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Anbefalt litteratur

Monkerud, L og T Tjerbo (2016). ”The effects of the Norwegian Coordination reform on use of rehabilitation services: panel data analysis of service use”. BMC health Services Research. doi:

Godager, G. Hagen, T.P. og T. Iversen (2011): ?Omfang og sammensetning av omsorgstjenester i tre nordiske land?. HERO rapport 2001:2

Tjerbo, T. og T. P. Hagen: Deficits, Soft Budget constraints and Bail-outs: Budgeting after the Norwegian Hospital Reform, 2009. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol 32(3): 337-358.


Publisert 24. nov. 2016 15:02 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2017 10:54