1:26 PM

Never had a written exam at Silurveien before? 

This spring you can visit UiO's main examination hall and familiarize yourself with the premises and the digital examination system Inspera on the 11th of March 2-3 p.m.

In case of questions contact MED Student information

Published Jan. 30, 2024 4:24 PM

Dear students!

Welcome to Pediatric, which of course is the most interesting and greatest specialty in medicine. We are of course not biased at all :-)

We have prepared an Introduction Course for you on the 7th and 8th of February to give you a taste of what pediatrics is all about! Each student is assigned to a half day course where we will go through some off the basic things you will learn this semester. This will be a very intense half day for you! There will be 5 stations were two groups (eight students) will rotate through the stations having 20-25 min lectures (and only 5 mins breaks) on each of the following subjects:

*             How to recognize an acute sick child

*             Growth and develop...

Published Jan. 30, 2024 10:56 AM

Dear students,

Welcome to a new semester

Please note the following:

6 students will attend Module 6 from Campus South. They will have all clinical teaching at S?rlandet Hospital, but will follow parts of the plenary sessions in Oslo via Zoom

  • Students are expected to attend plenary sessions in person. Only students present in allocated rooms in Ahus and Campus South can attend streamed teaching.
  • Students are not permitted to log on from anywhere else.
  • All plenary sessions take place in Rikshospitalet. When you also see rooms in Ahus and Campus South listed, this shows that the session will be streamed.
  • In Oslo, the days will largely be divided in half, with clinical teaching in the mornings and plenary sessions in the afternoons.
  • Some of the clinical teaching will not correspond with the listed time in the time schedule. This applies when the student have individu...
Published Jan. 9, 2024 11:10 AM

Welcome to a new semester and new opportunities to practice practical skills!

The Skills Center is located next to the library at Rikshospitalet (B2), and we have several different rooms that medical students at UiO can use to practice clinical skills and examination techniques. Additionally, there will be course activities organised by student instructors at the Skills Center, the Faculty, and other student organisations.

The following rooms are available:

  • Acute (thorax/abdomen): CPR dolls (adult and child), laryngoscope
  • Suture (infusion/suture/catheter): Arterial blood gas (ABG), peripheral venous catheter (PVC) placement, suturing equipment, catheteris...