Course content

You will participate in the daily work at an internship institution for 21 days, normally three days a week for seven weeks, without pay. It is?emphasised?that the internship, as a university course, is a learning opportunity. Interns are not to replace the ordinary staff. The internship institution may be a governmental institution, a hospital, an NGO or other health related businesses or organisations.

Supervised practical training:

  • Deliberation
  • Executive work
  • Planning
  • Implementation

For more information please see:

Learning outcome

You will learn to use the theoretical knowledge acquired in the master’s degree. First and foremost, the course offers the possibility of "learning by doing". You will also acquire new knowledge through reflexive assessment of your own work. You should reflect on how the disciplines, theory, and methods are relevant for the tasks you carry out, and what you observe in the working place.

Admission to the course

The course is only offered to students in the second and third semester (at least completed 30 ETCS) of the two master programs; Health Economics, Policy and Management (master's two years) and European Master in Health Economics and Management (master's two years).

Admission to the course is based on the available number of internship positions each semester. A list of available internships will be presented to the students in reasonable time before the course starts.

The students will send their applications (CV and a short cover letter) directly to the institutions they are interested in doing a placement with, and the host institutions will in turn be responsible for the selection. The host institution may demand an interview with the student in advance of an agreement, to ensure that the student fulfils the institution’s requirements and attitudes towards the tasks they offer. If the student does not fulfil these requirements, the institution has the right to refuse to accept the student.

The department will emphasize to invite host institutions that can accept English speaking students. However, the internships are by and large available in Norwegian institutions with possible requirements to language skills. Only institutions who agree to receive English speaking students will do so. The department can therefore not guarantee enough internship positions for international students.

It is also possible for the students to arrange for an internship by themselves. Due to a limited number of placements organized by various institutions at the invitation of the department, the students are encouraged to search for internship positions independently. In such cases, the student is advised to inform the course instructor in advance, so that the institution and the nature of the planned work is approved and formal contact between the course instructor and the institution can be established.

Irrespective of whether you conduct an internship organized through the course or organize a placement yourself, notify the course instructor once you are accepted/offered an internship. The course instructor will then draw up a contract to be signed by all parties, which is necessary for the internship to be recognized as part of the course.

For more information please see:

Internship in Health management and Health economics

Internship i helseledelse og helse?konomi

Overlapping courses


Internship work in institutions.


An individual oral presentation.

Examination and grading at The Faculty of Medicine.

Language of examination


Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

For Eu-HEM students:

An EU-hem student cannot present her or himself for the examination in a course more than two times. There will be held re-sits for EU-hem students who have failed an exam or who have legitimate absence (usually illness) in January and August. If you are entitled to a re-sit you must contact the student advisor via email no longer than one week after the result of the exam has been published.

Students that fail the oral presentation, may re-present it within one week. Failure to attend would result in fail and a wait for completion until next semester.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Oct. 5, 2024 11:13:36 PM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language