Syllabus/achievement requirements


On the fundamentals of international law and global health governance institutions: World Trade Organization, World Health Organization and NGO’s/civil society

Malanczuk, Peter. 1997. Akehurst`s Modern Introduction to International Law.  London and New York: Routledge. Chapter 1: Introduction (pp.1-9) and chapter 14: Human Rights (pp.209-221). (21 p).AVAILABLE IN CANVAS

Gostin, LO. and D. Sridhar. 2014. Global Health and the Law”, New England Journal of Medicine. 370:1732-1740. (8 p). 

Fidler, D.P. 2002.  Global Health Governance. Overview of the Role of International Law in Protecting and Promoting Global Public Health. Discussion Paper No. 3, Centre on Global Change & Health Dept of Health & Development London School of Hygiene World Health Organization & Tropical Medicine. (54 p).

Hunt, P. and G. Backman. 2009. Health Systems and the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health. Pp. 40-59 in Clapham, A.; Robinson, M.; Mahon, C. and Jerbi, S. (eds.). 2009. Realizing the right to health. Swiss Human Rights Books: Rüffer & Rub. (23 p).

Ruger, J.P. 2008. Normative foundations of global health law. Georgetown Law Journal 96(2):423-43. (21 p).

Clift, C. 2013. The Role of the World Health Organization in the International System. Centre on Global Health Security Working Group Papers – Working Group on Governance - Paper 1. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs. (54 p).

Bloche, M.G. 2002. “WTO Deference to National Health Policy: Toward an Interpretive Principle”, Journal of International Economic Law 5(4): 825-848. (23 p). 


On the fundamentals of EU health governance and the relationship between international law/EU law and national health systems

Baeten, Rita. 2014. Cross-border patient mobility in the European Union: in search of benefits from the new legal framework. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 19(4): 195-197.

Greer, S., T. Hervey, J.P. Mackenbach and M. McKee. 2013. Health law and policy in the European Union, in: The Lancet Vol. 381, Issue 9872: 1135-44. (9 p).

Mossialos, E. et al. (eds). 2010. Health Systems Governance in Europe: The role of European Union Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1, 2, 11, 12, 14 and 15. (261 p).



Harold Hongju Koh, Global Tobacco Control as a Health and Human Rights Imperative, 57, Harv. Int'l L.J. 433(2016);

Sykes, A. 2002. TRIPs, Pharmaceuticals, Developing Countries, and the Doha “Solution.  Chicago Law & Economics, Olin Working Paper No. 140. (25 p).

Greer, S.L. 2013. Avoiding another directive: the unstable politics of European Union cross-border health care law, in Health Economics and Law, 8(4):415-21. (6 p).

Published June 3, 2019 2:11 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2019 1:40 PM