
Published June 23, 2021 9:48 AM

There will be an extra day for reviewing your exam paper, 28th of June.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)

Time: Between 09.00 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 15.00
Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and closes at 2pm the day before. Have your candidate number ready as it is required for registration.
Sign up for day 1
 You can take notes with a view to a possible appeal, but copying or photographing the material is not permitted. Because of this you will not be permitted to bring your mobile phone to the review room. You will be asked to hand it in before you enter the room.

If you have questions please contact MED Student Information.

Published June 21, 2021 5:57 PM

The result for the digital exam MED5600 (module 6) held 17.06.21 is now available in Studentweb.
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.

Reviewing your exam paper and the assessment guidelines
Once the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The review can take place on either 23.06 or 24.06.2021.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)

Time: Between 09.00 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 15.00
Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and closes ...

Published June 15, 2021 10:01 AM

The trial exam was not available for a short while.

The trial exam is now active again until Wednesday 16th of June, 11:59 PM. Sorry for the delay

If you experience any problems you can contact

Published June 8, 2021 4:58 PM

The attendance for Global Health (all approved), Zoom courses and Zoom group teaching is recorded and the attendance rate has been close to 100 %.

In a semester with restrictions in the hospitals and Zoom teaching, you have probably set an all time record for completing and getting final approval for your paediatric records. That is impressive.  


Published June 4, 2021 3:46 PM

Dear students,

Some of the teachers in Gyn/obst and Paediatrics  will meet students for a Q&A next week (zoom).

If you like, you can send the teachers questions in advance.







Published June 3, 2021 3:21 PM

Dear students,

The CPR courses will take place with physical attendance at Ahus and Rikshospitalet.

Due to Covid, the course will be a modified version where you must do parts of the course by going through the presentation and films beforehand. On the day, each group will get a 45 minutes supervised training session within the time frame the course was set up for. This schedule will also be added to Mine studier: CPR Schedule

NB! Preparation (approx. 1,5 hours) is essential for your learning outcome. 

Published May 31, 2021 10:28 AM

Dear students,

Students in groups 1-10 will not need to travel to Ahus to pick up your approved journals. Comments have been sent by email.

Students in groups 11-28 should pick up their approved journals from Ullev?l as soon as possible, no later than 9. June.


Published May 27, 2021 4:36 PM

Dear students,

Due to the pandemic and reduced opening hours for the UiO reception at Rikshospitalet, your yellow attendance books must be submitted digitally no later than 11. June.

If you already have handed in your book, it will be registered manually.

Please do as follows:

Take a picture of the pages with signatures and send this as a pdf by email titled:  "Attendance module 6, full name and group number" to:  .

Please make a note where the teaching was digital. The teachers also report digital attendance to the module coordinator. 


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published May 26, 2021 10:59 AM

Dear students,

A kind reminder that the deadline is approaching.

Students in groups 11-28 should pick up approved patient records from Ullev?l asap and before the deadline. 

The records of approved patient journals are posted in Mine studier on 31. May: JOUR: Paediatric medical journals. 

Published May 21, 2021 12:05 PM

Dear students, 

The summary courses will be with physical attendance at Rikshospitalet. 

Due to the Covid situation kindly:

- Wear a face mask

- Don't go directly to the room, but wait in the glass atrium with        your group. Your teacher will meet you there.

- You can wear regular clothes, no need to wear white.

During the course, the groups will be held separate and you will stay with one teacher throughout. The groups will be given breaks at separate times.  Hand sanitiser, face masks and gloves will be available.  

Please find enclosed 4 cases (2 gyn- and 2 obst ) so you can prepare. This will enable you to reflect on what questions you want answered and give you more time to discuss and practice during the course. 

The teachers encourage you to read through the enclosed helsekort and&...

Published May 19, 2021 9:23 PM

Dear students

Again thanks for your great participation and endurance.

I assure that your opinions count, so please fill out the evaluation before 16.00 on Friday!


All the best,

Henrik Holmstr?m

Published May 14, 2021 1:31 PM


V?rsemesteret g?r mot slutten - og det er tid for at du som disponerer skap rydder ut: 
Innen 20. juni 2021

- Lesesalsomr?det, Laboratoriebygningen, OUS Ullev?l,
- Garderobeskap i kjelleren Medisinsk blokk, og/eller
- Skap i 4. etg. i Medisinsk blokk (bygning 3) 

Etter den fristen vil l?sene klippes, og evt. innhold fjernes. 

Vi kommer tilbake med info om bokskap for h?stsemesteret. 

P? forh?nd takk

Med vennlig hilsen

Published May 11, 2021 7:51 AM

Dear students,

Some of you are missing 1 clinical small group i paediatrics. The main problem with scheduling these is that there are no available regular times in the clinics. Hopefully you will be presented with a replacement for the group within the next couple of days, either onsite or digital.

This activity will not count as absence for the groups in question.

You should all find Summary course, HLR course and Acute Paediatrics in your time schedules. There have been some alterations.


