
Published Jan. 16, 2009 4:10 PM

Dear students, Please check out this web page for more information about lecturing in the HISP course:

Please note that the date for the first lecture has changed! The first lecture will be given at Tuesday January 20th. It is compulsory.

Published Oct. 30, 2008 2:40 PM

Welcome to INTHE4115 - HISP! This is a partly web-based course. The introduction to this course on January 21st is compulsory. There will be lab-training in week 13 (23-27 March). In week 17 there will be compulsory group presentations. Course leaders: Jens Kosb?l and J?rn Braa. The electronical classroom Fronter is used for information and updates. Students will be given access to Fronter after signing up for this course in Studweb.