
Published Feb. 6, 2018 9:41 AM

Sensuren for digital eksamen (kontinuasjon/utsatt) p? modul 6 avholdt 2.2.18, er n? tilgjengelig i Studentweb.

Hvis du ?nsker ? vite poengsummen din etter eksamen kan du f? oppgitt denne fra MED-studieinfo ved ? sende en e-post fra din student e-postadresse til
Husk ? skrive hvilken eksamen du har tatt. Poengene vil v?re tilgjengelige p? studentinfosenteret fra 07.02.18 og fram til 28.02.18.

Er det sp?rsm?l om sensuren eller andre faglige sp?rsm?l kan disse rettes til Annetine Staff,

Ved andre henvendelser kontakt Nina Lind ved studieadministrasjonen p? medisin:

Innsyn i egen besvarelse og sensorveiledningen
Hvis du ?nsker innsyn i din egen be...

Published Dec. 20, 2017 4:13 PM

Once the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The results are published on 20 December and the review can take place on either 3 or 10 January.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Time: Between 09:00-11:30 or 12:30-15:00
Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and closes on 9 January.

Have your candidate number ready as it is required for registration.
You can take notes with a view to a possible appeal, but copying or photographing the material is not permitted. Because of this you will not be permitted to bring your mobile phone to the review roo...

Published Dec. 20, 2017 9:50 AM

The result for the digital exam MED5600 (module 6) held 14.12.17 is now available in Studentweb.

Attention, Incoming Exchange Students: Please do not register for a new semester - you can see your results by clicking the menu icon in the upper left corner.

If you want to know the points from your digital exam you can contact MED-studieinfo by sending an e-mail from your student email to Remember to write the name of the exam you attended. The points will be available til and including 11 January 2018 (due to the holidays you might not get a reply before early January).

Right of appeal: Those who did not pass the exam, will receive an email to their student email. This mail will include an explanation of your result and information on how to proceed your further studies and how to appeal the result if that's an option for you. The...

Published Dec. 16, 2017 9:03 PM

Mandag 18. desember kl. 11 vil det v?re evaluering av hospiteringen i h?st p? seminarrom B1.1017 p? Rikshospitalet-

Published Dec. 15, 2017 9:03 AM

The result for OSCE exam MED5600 (modul 6) held 12.12.17 is now available in Studentweb.

Note that points (poengsum) only will be available for the written digital examination (after the results are published), but that there are no points available for the OSCE examination.

Attention, Incoming Exchange Students: please do not register for a new semester - you can see your results by clicking the menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Thanks!

If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Anne Cathrine Staff,, mob.: 41 30 30 81 today from 2.00-3.00 pm.

If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind: Section for Student Affairs.

Incoming Exchange Students can contact Anne Westheim:...

Published Dec. 14, 2017 3:22 PM

Vi n?rmer oss 200 testpiloter til opptakspiloten i medisin! Du kan bli nr. 200 og vinne gavekort p? 200 kr!

Meld deg p? n?
Vinneren blir kunngjort p? mandag!

Les mer:

Published Dec. 14, 2017 2:10 PM

If you are an Erasmus student and in need of a confirmation of stay before leaving Oslo, please come to

Sogn Arena

entrance A, Level 2

Klaus Torg?rds vei 3

Friday 15/12/17 10-11.30 13-16.30

Monday 18/12 10-11.30 13-15

I hope you had a great time in Oslo!

Anne Westheim

Published Dec. 6, 2017 12:43 PM

The following Message is from your gyn/obst. teachers:

Dear students,

Regarding resources recommended at the summary courses:

Video: Go to Click "Guidelines/Resources", click next on "Resources". Click on the link at the bottom of page: Click "Female" (of the choices in the column to the left), then click "Female Symptomatic". Click "Next" on the slides/video/presentation that shows up, you can choose to view 2 techniques on the second page.

Handouts from introductory course 2 is attached. Some of the figures are not original, the handouts are therefore for personal use only.

Intro course II - Handout ...

Published Dec. 5, 2017 3:58 PM

Dear students,

Please remember to collect your paediatric journals at Barnemottaket - Ullev?l. This is a requirement for a final approval. Final deadline: Friday, 8th December.

Check the Google document to see whether your journals have been x'd out. Journals marked as yellow are still pending approval. Please notify the teachers asap if something looks incorrect.

Published Dec. 5, 2017 9:47 AM

Information about meeting point and time schedule

A registration desk will be set up in front of the entrance to the seminar rooms. You need to bring a picture ID (student card, passport, bank card with photo, driver license). Line up to register and have your ID ready. You will then receive a white coat and a candidate number to pin on your coat.

All candidates will leave their personal belongings (including your wristwatch) behind in the seminar rooms. You may bring food, beverages and something to read. After a short information session, you will be guided into the closed area where the examination takes place.

Group 1, 2 and 3 will have to wait until 12.45 before you can leave.
For the candidates in group 4, the exams will start at 13:00, 14:30 and 16:00. You will begin your exam in numerical order by your candidate number. Those of you scheduled for the last exam at 16:00, will have a...

