Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.08.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 3 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Introduction, Descriptive statistics? Newbold ch. 1,2,3


27.08.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Probability theory? Newbold, ch. 4, 5 Handout of first compulsory exercise?
28.08.2008Milada Sm?stuen? PC-room, Underetasjen Domus Medica 12:15-15:00? Descriptive statistics ? Introduction to SPSS. Help with first compulsory exercise


03.09.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Probability theory? Newbold, ch. 5, 6 Handin of first compulsory exercise ?
04.09.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00? Probability theory ? Exercises: 3.43 (a,b), 4.18, 4.72, 4.100 and 4.106 Extra: 4.94 and 4.113?
10.09.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Sampling and estimation? Newbold, ch. 7, 8 ?
11.09.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00? Probability theory? Exercises: 5.68, 5.98, 6.7, 6.15, 6.24 Extra: 6.48, 6.78?
17.09.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Sampling and estimation? Newbold, ch. 9, 10, 11 ?
18.09.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room Uetg. Domus Medica, 12:15-15.00? Sampling and estimation ? Computer exercises handed out in the pc-room?
24.09.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Simple regression? Newbold, ch. 12 ?
25.09.2008Milada Sm?stuen? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00? Simple regression ? Exercises: 12.6, 12.20, 12.33, 12.38, 12.74, 13.8?
01.10.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Multiple regression? Newbold, ch. 13


02.10.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room Uetg Domus Medica, 12:15-15.00 ? Multiple regression ? Computer exercises, Newbold 12.69, 12.77, 13.105 a. Data can be read from the textbook CD.?
08.10.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? More on regression? Newbold, ch. 14 ?
09.10.2008Milada Sm?stuen? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00 ? Regression and problem solving? Exercises: 13.6, 13.19, 13.27, 13.35, 14.11, 14.36?
15.10.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Nonparametric statistics and goodness-of-fit? Newbold, ch. 15, 16 ?
16.10.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? PC-room Uetg. Domus Medica, 12:15-15.00 ? Nonparametric statistics and goodness-of-fit ? Exercises: A problem handed out at the PC-room, then 15.2, 15.14, 16.42, 16.43?
22.10.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Analysis of variance? Newbold, ch. 17 Handout of second compulsory exercise


23.10.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00 ? Analysis of variance ? Exercises: 17.11, 17.14, 17.25, 17.33, 17.35, 17.50. Extra: 17.59 and 17.60?
29.10.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Study design and sampling? Newbold, ch. 20 + extra material ?
30.10.2008Milada Sm?stuen? PC-room Uetg. Domus Medica, 12:15-15.00? Everything? Help with second compulsory exercise. ?
05.11.2008Tron Anders Moger? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Various topics? Newbold, parts of ch. 19, 20 + extra material Handin of second compulsory exercise Handout of trial exam?
06.11.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00? Everything? Review of second compulsory exercise. Exercise 20.3, 20.7 ?
13.11.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15:00? Everything? Review of trial exam?
17.11.2008Tron Anders Moger ? Seminarrom 4 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Statistical decision theory. Bayesian theory. Review? Newbold, ch. 21 Deadline for handin of trial exam?
19.11.2008Tron Anders Moger ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 10.15-12.00? Everything? Review, exam help?
20.11.2008Milada Sm?stuen ? Seminarrom 1 Harald Schjelderups hus 12.15-15.00 ? Everything ? Review, exam help?
Published July 31, 2008 11:18 AM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2008 4:25 PM