
Totalt: 399 siders pensum


Komparativ helsepolitikk:

Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): “Comparative Health Policy: An Introduction.” Chapter 1 in Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): Comparative Health Policy, 3rd edition. New York: Palgrave McMillan. (30 sider)


Marmor T. and C. Wendt (2012): “Conceptual frameworks for comparing healthcare politics and policy.” Health Policy 107: 11-20 (9 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “What is a health system?” Chapter 1 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (16 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “Health Systems and Institutions.”  Chapter 2 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (24 sider)


Toth F. (2010): Healthcare policies over the last 20 years: reforms and counter-reforms. Health Policy 95: 82-89

EU og E?S:

Greer, S., T. Hervey, J.P. Mackenbach and M. McKee (2013): “Health law and policy in the European Union”. The Lancet 381(9872): 1135-44. (9 sider)


Greer, S.L. (2013): “Avoiding another directive: the unstable politics of European Union cross-border health care law”. Health Economics and Law 8(4):415-21. (6 sider)


Forskrift til st?nad om st?nad til helsetjenester mottatt i et annet E?S-land (siste endring 01.01.15). Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.


Mossialos, E.; G. Permanand; R. Baeten; T.K. Hervey (2010): “Health Systems Governance in Europe: The role of European Union Law and Policy.” Chapter 1 in Mossialos, E. et al. (eds) (2010): Health Systems Governance in Europe: The role of European Union Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available online at: (83 sider)

Om UK:

Black, N (2015): To do the service no harm: the dangers of quality assessment. J Health Serv Res Policy. (2 sider)


Cookson, R. (2015): Justice and the NICE approach. J Med Ethics 41: 99-102. (3 sider)


Cousins, M. (2007): “Patient Mobility and National Health Systems”. Legal Issues of Economic Integration 34(2): 183–193. (10 sider)


Greaves F. and L. Donaldson (2013): Measles in the UK: a test of public health competency in a crisis.  BMJ 2013; 346:f2793 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2793 sider)


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NHS: NHS constitution.


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Randsborg, PH (2013): Omfattende helsereform i Storbritannia.  Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 4; 133: 388-89 sider)


Steinbrook, R (2008). Saying NO Isn’t NICE – The Travails of Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. N Engl J Med 359; 19: 1977-1981 (4 sider)


Yin, R.K. (2014): “Getting started”. Chapter 1 in Yin, R.K. (2014): Case Study Research. Design and Methods. 5th edition. London: Sage Publications. (22 sider)


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Publisert 21. nov. 2014 11:15 - Sist endret 20. mars 2015 09:12