Published Dec. 1, 2017 11:06 AM

Det er Helsedirektoratet som tildeler student-/midlertidig lisens etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6:

Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen. Dere/arbeidsgiver vil da kunne s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR).

Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet, f?r og etter at sensur foreligger. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen sender vi inn en ny liste over dem og den midlertidlige lisensen blir tilbakekalt inntil eksamen er best?tt.

Ved sp?rsm?l ta kontakt med: ved studieseksjonen.

Published Nov. 29, 2017 4:39 PM

Vil du v?re med ? p?virke fremtidens opptak til medisin?

Kulltillitsvalgte Thea Leine Simenrud og Helge Leander B. Jensen p? medisin gir 3 gode grunner til hvorfor du b?r p?virke fremtidens opptak til medisinstudiet.

Vi s?ker deg som er medisinstudent p? modul 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 og 6.

Testen krever ingen forberedelser og har ingen konsekvenser for videre studier.

Deltagelsen vil v?re anonym og vi vil derfor ikke kunne gi individuell tilbakemelding.  Vi vil publisere de samlede resultatene i etterkant. Testen tar...

Published Nov. 28, 2017 2:49 PM

Dear students,

The deadline for submission of your 2 paediatric journals is tomorrow.

Please note that you are required to collect the journals after they have been marked.



Published Nov. 27, 2017 10:05 AM

Dear students,

The semester is coming to an end, and it is time to clear out your lockers at Rikshospitalet, no later than 15.December.

After this date, locks will be cut and remaining content removed.



Published Nov. 17, 2017 9:30 AM

Dear students,

See following links to more slides in Pathology. You will also find these attached to the respective courses. A final batch of slides will be posted over the weekend.



Clear cell carcinoma

Endometrioid carcinoma





Published Nov. 16, 2017 4:03 PM

As promised; here are the first files with explanation to cases which are new or not described in the old web-pages.

The files will be stored also in the time schedule (Timeplanen).

AIS Cervix

Botryoid sarcoma


Placental Villitis

SCC Cervix


Tubal Pregnancy...

Published Nov. 16, 2017 3:51 PM

The Microscopy Room/Kurssalen will be open for practice the following days:

4/12 -   13.00 - 16.00
5/12 -   13.00 - 18.00
6/12 -   13.00 - 16.00
7/12 - 13.00 - 16.00

8/12 - Cecilie Alfsen will give a summary of all cases for those interested, from approximately 15.30 onwards (Green Auditorium). 

Please remember that it is strictly forbidden to remove the collections from this room, they are not for loan

Published Nov. 14, 2017 1:20 PM

Les mer og meld deg p? innen 4. desember!

Ved sp?rsm?l, kontakt MED-studieinfo.

Published Nov. 13, 2017 10:26 AM

Dear students,

An email with details and links for the digital trial exam has just been sent to all Module 6 students.

Published Nov. 13, 2017 9:36 AM

Dear students,

Please follow link to see message from G. Cecilie Alfsen regarding web-based microscopy courses

Microcourse in Pathology




Published Nov. 9, 2017 9:16 AM

Oslo skadelegevakt s?ker fire studenter fra kull h-13 som f?r lisens til jul (modul 7 til v?ren) til jobb som legevikar i ett ?r fra januar 2018.

Se utlysningstekst her: Legevikariat - Oslo skadelegevakt


Published Nov. 8, 2017 10:53 AM


Avdeling for smittevern, Oslo sykehusservice, Oslo universitetssykehus tilbyr medisinstudenter influensavaksine:

  • mandag 20.11 og
  • tirsdag 21.11
  • kl. 10-14, Rikshospitalet B Kurssal B1.1016A (RHB1.1016A)

I tillegg nevnes at Avdeling for smittevern har stand med vaksinasjonstilbud i forbindelse med Pasientsikkerhetsuka p? f?lgende steder:

  • Radiumhospitalet mandag 13. november  kl. 10-14
  • Rikshospitalet tirsdag 14. november  kl. 10-14
  • Ullev?l onsdag 15. november  kl. 10-14
  • Aker torsdag 16. november (med forbehold)  kl. 10-14

Vi 澳门葡京手机版app下载er kl. 10-14, og studentene kan benytte seg a...

Published Oct. 25, 2017 11:46 AM

Dear students,

Due to technical problems, the lecture  "Fetal Consequences of Maternal Stress During Pregnancy" will not take place today at 16.15 as scheduled. The teacher will incorporate this lecture into her 2 teachings on Monday; "Infant Mental Health" and "The Effects of Postpartum Depression on the Infant".

Published Oct. 18, 2017 1:26 PM

S?knadsfristen for ? s?ke tilrettelagt undervisning for v?rsemesteret er 1. november :

S?knader som kommer etter fristen vil bli avsl?tt selv om kriteriene er tilstede.

Hvis det oppst?r akutte eller uforutsette hendelser som gj?r at du f?r behov for tilrettelegging etter at s?knadsfristen er l?pt ut, kan fakultetet etter s?rlig s?knad innvilge tilrettelegging.