HME4202 – Structure, organization and financing of health care systems

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Learning outcome

Nations have adopted different approaches to meet the health care needs of their citizens. This course provides an overview of the evolution, structure and current issues in health care systems, including health care systems known as Bismarck and Beverage models. The course examines three broad relationships of health care systems: The relationship between the citizen and the purchaser (usually a state or an insurance company), the relationship between the purchaser and the providers (usually hospitals, primary doctors and long-term care institutions), and the relationship between providers and the patient/citizen. Starting with a discussion of the micro fundaments for providers’ actions, we analyze the organizational and financial relationships between these three actors.


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Formal prerequisite knowledge

No formal requirements, but students are recommended to have taken introductory courses in statistics, economics and political science/organization theory.


Grades will be based on class presentations and discussions (20%), a term paper (20%) and a final exam (50%).

Facts about this course


Will not be offered in 2007


Will not be offered in 2007

Teaching language