
Forelesningene er pensum. I tillegg gjelder f?lgende skriftlige pensum. Det vil p? forelesningene bli redegjordt for hvilken vekt studentene b?r legge p? de ulike delene av pensum. Kurset inkluderer en obligatorisk semesteroppgave med innleveringsfrist 8 April klokken 09.00 .


Folland, S. et al: The economics of health and health care, 2010. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. (Sixth Edition). Pearson. Kapitlene 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 og 13. .


Pedersen, N.K.: Eftersp?rgsel efter sunhed og sunhedsytelser - anvendelse af ?konomiske modeller p? sunhedsomr?det. , 1984. Institutt for Sunhed, Odense Universitet. I ?konomi og Politikk 1984.

Baumol, W. J.: Health care, education and the cost disease: A looming crisis for public choice, 1993. Public Choice 77. pp. 17-28.

Harris, J. E.: The internal organization of hospitals: some economic implications, 1977. Bell Journal of Economics 8 (2). pp. 467-482.

Newhouse, J. P.: Medical care costs: how much welfare loss?, 1992. Journal of Economic Perspectives, volume 6, No. 3. pp. 3-21.

Iversen T. : ? prioritere kan v?re s? mangt, Oslo: Senter for helseadministrasjon, Universitetet i Oslo. I: Botten G og B?rdahl P (red). M?lrettet mangfold. Senter for helseadministrasjon ved 10 ?rs jubileet. Rapport 1996/2 s.49 -61.

Harvey S Rosen: Public Finance (Sixth Edition), 2002. McGraw Hill Irwin - Chaptet 11: Cost-Benefit Analysis (pp. 220-247).

Hal R Varian: Intermediate Microeconomics - A Modern Approach (Sixth Edition), 2003. W. W. Norton & Company. Kapittel 9 (Buying and Selling), Kapittel 12 (Uncertainty) og Kaptittel 19 (Profit Maximization).

Zweifel, P. and F. Breyer: Health Economics, 1997. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Kapittel 2: Economic Valuation of Life and Health.

Per-Olov Johansson: An Introduction to Modern Welfare Economics, 1991. Cambridge University Press. Kapittel 3 (22-39).


OECD: Towards high-performing health systems. 2004

Supplerende litteratur

Stieglitz J:K. and C.E. Weiss, Principles of microeconomics. Third edition (2002), W.W. Norton & Company, New York.

Publisert 24. okt. 2012 12:29 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2012 16:17