Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
24.08.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Thursday 09:15 -12:00? Introduction and aims. Health care systems. What are the characteristics of life? Cells and tissues? Readings: Health systems around the world (Routledge 2002)- Handout

Note: Thursday?

01.09.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Measuring health and disease. Epidemiology. Determinants of Health. Driving forces behind supply and demand for health services? Readings: Seale et al. (OU Press 2001) & Steiner:PDQ Epidemiology- Handouts?
07.09.2006Ivar S. Kristiansen? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Thursday 09:15 -12:00? Epidemiology? Note: Thursday?
15.09.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Diagnostic methods, disease prevention and health promotion. Visit to an operating room ? Hunink ch.5- Handout?
22.09.2006Hanne Thürmer ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Primary Health Care System. Prehospital care. Emergency systems ? Handout and discussion- not text book ?
29.09.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen ? Seminarrom 4 Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 10:15 -13:00? Reproduction and genito-urinary system. Pregenancy and childbirth. Prostatic diseases? Merck Ch.122,123,124,127,128,130, 132,228,231,239,243,245

Note: 10.15-13.00?

06.10.2006Hanne Thürmer ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Cardiovascular system. Athresclerosis and its complications. Other cardiovascular disease.Cardiovascular services? Merck Ch.14,17,23,24,25,26,27?
13.10.2006Olaf G. Aasland? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00 ? Psychiatry? Handouts?
20.10.2006Ivar S. Kristiansen? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Cancer? Merck Ch.162-170?
27.10.2006Hanne Thürmer ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Gastrointestinal system. Ulcer and HP infections? Merck Ch.99,102-106,108-116?
03.11.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen. Guest: Dr. Hilde Berner Hammer, Diakonhjemmet Hospital ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Musculosceletal system. Rheumatic diseases ? Merck ch. 46,47,50,51 (only 5 first pages) ?
10.11.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen. Guest: ?istein L?voll? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Infections. HIV/Aids, SARS, infectious disease protection? Merck Ch.171,172,176,178,184, 186,187,189?
17.11.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen. Guest: Dr. Knut Stavem ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Respiratory system. COPD, Asthma,medical rehabilitation? Merck Ch. 31,32,34,35,37,41,45?
24.11.2006Hanne Thürmer ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? Endocrinologic system. Diabetes and obesity ? Merck Ch.133,140,143-148,232 ?
01.12.2006Ivar S.Kristiansen ? Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Harald Schjelderups hus, Friday 09:15 -12:00? For discussion. For repetition and refreshment? ?
Published June 20, 2006 4:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2006 12:02 PM