- Hagen, T.P., D.P. McArthur og T. Tjerbo. 2013. Kommunal finansiering av utskrivningsklare pasienter. Erfaringer fra f?rste ?ret. HERO Working paper 2013: 5. Oslo: Institutt for helse og samfunn, Universitetet i Oslo
- H?kkinen U, Iversen T, Peltola M, Sepp?l? T, Malmivaara A, Belicza E, Fattore G, Numerato D, Heijink R, Medin E, Rehnberg C. Health care performance comparison using a disease-based approach: The EuroHOPE project. Health Policy, Volume 112, Issues 1-2, September 2013, Pages 100-109.
- The EuroHOPE study group (2014): "Summary of the findings from the EuroHOPE project". Handout.
The reading list will adjusted as more publications from the Norwegian Coordination reforms becomes available.