
SYKVIT4313 Pasientl?ring og mestring


Pensumliste v?r 2017


Med forbehold om endringer



Lerdal A & Fagermoen MS.(red.). (2011) L?ring og mestring – et helsefremmende

perspektiv i praksis og forskning. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.




Antonovsky - salutogenese

Langeland E, Wahl AK, Kristoffersen K & Hanestad BR. (2007) Promoting coping: salutogenesis among people with mental health probllems. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28:275-295.


Langeland E. (2009) Betydningen av salutogen tiln?rming for ? fremme psykisk helse. Sykepleien 澳门葡京手机版app下载, 4: 288-296.


Eriksson M. & Lindstr?m B. (2006) Antonovsky`s sense of coherence scale and the relation with health: a systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health, 60: 376-381.


Bandura – self-efficacy (mestringsforventning)


Bentsen SB, Wentzel-Larsen T, Henriksen AH, Rokne B & Wahl AK (2010) Self-efficacy as a predictor of improvement in health status and overall quality of life in pulmonary rehabilitation. An exploratory study. Patient Education and Counseling 81: 5-13.


Bonsaksen T, Lerdal A & Fagermoen MS. (2012) Factors associated with self-efficacy in persons with chronic illness. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53: 333–39.


Kvarme LG., Helseth S., S?rum R., Luth-Hansen V., Haugland S., Natvig GK., 2010 The effect of a solution-focused approach to improve self-efficacy in socially withdrawn school children: a non-randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 47: 1398-1396. 

Natvig G.K. (1998). Troen p? ? lykkes fremmer atferdsendringer. Sykepleien nr. 14/1998.



Leventhal’s Common sense-modell


Jonsbu E, Martinsen EW, Morken G, Moum T, Dammen T (2012) Illness perception among patients with chest pain and palpitations before and after negative cardiac evaluation. Bio Psycho Social Medicine 6: 19. doi: 10.1186/1751-0759-6-19


Lucas R, Riley JP, Metha PA, Goodman H, Banya W, Mulligan K et al. (2014) The effect of heart failure nurse consultations on heart failure patients' illness beliefs, mood and quality of life over a six-month period.  Journal of Clinical Nursing 24: 256-265.


Petrie, KJ and Weinman J (2006) Why illness perceptions matter. Clinical Medicine,Vol 6 November/December.



Transteoretisk tiln?rming


Lerdal A. & Celius EH (2011) Trening p? resept. Kapittel 8: i basisboka L?ring og mestring av Lerdal & Fagermoen red.)


Person sentrert omsorg – motiverende intervju/guidet egenbeslutning

Zoffmann V, H?rnsten ?, Storb?kkend S, Graue M, Rasmussen B, Wahl A, Kirkevold M (2016). Translating person-centered care into practice: A comparative analysis of motivational interviewing, illness-integration support, and guided self-determination.Patient education and counseling 99 (3): 400- 407


Oversiktsartikler - pasientl?ring og mestring


Fryer CE, Luker JA, McDonnell MN, Hillier SL (2016) Selfmanagement programmes for quality of life in people with stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD010442. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010442.pub2.


Stenberg U, Haaland-?verby M., Fredriksen K., Westermann K. F., Kvisvik T (2016). A scoping review of the literature on benefits and challenges of participating in patient education programs aimed at promoting self-management for people living with chronic illness. Review Patient Education and Counseling. 99 (11): 1759-1771.

doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.07.027.


Plevinsky JM, Greenly RN, Fishman LN (2016) Self- management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: strategies, outcomes, and integration into clinical care. Review Clinical and experimental gastroenterology 23; 9: 259-67.doi: 10.2147/CEG.S106302


Anbefalt litteratur:

Haugan G?rill og Rannestad Torill (red) (2016): helsefremming i kommunehelsetjenesten. Oslo. Cappelen Dam


Haugan G?rill og Rannestad Torill (red) (2016): helsefremming i spesialisthelsetjenesten. Oslo. Cappelen Dam


Publisert 18. nov. 2016 09:27 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2016 09:27