Messages - Page 2

Published Oct. 9, 2016 9:39 AM

Please note that an article collection is available in Mine澳门葡京手机版app下载 for your upcoming seminar The infertile couple 28-10-2016.

Best wishes,

The teachers

Published Sep. 30, 2016 9:33 AM

Dear students,

We have received a complaint from maintanance about mess in the auditorium after your classes Yesterday. The doors had also been left ajar.

Please remember to clear up after yourselves and that food and drinks are prohibited in the auditorium.


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg




Published Sep. 26, 2016 11:18 AM

From autumn 2016, all digital examinations at the Faculty of Medicine will be held in UiO's new examination building. A number of written examinations will also be held here.  

The examination building will be used for the first time in autumn 2016.

What is new?

The examination itself will take place in the same manner as previously. Read more about the digital examination at MED and about what to expect on the day of the examination.  

Each seat for the examination has its own c...

Published Sep. 23, 2016 5:47 PM

Kj?re studenter i modul 6,

(information in English below).

Simuleringen som dere var med p? i modul 5 er blitt lagt merke til utenfor UiO og kj?res n? ut p? flere studiesteder i landet. Et av dem er i Sandefjord i regi av Korus s?r. I den forbindelse lurte de p? om det var to av dere som hadde hatt lyst til ? v?re med som leger? Dere f?r dekket reise til Sandefjord, og opphold p? park hotell 1 natt. Topp mulighet til ? m?te flere brukere og 澳门葡京手机版app下载spartnere i rusarbeidet. Meld i s?fall fra til Tommy Sj?fjell,  med kopi til meg (

Her er litt mer info:

(to those of you who do not speak Norwegian - this is a request to the Norwegian-speaking students to participate in a simulation related to work with drug users. They have to speak Norwegian, that is why I did not write in English.

Have a nice weeke...

Published Sep. 21, 2016 4:00 PM

Dear students,

The clinical small group teachings, at the Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic - Infertility, will from now on begin at 8.15 to give sufficient time before the clinic starts at 8.30.  

Your schedules have been updated.


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Published Aug. 29, 2016 11:31 AM

Histology 2 Female Genitalia kl. 13.00 i dag & 3 Female Genitalia kl. 08.30 i morgen flyttes fra Blodkurssalen til Histologisalen DME 1140.




Published Aug. 18, 2016 12:37 PM

Dear students,

There has been a complaint from maintanance about plates, cups and rubbish being left behind after the lectures on Tuesday.

Please remember that it is prohibited to consume food and drinks in the auditorium.  



Published Aug. 17, 2016 8:13 AM

Dates for taking up medical records will be organised by the students using Google calendar. The dates for doing this should coincide with the days you have outpatioent clinic or clinical ward at Ullev?l and clinical ward at Ahus.

Password to the Google calendar is: barnemottaket 5

You can only be 2 students present in the paediatric acute ward at the time. If you are an exchange student you should pair up with a regular student, but please note that it is not possible for two students to hand in a record based on the same patient.

Remember to write down the blood test results in the journal. This is important information that must be applied to the journal. If you cannot wait until the results are ready, you must return the following day to obtain this information.


Published Aug. 12, 2016 3:07 PM

Informasjon om Gründerskolen og Sosialt entrepren?rskap holdes i pausen fredag 19.8 kl.12:00

Kj?re modul 6,

Fredag 19.8 i pausen fra kl. 12:00 kommer Anna Jarbekk fra Senter for entrepren?rskap ved Universitet i Oslo. Hun vil informere om Gründerskolen og Sosialt entrepren?rskap.

Gründerskolen er et 澳门葡京手机版app下载sprosjekt mellom mange utdanningsinstitusjoner i Norge, der Senter for entrepren?rskap ved Universitetet i Oslo koordinerer studieprogrammet.

Programmene er tverrfaglige for studenter med alle studiebakgrunner og finner sted fra juni til august. For ? kunne s?ke m? du ha tatt 120 studiepoeng ved innlevering av s?knaden.

Programmene er lagt opp slik at studentene skal f? mulighet til ? l?re om innovasjon og entrepren?rskap gjennom et internship og undervisning i USA eller Singapore (eller S?r Afrika for Sosialt entrepren?rskap).

Hensikten er ? gi studenter et innblikk i mulighetene for ? senere jobbe med innovasjon og entrepren?rsk...

Published Aug. 11, 2016 3:43 PM

A list with the 28 clinical small groups is now posted as a Resource under the Introduction class 15. September.



Published Aug. 9, 2016 9:32 AM

Dear students,

Welcome to Module 6,

All students have now been assigned a clinica...

Published May 30, 2016 3:26 PM

Please note that the schedule is not complete, and will be constantly updated. For example,you will not findthe dates ofthe examshereyet.