
Komparativ helsepolitikk:

Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): “Comparative Health Policy: An Introduction.” Chapter 1 in Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): Comparative Health Policy, 3rd edition. New York: Palgrave McMillan. (30 sider)


Marmor T. and C. Wendt (2012): “Conceptual frameworks for comparing healthcare politics and policy.” Health Policy 107: 11-20 (9 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “What is a health system?” Chapter 1 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (16 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “Health Systems and Institutions.”  Chapter 2 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (24 sider)


Toth F. (2010): Healthcare policies over the last 20 years: reforms and counter-reforms. Health Policy 95: 82-89 (7sider)


Om USA (forel?pig – mer kommer):


Mark A Hall and Richard Lord (2014): Obamacare: what the Affordable Care Act means for patients and physicians. BMJ 2014;349:g5376


Timothy S. Jost (2014): Implementing Health Reform: Four Years Later. Health Affairs, 33, no.1 (2014):7-10


Ezra Golberstein, Gilbert Gonzales, and Benjamin D. Sommers. 2015. California’s Early ACA Expansion Increased Coverage And Reduced Out-Of-Pocket Spending For The State’s Low-Income Population. Health Aff October 2015 34:101688-1694.


Terry Shih, et al. 2015. Will Bundled Payments Change Health Care? Examining the Evidence Thus Far in Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015;131:2151-2158.


Kaiser Permanante:

Anne Fr?lich, Michaela L Schi?tz et al. (2008): A retrospective analysis of health systems in Denmark and Kaiser Permanente. BMC Health Services Research 2008, 8:252


Chris Ham, Nick York, Steve Sutch, Rob Shaw  (2003): Hospital bed utilisation in the NHS, Kaiser Permanente, and the US Medicare programme: analysis of routine data. BMJ vol 327



Publisert 10. nov. 2015 10:07 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2015 14:18