
Published June 8, 2017 2:35 PM

For two of the seminar groups the seminars will be held in meeting rooms most of the time. The schedule system used can not show the location of Meeting rooms.

Seminar Group 3 have the first seminar in seminarrom 5 (week 35) and the rest in meeting room HELED, third floor Harald Schelderups hus (HSH) (week 36-39).

Seminar Group 4 will have the seminars in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 2B, in the meeting room on the second floor (week 35-39). That is located on the other side of the road  from HSH.

Published May 29, 2017 3:29 PM

You can find the syllabus in the semester page for spring 2017, since the course is run over two semesters.