Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
21.01.2008Eline Aas? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, 09.15-14.00? Introduction. Overview of the methodologies; CBA vs CEA. Efficiency; markets and market failures ? The welfare economics of CBA. Opportunity costs of using scarce resources that have alternative use. Consumers are the best judges of own welfare – benefits expressed in WTP. The key difference between CBA and CEA

Readings; Drum.: Ch 2 D&O: Ch 2, 4.1 Stiglitz and Walsh?

25.01.2008Eline Aas? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 09:15 -14:00? Costs in economic evaluation. Private vs social costs ? Major cost components; health care and resources outside the health service.

Sloan: Ch 4 Drum: Ch 4 D&O: Ch 2, 4.1, 7.4 Garber and Phelps, JHE 1997 Johannesson and Meltzer, HE, 1998 Meltzer, JHE, 1997 Brower, Koopmanschap, JHE, 2000?

04.02.2008Eline Aas? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, 09.15-14.00? Time costs Production gains and losses Discounting? The estimation of lost productive time and leisure time. Biases in the estimation of production losses as a cost item, and production gains as a benefit item (subtracted in the estimation of ‘net costs’).The net present value; time preferences and discounting

Drum.: Ch 4, D&O: Ch 7.4,7.5 Koopmanschap, Rutten, Ineveld and Roijen Olsen JA, Richardson J. Soc Sci Med, 1999 ?

08.02.2008Jan Abel Olsen? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus, 09.15-14.00 ? CEA/CUA – valuing benefits/ outcomes in health terms. QALYs ? The QALY-algorithm. Descriptive systems for health states. Valuing health states (SG, TTO, VAS). Discounting future health gains. QALYs vs DALYs. Key methodological problems in eliciting preferences for health.

Drum.: Ch 5,6, D&O: Ch 7.3 Lloyd AJ HE 2003. ?

11.02.2008Jan Abel Olsen? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, 09:15 -14:00? CBA – valuing benefits/outcomes in money terms; WTP.? Designing a WTP-survey of health: how should who be asked to value what? Empirical evidence re methodological problems. Normative issues: WTP depends on income, individual vs social value.

Drum.: Ch 7 D&O: Ch 7.2 Olsen JA, Donaldson C, Pereira J., Journal of Economic Psychology, 2004?

18.02.2008Ivar S. Kristiansen? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, 09:15 -14:00? Applied CEA. Translating end-points used in clinical trials to CEA/CUA type units ? Translate medical information into data used in decision analysis


Drummond chapters 5+6+8

Hunink Ch. 1-4 & 8+9?

22.02.2008Ivar S. Kristiansen? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 08:15 -12:00? Modelling. From risk-reductions to increased life-time and/or improved health status? Translate medical information into a decision tree and apply the information to the tree. A basic understanding of Markov models


Drummond chapter 9

Hunink chapter 9-11

Two papers by Kristiansen and Gyrd-Hansen (2004, 2006)?

29.02.2008Ivar S. Kristiansen? Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups hus, 09:15 -14:00? Modelling II: computer exercise? Use skills from the previous two sessions and translate into a computer programme.


Same as two previous sessions + Treeage Manual ch 1+2+5?

03.03.2008Eline Aas? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, 09.15-14.00? ICER, Sensitivity analyses, deterministic and probabilistic.? Understand the meaning of ICER (advantages and limitations). The need for sensitivity analysis, why and how. Have knowledge about: one- and two-ways sensitivity analysis; the bootstrap method, tornado diagram; and probabilistic sensitivity analysis.


Drum.: Ch 8

Notes from lecture?

10.03.2008Jan Abel Olsen? Seminarrom 6, Harald Schjeldrups Hus, 09.15-14.00? Efficiency vs equity; fair distributions. The application of CEA and CBA in health policy; guidelines. ? Trade-offs between max health and equality in health. Equality in different health streams: the importance of severity and age. What makes some inequalities fair, the degree and the reasons.

Health economics guidelines in some countries.


D&O: Ch 3, 4.6, 8

Dolan P, Olsen JA. Equity in health: the importance of different health streams, Journal of Health Economics, 2001; 20: 823-834


28.03.2008? To be announced? Written Exam? Written Exam?
Published Dec. 20, 2007 11:43 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2008 4:48 PM