
Published Jan. 27, 2023 12:12 PM

The result for the digital resit exam MED5600 (module 6) held 20.01.23 is now available in Studentweb.
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.

Reviewing your exam paper and the assessment guidelinesOnce the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The review can take place on 31.01.23.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Time: Between 09.00 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 15.00

Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and closes at 2pm the day before. Have your candidate number ready as it is required for registration.


Published Dec. 20, 2022 1:38 PM

Dear students,

Please follow link underneath to read the response to your feedback on the exams.

Response from the Exam Committee

Published Dec. 19, 2022 5:53 PM

The result for the digital exam MED5600 (module 6) held 15.12.22 is now available in Studentweb.
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.

Reviewing your exam paper and the assessment guidelines
Once the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The review can take place on either 04.01.23 or 11.01.23.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)


Published Dec. 19, 2022 5:13 PM

The result for the OSCE MED5600 (modul 6) held 13.12.22 is now available in Studentweb.

Attention, Incoming Exchange Students: please do not register for a new semester - you can see your results by clicking the menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Thanks!
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.
Incoming Exchange Students can contact Anne Westheim, Section for Student Affairs.

Published Dec. 12, 2022 9:24 AM

Dear students,

Please make sure to empty your lockers and remove locks and name tags no later than 20. December. 

Any remaining locks and content will be removed Wednesday 21. December. 

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published Dec. 6, 2022 12:08 PM

Dear students,

There are still some (about 14) corrected admissions that have not been collected from the outbox at Ullev?l Barnemottak (ER). You need to do this to be able to sit the exam. They must be collected by Friday.


Best wishes,

Lisa Bjark? ?




Published Dec. 6, 2022 8:19 AM

A registration desk will be set up in front of the entrance to the seminar rooms. You need to bring a picture ID (student card, passport, bank card with photo, driver license). Line up to register and have your ID ready. You will then receive a white coat and a candidate number to pin on your coat.


All candidates will leave their personal belongings (including your wristwatch) behind in the seminar rooms. You may bring food, beverages and something to read (carry this in your hands, bags/purses aren’t allowed). After a short information session, you will be guided into the closed area where the examination takes place.



Published Dec. 5, 2022 8:22 AM

Hi everyone – important message – please read!


Published Dec. 1, 2022 8:01 AM

Dear students!

Thank you for completing all the admissions at Ullev?l on time! We have now corrected all 225 admissions done at Ullev?l. You have done good work. I do hope you have learned a lot about sick children.  All of you have now had your admissions approved. For final approval you have to pick up the corrected admissions (only about 12-14 remaing in the outbox) before you can sit your exams.

All the best to all of you!


Best wishes,

Lisa :-)


Lisa Bjark?

Overlege/klinisk stipendiat


Tlf: 99 03 09 05

Published Nov. 25, 2022 2:43 PM

Dear students,

Some teachers in Gyn/obst and Paediatrics will meet students on Zoom for a Q&A before the exams. The meetings will show in your time schedules as soon as they are booked.

It is possible to send the teachers listed questions in advance.

Published Nov. 25, 2022 1:44 PM

Message from your teacher, Leiv Arne Rosseland:

Dear students

Regarding the question about glucocorticoids and sepsis: I have uploaded the attached document (together with the lecture and the slides) which is the new guideline from Surviving sepsis campaign. There you will see that steroids have low level of evidence but is suggested (not recommended, which is the stronger option) as part of sepsis treatment. Thus, you will probably see different clinical practice around and at time being we do not know if it is useful.

Sepsis guidelines

Best wishes

Leiv Arne Rosseland

Published Nov. 23, 2022 1:14 PM

Dear students,

Please find enclosed 4 cases (2 gyn- and 2 obst) for the summary course - Tasks .

Reading through these and the "helsekort" of Rose Gladstone and Else Bakken before your course will enable you to reflect on which questions you want answered, which will give you more time to discuss and practice during the course.

Your teachers encourage you to prepare, it will greatly enhance the outcome of the course.

The summary course is a continuation of the intro course and if you have the time you could revise by...

Published Nov. 18, 2022 2:40 PM

Hi everyone – important message – please read!


The first session of CPR teaching will start next week. The teaching sessions will be slightly different than on your schedule. There are two resources/readings connected to you Schedule page. It is compulsory to go through these theoretical videos BEFORE you arrive for your session. The videos are 9 minutes and 1 hr, respectively, so please allow for time to do this before your session. We will divide the three groups into two groups, so one group will be split. This gives us more time to do practical training and guide you individually.