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator



Published Apr. 15, 2021 10:31 AM

Dear students module 6 paediatrics.

We are delighted to see that many of you sign up for Voksentoppen hospitering.

To ensure that you have best possible learning experience we ask you kindly to:

1. Sign up primarily Tuesdays and Thursdays. If lack of available slots; Monday is an alternative. (Wednesday and Fridays are unfortunately not feasible).

2. Due to Covid-19, max number of students at any time is 2.

3. An English-speaking student must be accompanied by a Norwegian speaking student.

4. Please note your mobile phone number when you sign up in the calendar. We may need to get in contact with you 5. Bring your goggles/face shield

For next week (week 16), please see if you can switch accordingly, as outlined above (Friday is unfortunately not possible).

Voksentoppen staff, UiO and OUS wish you very welcome to hospitering 0830-1100 at Voksentoppen and hope you enjoy practicing yo...

Published Apr. 9, 2021 9:19 AM

Dear students,

Visors/glasses you are given in the hospital are meant for multiple use and will be handed out once. When you have received either, please look after it and remember to bring it with you to the clinics. 

Published Apr. 8, 2021 3:41 PM

Det innvilges ikke tilrettelegging av undervisning for enkeltblokker/terminer, kun for moduler som helhet. S?knad med dokumentasjon m? derfor foreligge innen 1. mai for moduler med oppstart i h?stsemester og innen 1. november for moduler med oppstart i v?rsemester.

S?knader som kommer etter fristen vil bli avsl?tt selv om kriteriene er tilstede.

N?rmere informasjon om kriteriene for ? s?ke, hvor s?knader sendes med mer finner dere p?

Hvis det oppst?r akutte eller uforutsette hendelser som gj?r at...

Published Mar. 23, 2021 11:36 AM

Dear students,

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the OSCE exam is cancelled

Published Mar. 4, 2021 4:28 PM

Det er Helsedirektoratet som tildeler student-/midlertidig lisens etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6:
Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen. Dere/arbeidsgiver vil da kunne s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR).
Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet, f?r og etter at sensur foreligger. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen sender vi inn en ny liste over dem og den midlertidige lisensen blir tilbakekalt inntil eksamen er best?tt.
Ved sp?rsm?l ta kontakt med: ved studieseksjonen.

Published Mar. 2, 2021 8:37 AM

Yesterday, a few students reported that they their access cards don't work at Ullev?l.

The ID card office announces this morning that the system is currently down, so unfortunately it will take some time before they can do anything with your accesses.

Published Feb. 10, 2021 12:26 PM

Message for Norwegian students:

Det har blitt en forsinkelse i behandlingen av DIPS tilganger for gruppe 11-28 , som skal ha tilgang p? Barnemottaket Ullev?l.

Dersom det oppst?r utfordringer de n?rmeste dagene kan leder eller lignende p? avdeling ringe r?dgiver Julian R?bu, kompetanseutvikling OUS, s? finner han en l?sning med dem.
Tlf: 47173027.

Published Feb. 4, 2021 8:40 AM

During examinations taken at home using QP, please ensure that: 

  • You have a pc/mac (not ipad/tablet), as well as a stable internet connection 

  • You must have the latest version of the operating system installed on your PC/mac. This ensures that you will be able to complete the examination in the most stable manner possible.  

Published Feb. 2, 2021 2:38 PM

Dear students,

Please find information about your introductory courses in the time schedule.

For the gyn/obst. course you are asked to meet in the glass corridor outside "Mellometasjen" with your group, where your teacher will come and get you. You can wear your regular clothes. Before the class you are asked to look through the material posted for the course.

For your Paediatric course you are asked to meet in Ferdighetssenteret and directly enter the room with your group number on it. You should dress in white. Please look through the materials posted for the course.

For information on clinical practice, journals etc. please look at the semester pages

Paediatrics: Info about the clinics


Published Feb. 1, 2021 4:26 PM

Dear students,

You can pick up your attendance books from you introductory courses.

Name tags for lockers at Rikshospitalet can be picked up from your intro courses i Paediatrics


Published Jan. 30, 2021 6:18 PM

From Monday 1st of February the reading rooms at OUS and AHUS are allowed to be used again by medicine students in the clinical modules. Remember all places must be booked before usage.

Students who have resided or stayed for a longer period in Nordre Follo may attend teaching at AHUS from Monday 1st of February on.

For updatet information about the current rules for teaching at the university hospitals see Information about the corona situation to our students.

Kind regards,


Published Jan. 29, 2021 5:22 PM

Dear students,

Welcome to a digital start for module 6, 1. February at 08.00 on zoom.

Plenary teaching will be digital till Easter (for now), whilst most clinical small group teaching and courses will require physical attendance.  

The first introductory courses will take place at Rikshospitalet 3. February.

Please keep yourselves updated with corona related info:

Information about the corona situation to our students - Faculty of Medicine (

Kind regards

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator