Specific information for module 6 students on probable mumps case

Update to module 6 students:

An email has sent on February 25th to all students on module 6 with more information about possible close contact with the mumps.

Message to all students:

Most probably a student on Module 6 has the mumps. There was an outbreak of mumps at the Law school in Oslo before Christmas. It is believed that this mumps virus is a mutated variant of what is covered by the MMR vaccine, so it is possible to develop mumps although previously vaccinated.

 We implement the following measures:

1. Increased hand hygiene and students should cover their mouths if coughing, or cough in the elbow.

2. Students should have a low threshold to stay at home. If you get the mumps, you should be home for 9 days from the onset. The disease is contagious 2-3 days before it breaks out clinically and 4-5 days thereafter. 

3. SiO offers vaccination https://www.sio.no/4583/kusma澳门葡京手机版app下载ing-hos-sio-helse, to anyone who

                a. Has been in close contact with the student who has the mumps.

                b. Has not previously been vaccinated or not fully vaccinated.

                c. There is no reason to vaccinate the whole class


4. Classes are continuing as planned.


Clinical Questions should be directed to SiO, administrative to MED Student Information, alternatively Director of Education KlinMed Knut Lundin

Published Feb. 24, 2016 8:43 PM - Last modified Feb. 25, 2016 8:51 AM