Important message: MRSA testing for all module 6 students

Dear students,

The Obstetric department at Oslo University Hospital and AHUS have decided that all students in module 6 need to test for MRSA due to the discovery of MRSA in your learning environment.

We consider the risk that you have been infected as minimal and you can continue in clinical practice until you have the answer. Only the ones with positive test will be contacted by telephone. This will take from 3-7 days. 

The tests will be performed at Rikshospitalet for the ones that are at Rikshospitalet and Ullev?l and at AHUS for the students in practice there.

  • At Rikshospitalet you can collect the testing form and kit (three swabs) from Ellen Rosenberg, on the 3rd floor in the university unit. Room B1.3097 (or B1.3099).
  • At AHUS you can be tested at ?Smittevernkontoret?, on the 2nd floor, room B204.074.061a between 08:00-16:00. Tel. 67 96 44 00

It is very important that you mark all glasses and forms with your name, telephone number and date.

Regarding testing at OUS, you will be given a description of how to do it tomorrow. Students will be given individual plastic bag containing instructions and necessary test equipment. This can be picked up from 9am onwards. Please come as soon as you can.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope you will understand our decision to protect our patients.


Yours sincerely,

Anne Flem Jacobsen

Published Sep. 3, 2024 10:40 PM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2024 10:40 PM