The times for you to meet will be as following:

CPR overview

RH Ferdighetssenteret:...

Published Oct. 14, 2022 2:59 PM

Det innvilges ikke tilrettelegging av undervisning for enkeltblokker/terminer, kun for moduler som helhet. S?knad med dokumentasjon m? derfor foreligge innen 1. november for moduler med oppstart i v?rsemester og innen 1. mai for moduler med oppstart i h?stsemester.

S?knader som kommer etter fristen vil bli avsl?tt selv om kriteriene er tilstede.

N?rmere informasjon om kriteriene for ? s?ke, hvor s?knader sendes m.m. finner dere her:

Published Sep. 23, 2022 8:34 AM

Det er Helsedirektoratet som tildeler student-/midlertidig lisens etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6:
Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen. Dere/arbeidsgiver vil da kunne s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR).
Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet, f?r og etter at sensur foreligger. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen sender vi inn en ny liste over dem og den midlertidige lisensen blir tilbakekalt inntil eksamen er best?tt.
Ved sp?rsm?l ta kontakt med: ved studieseksjonen.

Published Sep. 16, 2022 3:09 PM

Kj?re medisinstudenter,

Rett f?r sommeren ble det klart at UiO f?r sin f?rste eksterne campus for medisinstudiet p? S?rlandet sykehus.

H?sten 2023 vil de f?rste 10 studentene starte modul 6 i Agder, og s? fortsette i modul 7 v?ren 2024. S? blir det tilbake til Oslo for det siste studie?ret.

P? UiO Campus s?r f?r du:

  • Mye pasientkontakt og undervisning i sm? grupper
  • Bli godt kjent med klinikerne
  • Delta i en studentpoliklinikk.
  • Flere muligheter til ? planlegge undervisningen p? en slik m?te at du f?r frigjort tid for eksamensforberedelser.
  • Engasjert fagmilj? fra UiO og S?rlandet sykehus med armene ?pne, og som er glade for ? ta imot deg.
  • Mye undervisning lokalt og noe fjernundervisning fra Oslo
  • Samme l?ringsutbytter og samme eksamener som i Oslo.
  • Et flott tilbud om ekstrajobb fra sykehuset: Alle som ?nsker det, f?r 20 pr...
Published Sep. 16, 2022 1:32 PM

Dear students,

Your teachers would like to remind you to be restrictive when you sign up in the google calendar, to leave room for all students.  Please do not sign up to more than 2 slots, which should be sufficient. Also, remember to cancel if you will not attend a slot you have signed up for. 

If you have signed up for more than 2 slots, please cancel the exceeding slots asap. 

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator



Published Sep. 6, 2022 9:40 AM

Dear Module 6 students,

This is a kind reminder about the PEARLS-pilot you are invited to participate in this autumn. PEARLS is a web- and seminar based course in applying research (evidence based medicine) into clinical practice. This is a highly useful skill when practicing as a medical doctor. In the flyer, you find a short summary of the content.

Tentative dates, which can be changed if few of you are available, for the meetings are:

Information about the structure and information: Tuesday September 27th; 1,5-2 hours before lunch? or from 15.00?

Module 1; Tuesday October 11th; 15.00-16.00 Module 2: Tuesday October 18th; 15.00-16.00 Module 3: Monday October 24th; 15.00-16.00

Presentation: Tuesday November 8th; 2 hour meeting, 15-17? Or before 12.00?


Published Aug. 16, 2022 10:30 AM

Welcome to the introductory course in paediatrics 17. and 18. August 2022

(Please consult your calendar to see when your group is due to attend).

The course takes place at “Ferdighetssenteret” at “Rikshospitalet”.

Through this course, we aim to give you an overview of how to examine children of different ages and how to write a thorough paediatric medical record. It is a group-based course where your group will attend four different stations, 25 minutes each. Most stations are practical workshops where you will be partaking in the activities. The four different stations are as follows:

1)            The acutely ill child

2)            Th...

Published Aug. 13, 2022 12:15 PM

Dear students. 

Please find attached an invitation to PEARLS. You will be given more info after the introductory lecture on Monday and given the opportunity to ask questions 

PEARLS flyer