Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
20.01.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Policy processes and public/health policy making: descriptive and normative approaches. Health system building blocks. ? 2 + 1 lectures?
27.01.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim og Eli Feiring? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Introduction to evidence informed health policy (EIHP): history and concepts. A political science perspective on evidence informed health policy.? 2 + 1 lectures and introduction to policy scenarios (cases) – assigning student groups of 2-3 students


03.02.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Clarifying policy problem: identifying knowledge needs, finding and assessing evidence, preparing problem memo (priority issue?, stakeholder views, selling or informing?)? 3 lectures and introducing part 1 of case study (policy problem memo)?
10.02.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Case presentations: policy problem memo/note.? Seminar with student presentations and discussion?
03.03.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Knowledge needs for policy options: identifying options, effectiveness of options, implementation issues. Identifying, classifying and describing relevant policy options: approaches and techniques (mapping/scoping review, expert brainstorming), policy options memo/note. ? 2 + 1 lecture and introducing part 2 of case study (policy options memo)?
10.03.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Case presentations: policy options memo/note.? Seminar with student presentations and discussion?
17.03.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Assessing effectiveness of policy options: evaluation designs, systematic reviews of evaluations.? 3 lectures?
24.03.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Finding systematic reviews and assessing on effectiveness of policy options (validity and applicability). Implementing policy options and evaluation and monitoring.? 2 + 1 lectures and introducing part 3 of case study (Finding and assessing systematic review(s) of most relevant policy option(s))?
07.04.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Case presentations: Finding and assessing systematic review(s) of most relevant policy option(s).? Seminar with student presentations and discussion?
14.04.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Engaging stakeholders and informing decisions: policy briefs, policy dialogues, engaging the public.? 3 lectures?
05.05.2011John-Arne R?ttingen, Atle Fretheim, Ivar S. Kristiansen? 9.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus? Critique of the evidence informed policy paradigm. Evaluation of the concepts and approaches and based on experiences from case studies. Evidence informed policy and evidence based medicine: Some critical questions.? 1 + 1 lectures + debate (with other faculty members ??)?
12.05.2011By Thu 12.05.2011? Fronter before 12am.? ? Hand in Case study papers = full policy briefs ?
26.05.2011? 9:00-17:00? ? Oral exam (open public exam): Case presentation (full policy brief)?
27.05.2011? 09.00-15.00? ? Oral exam (open public exam): Case presentation (full policy brief)?
Published Dec. 17, 2010 1:41 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2011 5:23 PM