Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
04.09.2007Prasada Reddy & Tomas Hellstr?m? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Introduction to the course, What is innovation and innovation management?? Reading: Schilling chapter 1, distributed material

Introduction to MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Innovation?

06.09.2007Prasada Reddy? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Sources and models of innovation? Reading: Schilling chapter 2-3

Cases: Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble (HBS)?

11.09.2007Prasada Reddy? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Standards, timing and entry? Reading: Schilling chapter 4-5

Cases: Zoll Medical Corp (A) (HBS)


13.09.2007Prasada Reddy? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Innovation strategy: Assessing your position and selecting projects? Reading: Schilling chapter 6-7

Cases: We've Got Rhythm! Medtronic Corp.'s Cardiac Pacemaker Business (HBS)?

18.09.2007Prasada Reddy? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Collaboration strategies and protection of innovation (IP)? Reading: Schilling chapter 8-9

Cases: Corning- A network of alliances (HBS)?

20.09.2007Prasada Reddy ? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Organization for innovation: Firm issues? Reading: Schilling chapter 10, Day & Shoemaker ch. 17

Cases: 3M's Organizational Culture (ICMR Case collection)?

25.09.2007Prasada Reddy ? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? New Product Development (NPD) processes and teams? Reading: Schilling chapter 11-12

Cases: Business teams at Rubbermaid (HBS)?

27.09.2007Prasada Reddy? 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken, M?terom 9? Diffusing innovations, wrap up of part I ? Reading: Schilling chapter 13

Case: Deployment in the video game industry (Schilling last chapter) + Schilling article?

09.10.2007Tronn ?. Skjerstad? TIK, 12.15-16.00? Introduction to strategy, Strategic position? Readings:?
16.10.2007Tronn ?. Skjerstad? TIK, 12.15-16.00? Evaluation of strategic alternatives. Rationality and criteria for choice? Reading:
  • Johnson & Scholes: kap 5-6 ”Strategic Choices”
  • Case eksempel: The Virgin Group (s. 333)
  • Christensen (2003): ”The Innovator’s dilemma”
  • Slides
23.10.2007Tronn ?. Skjerstad? TIK, 12.15-16.00? Entrepreurship as a "people management". Growth alternatives? Reading:
  • Johnson & Scholes: kap. 7
  • Case eksempel: Tesco (s. 380)
  • Dixit & Nalebuff (1993): ”Thinking Strategically”
  • Slides
30.10.2007Tronn ?. Skjerstad? TIK, 12.15-16.00? Innovation strategy at the ultimate test - mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Innovation management in established businesses and post M&A.? Reading:
  • Johnson & Scholes: kap 10-11
  • Case eksempel: Intel (s. 599)
  • Slides
13.11.2007Tomas Hellstr?m? E-mail: s.i.tofte@sfe.uio.no 12.00? Hand-in exam part 1+2? ?
06.09.2007? SFE room 9, 12.00-15.00? sit-down exam part 1+2? ?
Published June 20, 2007 2:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2007 11:15 AM