
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.09.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Introductory lecture: ”what is ICT in healthcare?”. Course overview, organization, practicalities.? Lecture

Berg (2004) Ch 1, Ch 2?

28.09.2011Miria Grisot ? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Seminar plan. Case of EPR status. Organizing group work.? Seminar

L?rum, Ellingsen and Faxvaag (2001)

EPJ Monitor (2008)?

03.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Socio-technical approach to health information and practices.? Lecture

Aanestad and Olaussen (2010)

Berg (2004) Ch3, Ch 4?

05.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? I.Work with case: work practices. II.Group work? Seminar

Ellingsen and Monteiro (2006)

Vikkelso (2005)?

10.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Norwegian Health care sector: national information infrastructure. DHIS case.? Lecture

Berg (2004) Ch7?

12.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? I.Work with case: strategic documents. II.Group work? Seminar

S@mspill documents?

17.10.2011Ivar Berge? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Challenges in creating a hospital information infrastructure.? Lecture

Berg (2004) Ch9?

19.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? I.Work with case: hospital infrastructure. II.Group work ? Seminar

Hanseth, Jacucci, Grisot, Aanestad (2006)?

24.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Logistic: basic concepts. Health care vs manufacturing. Computerized logistic systems.? Lecture

Vissers (1998) Vissers, Bertrand, De Vries (2001) Barach and Johnson (2006) H?kansson and Persson (2004).?

26.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? I.Work with case: Automated Medication System. II.Group work ? Seminar??
31.10.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Process view on patient care? Lecture

Berg (2004) Ch5, Ch8

Grisot (2011)?

02.11.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? I.Work with case: service platform. II.Group work ? Seminar

Grisot and Vassilakopoulou (2011)?

04.11.2011: hand in of group work report

DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
07.11.2011Espen Skorve? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? IS implementation and learning? Lecture

Skorve (2011)

Hanseth and Aanestad (2003)?

09.11.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Group presentations? Seminar

Group work reports?

14.11.2011Miria Grisot? 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus? Course summary? Lecture??

05.12.2011: Hand in of the final home exam

Publisert 24. mai 2011 17:13 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2011 12:32