
Reading list and lectures


1. Aims,  types of payment systems and characteristics of the health care market

Aims: Efficiency (dynamic, static), equity,  cost-control, predictability (for both parties, to enable planning), robustness (minimize consequences of error if mistakes are made), minimize process cost

Types: Prospective, retrospective, per capita vs. fee-for service vs. pay for performance. Mix

Special characteristics of the health market: Asymmetric information, uncertainty, non-repeated business

Two payment decision levels:

- Mainly private vs. public

- Type of regulation within each system



Zweifel, P., Breyer, F., & Kifmann, M. (2009). Health economics. Springer. Chapter 10 (payment Systems)

Ellis, R. P., & McGuire, T. G. (1990). Optimal payment systems for health services. Journal of health economics, 9(4), 375-396.

Chalkley, M., & Malcomson, J. M. (2000). Government purchasing of health services. Handbook of health economics, 1, 847-890.



2. Paying hospitals: Unintended and distortionary effects of payment systems in multitasking organizations


Eggleston, K. (2005). Multitasking and mixed systems for provider payment. Journal of Health Economics, 24(1), 211-223.

Sloan, F. A. (2000). Not-for-profit ownership and hospital behavior. Handbook of health economics, 1, 1141-1174.

Kaarboe, O., & Siciliani, L. (2011). Multi‐tasking, quality and pay for performance. Health economics, 20(2), 225-238.


3. Paying physicians: Fee-for-Service or Pay for performance?

- Advantages and disadvantages of _Retrospective reimbursement, fee-for-service, pay for performance

(Cream skimming, dumping, supplier induced demand etc)

Importance of intrinsic motivation

Distortionary effects of incentives



McGuire, T. G. (2000). Physician agency. Handbook of health economics, 1, 461-536.

McGuire (2011) Physician Agency and Payment for Primary Medical Care The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics

Godager, G., Iversen, T., & Ma, C. A. (2009). Service motives and profit incentives among physicians. International journal of health care finance and economics, 9(1), 39-57.


4. Paying for pharmaceuticals: Statically vs. Dynamically efficient payment systems

The conflict between static efficiency (marginal cost = price = 0) and dynamic efficiency (require price > 0!)

Different types of price regulation (reference pricing, trinnprissystemet, value basd prixing, prize competitions)



Morton, F. S., & Kyle, M. (2012). Markets for pharmaceutical products. (M. Pauly, T. Mcguire, & P. Barros)Handbook of Health Economics, 765-772.

Brekke, K. R., Holmas, T. H., & Straume, O. R. (2011). Reference pricing, competition, and pharmaceutical expenditures: Theory and evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Public Economics, 95(7), 624-638.


5. Paying for long term care: Why is there so little private long term care insurance?


Norton, E. C. (2000). Long-term care. Handbook of health economics, 1, 955-994.Yang, Z., Norton, E. C., &

Brown, J. R., & Finkelstein, A. (2007). Why is the market for long-term care insurance so small?. Journal of Public Economics, 91(10), 1967-1991.

Lakdawalla, D. N., & Philipson, T. (2002). The rise in old-age longevity and the market for long-term care. The American Economic Review, 92(1), 295-306.


6. Incentives in organizations


Gibbons, Robert (1998). “Incentives in Organizations.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 12: 115-32.

Chandra, A., Cutler, D., & Song, Z. (2012). Who ordered that? The economics of treatment choices in medical care. Handbook of health economics, 2, 397-432.

Published Dec. 3, 2013 10:47 AM